Topic: chat
happychappy61's photo
Sun 05/08/16 09:09 AM
Anybody want decent chat and a laughhappy

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 05/08/16 06:55 PM
No thanks. I already have enough chat.

no photo
Mon 05/09/16 01:39 AM
The Chat feature is no longer active.

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mikey5360's photo
Mon 05/09/16 01:50 AM
Can I just laugh with out chatting...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 05/09/16 01:55 AM

Can I just laugh with out chatting...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Okay.. My turn :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

mikey5360's photo
Mon 05/09/16 01:57 AM

Can I just laugh with out chatting...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Okay.. My turn :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:banana: :banana: :banana:
rofl rofl rofl
This is so much more fun than chatting....rolling round the floor....
oopppsss... I think I just peed a little....slaphead :angel:

no photo
Mon 05/09/16 02:13 AM

Can I just laugh with out chatting...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Okay.. My turn :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:banana: :banana: :banana:
rofl rofl rofl
This is so much more fun than chatting....rolling round the floor....
oopppsss... I think I just peed a little....slaphead :angel:

toilet flush - sound effect: 00:08 embarassed

rofl rofl