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Topic: Last Person to Post Wins #7
markecephus's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:03 PM

lol Geo, should we start a new thread, or a new website ...

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:04 PM
I vote for the threadlaugh

markecephus's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:05 PM
well just a thought servers could go down lol

OIUWRH's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:05 PM

you say the sweetest darnest delightful things,
existentially speaking its really no that far.
for you i'd walk 500 miles and sing,
to see you in your bra

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:06 PM
ahhhhhhhh Ross

but to see me in my bra
you would have to be near me
because a pic of that
shall never appear on here

markecephus's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:07 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

OIUWRH's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:08 PM
well ther u go....i guess thats where the boundaries of good taste lie with tittilating ditties..ahem

who called the cops?

i win

just1me's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:09 PM
nicely said snuggles

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:10 PM
I have to promise not to show my bra
because if I did than I would have to reveal that I'm really an alien with 8 arms, 8 legs, 8 breasts and etc.......and you really don't want this site shut downlaugh laugh

OIUWRH's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:12 PM
---nup...lost me just after 8 br&*$ts...

ee gads you cant go writing that on here....

meanwhile marks just worked out all thotes bits and bobs add up to 24.....eh fella?

geo54's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:13 PM
ok 1 of my personal best was when i was in 1st grade in catholic school. i was one of those kids that never sat still.
1 day after disrupting the class constantly, the nun who was teaching had enough of me. so she put me in the coat room so she could teach the other kids. well with nothing else to do i started to try on all the coats of the other kids. boys and girls. after trying them on i just dropped them on the floor. in a nice neat pile of course. when i was done with that and still in the coat room, i decided to see what everyone brought in their lunches.bigsmile while looking, i would come across something i liked, so i just tasted some things. after going through all the lunches i just sat and waited for lunch time to come around. all i remember is girls screaming and boys laughing and then the nun came to investigate. one of my many trips to the principles office, and then when my mother came to school, those words that are all so clear. wait till i get you home. and theres more until about 6th gradebigsmile

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:13 PM
ok who told Ross that I detest math of any type...........................laugh laugh

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:14 PM
rut roh after 6th grade must not be allowed to be spoken outloud........laugh laugh

just1me's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:15 PM

markecephus's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:17 PM
lol Ross,

ok snugs, i might have accidently unknowingly divuged that information...ahem...totally beyond my control of course.


OIUWRH's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:18 PM
.....more, dont leavit hanging...what happened after 6th grade....

maths can be very interesting...

for instance....how many radians are there in a circle?
answer: Pi, and pi's are great, blueberry, cherry, moon

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:19 PM
ahhhhhhhh now to think up a suitable punishment for Marklaugh laugh

hmmmmmm maybe make him eat Geos cooking..........laugh laugh nah don't want him to be sick got to think up something........

Ladies any suggestions?

markecephus's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:24 PM

While you ponder that Snugs, here are some electrical equations.

E=IxR ...so...I=E/R....this means R=E/I


OIUWRH's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:25 PM
in the absence of any suggestions....

i win


Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:25 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think the man wants to be punished.....................laugh laugh

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