Topic: Treatment Of US Sailors Will Shock Nation | |
Just read it! And Obama that Weasel is keeping back the whole Report of it! Hope next time some Iranian Sailors are in difficulties,the US-Navy won't be handling them with Velvet-Gloves like they used to! And the biggest Travesty is that Horseface apologized! ![]() Hey now... John Kerry was the highest decorated American sailor serving north Vietnamese naval interests during the war. The biggest shame, is that Obonzo's mother didn't abort, when she had the chance. ![]() but, now our armed forces can be openly gay and use whichever bathroom they choose. wow. ![]() |
Speaking of Iran...kinda....Hillary tried to bash the NRA but thrashed Obama instead:
""Now the real answer to this is for gun-owners to form a different organization that supports the Second Amendment, supports their rights to own guns, use guns, go hunting, go target shooting, but stands against the absolutism of the NRA. You know, the NRA’s position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the communists. There’s no possible discussion. And it’s for political purposes."" Take that with the Venn diagram flub a cpl days ago....seen here: has to wonder if she's running for President, or Moron of the year ![]() |
Something really stinks about the story. One navigation system failed but both??? not likely (and the boats have more than one system anyway). One boat's engine failed but the other boat didn't have a mooring line to tow?? not likely. Both boats couldn't call for help from the US Navy or a passing marine vessel? not likely. They ran out of fuel?????? They were on a 300 mile trip and the boat is listed to have a 320 mile range???
This whole story has more holes than a piece of swiss cheese!!! |
| Congressman: Classified Details of Iran’s Treatment of U.S. Sailors Will Shock Nation ![]() Credit: Iranian state media May 16, 2016 The classified details behind Iran’s treatment of several U.S. sailors who were captured by the Islamic Republic during a tense standoff earlier this year are likely to shock the nation, according to one member of the House Armed Services Committee, who disclosed to the Washington Free Beacon that these details are currently being withheld by the Obama administration. Rep. Randy Forbes (R., Va.) told the Free Beacon in an interview that the Obama administration is still keeping details of the maritime incident under wraps. It could be a year or longer before the American public receives a full accounting of the incident, in which several U.S. sailors were abducted at gunpoint by the Iranian military. “I’ve had a full classified briefing” from military officials, Forbes told the Free Beacon. “It could be as long as a year before we actually get that released.” Details of the abduction are likely to start an uproar in the nation and call into question the Obama administration’s handling of the incident, which many experts say violated international and maritime law. “I think that when the details actually come out, most Americans are going to be kind of taken aback by the entire incident, both how Iran handled it and how we handled it,” Forbes disclosed. “I think that’s going to be huge cause for concern for most Americans. That’s why I’ve encouraged members of Congress to get that briefing so they do know exactly what did take place.” Forbes suggested that Iran’s treatment of the U.S. sailors—which included filming them crying and forcing them to apologize at gunpoint—may have been much worse than what has been publicly reported. “I think clearly there were violations of international and maritime law that took place here,” Forbes said. “We [the United States] did almost nothing in response, in fact, to have Secretary [of State John] Kerry actually thank them for releasing our sailors after they way they captured them, I think was a slap in the sailors’ face.” Forbes is pushing a new measure that would increase sanctions on Tehran for its treatment of the U.S. sailors in order to hold Iran accountable for its aggressive behavior. Forbes’ measure outlines a range of Iranian aggressions against U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf region. “Iranian military and paramilitary vessels have repeatedly behaved in a dangerous and unprofessional manner in close proximity to naval vessels and commercial shipping operating in internationally recognized maritime traffic lanes,” according to a copy of the measure viewed by the Free Beacon. The list of provocations includes a December 2015 incident in which Iran conducted a “live firing exercise within 1,500 yards of the U.S. aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman.” Iranian military aircraft buzzed the Truman and a French aircraft carrier in the region in January. “The administration will not stand up and say this is just wrong,” Forbes said. “Instead of thanking them the administration should be standing up and saying its wrong.” Congress must take action to hold Iran accountable for its aggressive military behavior, Forbes said. “These kind of actions undermine stability in the Gulf,” he said. “And they raise the danger of inadvertent escalation.” “I think it goes without saying that if that’s the case and they won’t stop that activity, all of that should at least be considered and debated as part of any Iran sanctions bill that may come up in the future.” * Embedded Links * Actually our military should stand up to Iran, not Congress. Iran couldn't give two $hits about what our Congress says. Besides the moment they attacked and captured our soldiers we could have brought NATO into it, that is an act of war. Look, the team had an engine faiure. The drifted into Iranian waters. They were captured. Video was taken. The were returned. What posses me off is that the commander of the boat was fired/decommissioned, for lack of confidence in his command. He was fired because his engines failed. I do blame our government. It doesn't matter. They took them into custody and held them at gun point, tortured them into giving confessions. All I say would qualify for us to respond with NATO. We have helped stranded Iranian craft in our waters, NOT help them at gun point, fed them ,got them medical checkups and got them back home. Look after what happened in 68, 78 in iran,,,, we shouldn't have ever been nice to these Rouge nations! I say if they wander into our water, we shave their beards, makem sing the star spangled banner. And read the bible. So this jazz about being mad actually pisses me off. These are our enimies. When we had the USSR, They tortured and killed our agents, we did the same to theirs. So why, have we become so,,,, kind?!?!?! Keep politicians out of our military! You left out force feeding them nothing but pork. |
Just read it! And Obama that Weasel is keeping back the whole Report of it! Hope next time some Iranian Sailors are in difficulties,the US-Navy won't be handling them with Velvet-Gloves like they used to! And the biggest Travesty is that Horseface apologized! ![]() Hey now... John Kerry was the highest decorated American sailor serving north Vietnamese naval interests during the war. The biggest shame, is that Obonzo's mother didn't abort, when she had the chance. ![]() Actually, I think it was stubbing a toe......... I remember a MASH episode that Kerry's Purple Heart controversy was mocked on when Major Burns got a Purple Heart for something like a Paper Cut and everyone was disgusted and they stole the Medal and gave it to a soldier who had been shot and almost died. |