Topic: 10 Signs Your Guy Hates Shopping | |
Here Are 10 Signs That Your Guy Hates Going Shopping With You.
You catch him staring into the store's security cameras, waving his arms in the air and mouthing: "Help me!" In the last year of hitting the mall together, he's gained 20 pounds trying to self-medicate on cheese fries from the food court. He sleeps like a baby . . . in Victoria's Secret. The store's lounge area has turned into a therapy circle for men, with your Guy acting as moderator. You catch him shooting the breeze about baseball and trying to place an eighth-inning bet . . . with a mannequin. On trips to the shopping outlets,he routinely grabs the arms of little boys and shouts " run for your life, child, before it's too late" When you suggest he bring a magazine to read to pass the time, he lugs an entire year's worth of back issues. The saleswoman at the cosmetics counter has complained that your man is a little to fond of "smelling" the nail polish testers. He starts shoplifting in an attempt to "spice things up" You hand him a pair of khakis you think might look good on him, and he absentmindedly fashions then into a noose. |
2 true |
#11 (should be#1) You hear him muttering" Free at last! Free at last!", as leaving the mall!