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Topic: To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sov
uk1971's photo
Sun 05/15/16 09:47 AM


i see a problem though,
Mr. Trump may send her a bill for WWII.

pretty sure the UK paid off its WWII-Debt to the US!
Might be the only ones who did!


"Debts may have been paid off, but we were still losing lives to so called 'Friendly fire'incidents in Iraq and elsewhere could be construed as debts. So I think the debts owing tag are reversed and they can never be repaid.

hahaha, good try UK
that was the loan. what about 'cost of war'
less deductibles for Iraq

Cost for Titanic - Bill to Germany
Cost for saving China - 1 trillion
(the Chinese may forward it to the Japanese)

but i don't think there's a Portia who can save you from the Collector.

your jokes are like those pretty BA hostesses passing by...,
so the whistles.

And the cost of a human life?

NOTHING can put a price on that!!!

mightymoe's photo
Sun 05/15/16 10:32 AM
fact is, if the "queen" wants the US, all she has to do is come and take it...

we'll just send her home for the third time...

but since y'all are "muslim friendly" now, obarry might just give it back...ohwell

uk1971's photo
Mon 05/16/16 04:22 AM

fact is, if the "queen" wants the US, all she has to do is come and take it...

we'll just send her home for the third time...

but since y'all are "muslim friendly" now, obarry might just give it back...ohwell

1. If you read the original post you will see that it is 'Humour' orientated.

2. THIRD time?

3. What gave you the impression we are as you call it....'muslim friendly.


4. You still have not given a response to the 'Friendly Fire' incidents...

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 05/16/16 06:45 AM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Mon 05/16/16 03:51 PM

fact is, if the "queen" wants the US, all she has to do is come and take it...

we'll just send her home for the third time...

but since y'all are "muslim friendly" now, obarry might just give it back...ohwell

1. If you read the original post you will see that it is 'Humour' orientated.

2. THIRD time?

3. What gave you the impression we are as you call it....'muslim friendly.


4. You still have not given a response to the 'Friendly Fire' incidents...

Oh I'll take this one!

1. Yes, you had this in the humor section. Like all UK folks you make an insult and claim it is humor. Fact is we all know the British have NO sense of humor...

2. Sry, The revolutionary victory over England in 1776, was the only one. There was a war over the British comon practice of taking American Sailors off of American boats. Victory again for the Americans in the War of 1812.

3. Mayor of London? You guys are bending over for these primitive Muslims. Soon you'll be asking us to go "over there" to clean up your problem.

4. Friendly fire incidents. Don't know if your aware (probably not) but these incidents are caused by british comanders. Unlike American field comanders. The British like to command from the rear,,,, no I'm not going there, even though I could. From 30 miles behind the line they make their calls. Since the British don't want to use their own air power, they "borrow" strikes from US forces. Don't belive me, good you shouldn't. Check it out...


Story in the Guardian on how a British comanders called an Apache strike on his own men, by misreading digital video on his command station. He thought they were insurgents up against a mud wall. Instead his team got Hellfire missle dropped on these poor brits. So I have found more incidents like this. But as always the British refuse to accept responsibility for their own stupid actions. It just easier to blame it all on the Yanks!
Need we say more?
Xbox out!

isaac_dede's photo
Mon 05/16/16 06:57 AM

Reply to the Notice of Revocation of Independence

Dear Sirs:

We appreciate your effort to reclaim the territory of your ancestors. While some of us would like to think you should start with Northern Ireland, or even Bradford, the effort does not go unnoticed.

As a token, we will in fact allow the Queen to "resume" monarchical duties. I must admit that I am in the 98.85% that was unaware the Queen was alive in 1776, but in looking at her, am not surprised. But in any event, she may resume their duties, as they appear to involve, well, nothing. We would only ask that, as she ages, she keeps from stepping foot in our car parks.

As for Mr Blair, we accept your generosity and ask that he spend the first month of his "getting to know America tour" driving through rural Texas explaining the 400% increase in gas prices. I wouldn't bother taking any of the unarmed London policemen, or even Lennox Lewis, for that matter. You think the Queen doesn't fancy Utah. We appreciate that we shouldn't be expecting him soon as the mere presence of rain has interrupted service of both the tube and the Gatwick express.

