Topic: Demon | |
I love ghost stories
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Sorry been busy, but I'll be back soon to tell you more. I'm not scared. Love concurs all, always. Actually while I'm here....years back I worked in a hospital with a fantastic young girl who was a nurse. We worked a out of night shifts together. One night she came to work and told us, as there were a few of us having coffee, that she went and saw a psychic. The psychic told her, that the 7th of July that year is a very critical day for her, and if she survived it, she'd live a long life. Anyway, that they came and passed, we even celebrated her survival. In the following days she started acting a bit odd, and sort of buying each individual college a little gift to have from her, as in memory keeps. She even hunted down her half sister that she met for the first time, as she lived with her mother,and was the only child. Her parents separated when she was young. One month later on the 7 th of August, she died in a freak car accident. She and her boyfriend were at 1 am in the morning coming home from a near by town, it was a hot summer night, and a freaky storm unleashed its powers. Whilst on the road in a car, thunder strikes a tree that fell onto their car, literally crushing her, and the boyfriend was without a scratch. We buried her with in the week. It was very sad. She really was a genuinely nice girl with a great caring soul. After the funeral I took some time off work. In the second week I had the weirdest dream. We were working night shift in an intensive care unit of the hospital, and she walks in dressed in her white uniform. I said to her: you can't be here you died. She, in my dream replied to me, that she knew that, but so she wouldn't scare me she came dressed like that, and since I was her good friend if I could do her a favour. She said to me that her mother is really in financial despair, and that the payroll office still has to pay out 250 dollars worth travelling expenses. If I could get that money of them and give it to her mother. I woke up that morning puzzled about the dream. I headed out to town to pay some bills and bumped into a college, another nurse who just finished for the day. I told her about my dream, as she was also a friend. Her jaw dropped, and she told me that just before she left work, she overheard the charge nurse talking to payroll, as payroll needed to pay out 250 dollars. I went to work and said that I will take it to my late deceased friends mother. And so I did. I never dreamt of her after that. Winter came, and one of the girls went to visit the poor grieving mother. The mother told my friend that her daughter had visited her last night. She proceeded explaining that she heard footsteps in her bedroom, which she left untouched since the funeral. When she entered the room, and it was a very cold winter with deep snow, she said she saw a beautiful big butterfly flying in the bedroom, and then landed on her photo, hanging on the wall. The mother closed the door. She went back a bit later to check on the butterfly, but it disappeared into thin air, no where to be found. The mother said, that was her daughter giving her a sign. Cheers everyone ![]() ![]() ![]() wowww!!! cant wait to read your new posts!! |
My brother in law past away 4 weeks ago. My niece went to her fathers funeral, leaving her two and a half year daughter in the care of her mother ( my sister). My niece travelled with her brother my nephew to Europe to attend the funeral. Two weeks before there return back to Australia, my niece asked her mother to take a few photos of the little one - the 2 and a half year old, and send it to her via mobile phone. My sister took the photos and sent them off. As we were looking at the photos, we noticed in the background was my nieces car parked in front of the house, but there was someone sitting in the car looking at the little girl. When we enlarged the photo, it was the apparition of my brother in law, clearly looking at his granddaughter. We were in shock and disbelief. My niece and nephew also saw it in the photo. It was obvious to all of us that after the funeral, he came to see his granddaughter in the form of a spirit.
you might want to learn a few protection prayers, Demon's are nothing you want to play with.
I know a few protection prayers that I use. Sometimes I will even play church prayers and chants loudly whilst burning sandalwood and frankincense or safe. It helps. But I worry about the sceptical people who think that demons can be played with. Especially in a recent post on incubus and succubus, one guy wishes to meet it as they never experiences one. These forces are real and around us. Next time I log on I'll tell you a true story of what happened to me around six years ago. I had many experiences. I'm an indigo who works with white light. I give and bring positive energy. They (demons) hate me, but are drawn to me like moths to a light. And even if I don't see them, I sense their presence in people around me, who might be oblivious to the fact.
I went to bed one night. I was feeling great. Lived by myself in this old house I mentioned in one of my previous posts. I remember reading a light book before I decided to turn my lamp of. My cat Charlie was lying on the edge of my bed. Around 2 in the morning I was awoken by hearing noises in my living room, some chattering and footsteps. I turned the lamp on and went to investigate, but found nothing visible. I left my lamp on as I went back to bed. Just as I comfortably positioned myself I felt that somebody sat on my bed. I could feel that weight as I sunk into the bed a bit. I looked and saw a tall blonde man sitting at the edge of my bed just staring at me. He looked unusual, very tall with piercing eyes hazelish in colour. He spoke to me, what I perceived as telepathically, saying not to be afraid. I shouted at him as I was scared, asking him how did he get in my house, my room, and I was asking him to leave. He told me that he wanted to have sex with me, as that is what I wanted. Then he appeared right next to me naked, lying beside me. He wanted me to take my clothes of ( t shirt and undies). As much as I struggled not to undress, he overpowered me with his thoughts, and I unvoluntarily took everything of. He turned on to his stomached, and told me to hop on top of him and to sexually penetrate him. I was fighting not to, trying with every inch of my body to resist his commands. It was like I had absolutely no control, and he was in charge of me. It was very powerful what ever this person, this thing had with his mind. I felt myself going into him. At one point I managed to break free, and managed to jump of the bed. I started shouting at this man or demon to get the F... Out of my room, I started kicking him out, my full strength came back. He quietly walked out of my room, as I watched, he disappeared in thin air in my living room. I was in shock. Couldn't go back to sleep. I felt traumatised. Something had breached me, my being and body. Even though I am gay, I thought maybe a shape shifting alien. I don't know but it was wiered. As he or it was disappearing I heard the voice say: I will be back. That really freaked me out.