Topic: Debating the Bible pt.....1000000056 | |
I like what you point out Elijay, but you can use S&G as an example of homosexuality as a sin. It's pointed out in the scripture. Of all sins they committed (and they committed many. They were found to be a horrible people by god) Homosexuality was pointed out. When the angels visited Lot, late at night, the men gathered at Lot's door and demanded that he bring his guests out so that they could have them. (have sex with them is what they meant.) they knew these angels were in male form and they wanted them. However, you'll also have to use some other scripture to bring out the fact that homosexuality is a sin. Such a scripture would be Romans: 3.
God did creat Adam and Adam. Adam named Eve.
Kat |
brian1 = I suggest reading my replies. The only suggestion to homosexuality in the S&G story, is in a bad translation of the original texts.
It's just not there brother! |
Hi Kat - look at us still awake! Happy night time to you.
Here is the book :
Genesis 5:1-2 - "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man , in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." Hi Di. How the heck are you this fine night? I am just hanging. Kat |
I'm just chillin. Doing what I enjoy, talkin and reasearchin.
If I could just find a way to make a living doing this! |
By the way Kat:
"Genesis 5:1-2 - "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man , in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." That's the reference I was looking for earlier. Why do men have nipples? Why do both men and women have progesterone and estrogen? mm - sounds like the separation of a hermephrodite to me! |
And women have itty bitty And some men do too.Okay penis's Well, we do, don't we? Anyway, it is true, men have them and women have them kinda hidden.
Kat |
Kat, you are so amusing. But imagine that 'I' didn't even think to mention your last addition. whew - what will focus will do to the mind.
No offence to anyone who is a jew or christian If you are a believer of that faith and it works for you I am happy for you.I am pagan ( pre christianty ) I dont' believe in evil nor is it a part of my life. I believe in the laws and nature and through knowlege we can find faith and power within our self. Now if the Koran ( muslim ) and bible ( juddism )( the worship of a jew ) was never written then there wouldnt be good american men and woman dieng right now oversee's in this so called holy war for gods land and chosen people.
Funny - Ferel started this thread and then abandoned it. I guess she had her say and THAT IS THAT!
I don't blame her really, after all, the questions do get tough sometimes. Especially if you have reasearch outside the Bible. |
I rely on you for that Reddy.
Kat |
I love that picture you have Kat. Cracks me up.
As fior lot and that reading of the bible. Read it again. Your interpretation isn't right. They were not there to have the men in that way.
Kat |
oops...that was for brian.
Kat Red...I am in a mood. I like having fun with my pics. Kat |