Now, in specific response to your proposals:

1) With regards to language, I turn to our unbiased neighbors to the north (I respectively ask that you pronounce the combined "th" sound rather than lazily using an "f") for a dictionary, namely the Random House Canadian version. I find the word aluminum, taken from the latin alumina, pronounced ah-LOO-min-ah. Oh wait a minute, here, at the bottom of the lengthy definition of aluminum, "also aluminium, chiefly Britain." Strange parallel that. Sort of like a list of the countries in which English is spoken --

United States of America, 250+million inhabitants... also Britain. By the way, Britain includes Scotland, Sonny Jim -- we'll take the home rule option.

2) You are correct, there is no such thing as US English. It is merely English. Please continue to provide your version of it, as it provides us some comic relief for the 2.15% of us who have ever seen a television program produced in the UK. As for Microsoft, they've asked you to call back when your nation's GDP comes nearer to their yearly net earnings.

3) We have never had a need to distinguish the Aussie and British accents. Australian is the one spoken by the taller, more athletic amongst you. The shorter, fatter, paler chainsmokers of you speak British English. Oh, and the athletes who don't understand that the starting gun, rather than individual whim, begins the Olympic track and field events.

4) A noble thought, but I think we should start with smaller goals. Hollywood should begin casting English actors. How's that? I think Roberto Benigni spoke more English in acclaimed feature films in the past year or so than all British actors combined.

5) My country 'tis of thee.
Sweet land of liberty.
Of thee I sing.

Land where my fathers died.
Land of the pilgrims pride.
From every mountainside.
Let freedom ring.

It should be noted that I personally sang this version in an English pub LAST SATURDAY during a Remembrance Day celebration. Not a soul noticed the difference.

6) We invite David Beckham, Darren Anderton, Alan Shearer and all the rest to come on over and sample a version of our football. We'll give them twice the normal padding and, to help make things more even, we'll have the American team adopt a Swedish coach for the match.

As for rugby, we thoroughly enjoy the sport. I hazard to guess whether too many of them would survive a full season playing American football, but I'll tell you one thing -- their salaries would increase tenfold. But then that happens to any Englishman who moves to America. It's called work ethic.

7) No comment on the French. We kicked them out of our country approximately the same time as you. (ed. note: a few of us snuck back in)

8) Agreed. November 8 should be called Indecisive Day in England, as that was the day your Chancellor appeared to have written his speech giving in to the special interests and forsaking the environment. It should be noted that November 7 was the day of our election. We might also make a recommendation that England celebrate December 7 as the "Day it Was Decided We Wouldn't Be Speaking German."

9) You shouldn't be making love to English women. It is for your own good. We will show you American women and you will know what we mean.

10) Please tell us why:
a) public schools are called private schools
b) West Ham is in East London
c) you insist on pronouncing derby and clerk with an "a."

While you're at it -- tell me again what happened to your empire?

Thank you.

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 05/16/16 07:17 AM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Mon 05/16/16 03:52 PM
Yes yes, Issac, but if the OP wants to change the format it is his perogative. He brought in friendly fire. So let the owner make the call. Lol get over yourself!

JaiGi's photo
Mon 05/16/16 08:58 AM

9) You shouldn't be making love to English women. It is for your own good. We will show you American women and you will know what we mean.

calling for an exception here and it's not because of 'making love'

Britain has some of the world's loveliest women.
i don't know why but just shaking hands with them feels like a kiss.

may be it's my colonial hangover. rant

mightymoe's photo
Mon 05/16/16 09:15 AM

fact is, if the "queen" wants the US, all she has to do is come and take it...

we'll just send her home for the third time...

but since y'all are "muslim friendly" now, obarry might just give it back...ohwell

1. If you read the original post you will see that it is 'Humour' orientated.

2. THIRD time?

3. What gave you the impression we are as you call it....'muslim friendly.


4. You still have not given a response to the 'Friendly Fire' incidents...

friendly fire? just remember, when we say "duck", we're not talking about dinner...

probably just a language barrier, since y'all tend to have weird names for things...

yes, third time... or could it be fourth? ... 1776 and 1812...
do they not teach real history over there?

and now you have your nice muslim mayor now, so be sure and start looking for sharia laws and courts coming soon to a neighborhood near you ...

and, yes, i knew it was humor, and thats why i posted that as humor... may not have been the best humor ever, but none the less, it was an attempt...

i would drink a beer with you, but i absolutely hate warm beer, so i'll have to bring my own...

drinker smokin

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