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Topic: What's your reason for being single?
sherry4382's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:06 PM
i wondered what hit me on the head...ouchhuh

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:07 PM
You're using a net? Hell I'm just using ummm hmmm ??

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:18 PM
yea I used to use bait before I got all old and fat now I have to use a net and try to catch them when they aint lookin my way

andreajayne's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:19 PM
I am single because I wanted to be, I got tired of the same old crap and left!

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:20 PM
I'll be glad when my job opens their fitness center so I can get totally ripped.... HA HA AH AH sad

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:20 PM
Holy hell there sure are alot of reasons for being single. indifferent

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:20 PM

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:21 PM
saweet there is somone with a bigger a$$ then mine!!

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:22 PM
If you only knew, I always wondered why they charged me for 2 seats on the plane

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:22 PM
rofl war

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:23 PM
Reason for being single? No career. Haven't adventured or done it all in life. Would like to find someone who has grown tired of going out to bars and ready to settle. But that all happens when it needs to happen. I am in no rush. If it never happens then I can accept that. It is all in God's hands anyways. Let His Will be my Desire.

sawes's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:27 PM
I am single because so many reasons
1, because I am not the guy who likes noisy and dark bars or night clubs to meet someone , they are good to go when you have got someone already or have fun with your friends
2.My lifestyle doesn't make it easy to meet new people ,office- house , house -office
3. I not courageous enough to approach some woman in a public places
4. Or just simply because I haven't meet some woman after my last relation
Or maybe as some friend think, because I am honest, sincere, educated and it seems now days women don't like this kind of men

vardlokkur's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:34 PM
I'm single because my ex left me for a guy she met online while I was at work everyday providing for her and our son. She didnt even want to try to save what we had...just ran away.

monkdog8888's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:40 PM
I'm single because I moved to a small town to see if the change would help my wife. It didn't. Now son is in high scholl. Town is about 8000 people. I is basically full of church going families.Not exactly a great place for a 56 year old man to meet a good woman or even a bad one. Everybodies married that is worth a crap. Plus I have a 75 mile a day commute. Get up at 4 in the morning . Work all day then have to come home and do all the rest of it. Just to tried. I need some good sex to jump start myself again. Thanks for the vent. bigsmile glasses drinker

TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:44 PM
1,600 miles

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:45 PM
:cry: brokenheart

vivalosdodgers's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:51 PM
because guys dont know how to stop lying and bull****ting. i know us girls do it to, but we wouldnt have to if they wouldnt start:tongue:

beachdog50's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:52 PM
my X made up my mind for me

creationsfire's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:57 PM
Never really been single most of my life. Went straight from momma to hubbies. Was being a mom, etc....I like living totally alone now. Never done it before, so I guess I choose to be celibate. And they say it is 100% effective in avoiding STD's......laugh

lily38's photo
Mon 10/29/07 11:38 PM
I am single now because I wasn't intelligent enough to stay single in my younger years.......grumble

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