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Topic: Man, It's dead
Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:22 PM
hardy har har!!! D be nice. lol

snacky's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:22 PM

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:23 PM
Chukee? should we draw and querter th foul beast?

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:24 PM
looks like yon DRAGON to my wondering eyes..

DOOwaSah's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:27 PM
U can always tell when a phony is amist...........steroids in a atavar

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:27 PM
Yes please and divorced 1 time. What a wacko. Ya know, if I were ever
told, hey don't call me, or I don't wanna see you anymore or any kind of
rejection, thats it. I would move on, leave well enough alone. But
this, this is just nuts. Ram, BUG OFF MAN, BE GONE WITH YOU FLEA!! lol,
I won't write to ya, don't find you attractive, wouldn't have a drink
with ya, NUTTIN!!! Please, take your rejection and go, it saddens me to
continue to hurt your feelings. lol. (well, hell, it sounded good, I
really could care less bout his feelings lol)

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:29 PM
im not a phony i just hide behind a mask because im a ugly fucking
asshole so haha mr funny man theres only room for one jester in here and
thats me!!!!!!!!!! lol j/k

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:29 PM
little stuck on ourselves are we? actually its nothing like that.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:30 PM
and as for this ongoing fkn sob story, i dont understand why a pimp that
has a woman so satisfied with his cybering shall we say..."abilities"
is getting uptight cuz the ladies he chats with end up with some real
weiners lol.

snacky's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:31 PM
lmao bad

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:32 PM
What? D, did you just attack me? did I read it wrong?

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:34 PM
you read it wrong wannabe blonde lmao i keep reading how ram has some
woman thats just tied in knots with his cyber lovin skills and then I
see you and lady both complaining cuz he actin a fool so i would like to
know how many women does one man need. Help a brotha out I GOT NON

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:36 PM
i hope she gets a a dick in each hole 3xdaily. really dont give a care
who or what she does. not gonna sit back and spill lies thats all.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:36 PM
and umm if i attacked you it wouldnt be a aggravated one tee hee. how
was that for a flirt eh? im new to it so any comments would be a big
help har har har

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:37 PM
Damn, all that aggression D made me want you!!!! mmmmmmmm, cum here
you!!!!!!!!!!! lol

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:37 PM
would so. and it was supposed to be ler her tell lies. i suck at typing.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:37 PM
i love you all, i cant bash you on this just stating what ive seen you
type in different threads so w/e. I think you should just be a nice lil
old man and say youre sorry

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:39 PM
gort nothing to be sorry for. just sittin here tryin to have some
laughs. shes the one with issues. guarantee... if anyone else was to
talk to me the way she does, they would get the same or worser. WORSER?

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:42 PM
ok lol here we go and if anyone wants to jump in and say "oh no bBad
youre wrong im a perfect person blah blah blah" feel free Ill add you to
the fake list. Everyone on here as some sort of fkn issue or they
wouldnt be sitting on here. So lets just get off the issue thing that
just sounds like a invitation to spill things talked about in emails not

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:42 PM
Hey D, so what did YOU do today? Break out a map to come visit me yet?
I will if you don't. Not for that!!!! It would be fun to throw a few
back and shoot some pool and just yap and yap till whenever. Wouldn't
you agree?

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