Topic: Super Full Blood Moon,Total Eclipse & Asteroid TX68 | |
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Mon 03/07/16 04:28 AM
![]() 03:21 Freak supermoon, eclipse and asteroid on SAME DAY 'signal end of world' CONSPIRACY theorists are stocking up on food supplies amid fears the world could end in just TWO days when a total eclipse of the sun, super full moon and staggeringly close asteroid pass of earth are set to happen within 24 hours. By Jon Austin Sun, Mar 6, 2016 Some conspiracy theorists claim the three events in the same day are a warning. On March 8 asteroid TX 68, a 30-metre long lump of space rock, is due to whistle past Earth as close as 19,000 miles away. But doom mongers are not convinced it will miss us with fears we won't be able to see it because it will be obscured by the sun. The looming event has sent online doomsday predictors into a frenzy, particularly as NASA admits it is uncertain of the orbital path and has given estimates as close as 19,000 miles away to as far as 11 million miles. The US space agency has also changed the DAY of the pass with the initial date being given as yesterday, March 5. Now NASA says it will be on Tuesday, March 8. The uncertainty over the pass coupled with the fact some online doom mongers were predicting an asteroid would smash into earth in March 2016 several months ago, has fuelled the latest fears. Some self-styled internet prophets released videos several months ago warning an asteroid, or even a mythological rogue planet called Nibiru or Planet X, would strike Earth in March 2016, and could spell the end of the word. found several YouTube videos released six months or more ago, before there was any widespread talk of asteroid TX68's cosmic close shave. A NASA animation showing how the total eclipse will unfold OVERNIGHT 'will bring huge earth-destroying... End of the world? What Blood Moon prophets NOW say will happen... It must be noted that videos also appear to exist for a number of other months and appear to be update when one date comes and goes without incident. But if all this was not enough to pedal a doomsday prophecy, the conspiracists have been given more on a plate. March 8 will also see a total solar eclipse in some parts of the globe, and a massive super full moon - the first of 2016. In a video entitled 'Armageddon March 8th???', YouTube filmmaker Mike Morales questioned how NASA could say for sure it would not strike the planet, saying they didn't have the evidence to back it up either way. Speaking of the total eclipse and super moon, he said: "We also have asteroid 2013 TX68 coming the exact same day and what they are saying is we won't be able to see or track it with a telescope because it is coming from the sun's side. "This is a big heads up. is it Armageddon, who knows, but no mainstream news is warning us, NASA is not warning, so I am going to get ready like they are. Make sure you have got plenty of food supplies and water. "It could definitely come inside our satellite belt. This thing could take out our satellites and could our gravitation pull or the moon's gravitational pull move it in?" Paul Begley, a US Pastor who also broadcast fears about the asteroid PAULBEGLEY•YouTube Paul Begley, a US Pastor who also broadcast fears about the asteroid. ---------------- BABYLON ASTEROID CLUSTER 07:46 |
topics seem to attract my vision for some reason. heard of it last thursday. Been here thinking about it and wondering whether this just another one of nasa's tactics to put the public in panic or their up to something very strange.
topics seem to attract my vision for some reason. heard of it last thursday. Been here thinking about it and wondering whether this just another one of nasa's tactics to put the public in panic or their up to something very strange. I know NASA can not know or predict everything. I also know, even if they wanted to warn people it would be hushed or downplayed. (Panic in the streets & we can not be saved anyway) And..according to my last link, they have changed the figures 4 times as of yesterday. Maybe they are on a funding campaign, again ![]() I am curious & suspicious, but not panicked. I prefer the truth. But except I may not get it. I guess I will pray, order take-out & watch a movie tomorrow. |
topics seem to attract my vision for some reason. heard of it last thursday. Been here thinking about it and wondering whether this just another one of nasa's tactics to put the public in panic or their up to something very strange. I know NASA can not know or predict everything. I also know, even if they wanted to warn people it would be hushed or downplayed. (Panic in the streets & we can not be saved anyway) And..according to my last link, they have changed the figures 4 times as of yesterday. Maybe they are on a funding campaign, again ![]() I am curious & suspicious, but not panicked. I prefer the truth. But except I may not get it. I guess I will pray, order take-out & watch a movie tomorrow. it is strange how they say the can't predict the course of the meteorite, their math isn't that bad... |
Here's how to watch the spectacular total solar eclipse that's happening Tuesday Jessica Orwig solar eclipse@YamasaInstitute On Tuesday, the celestial event of the year will take place: a total eclipse of the sun, which happens when the Moon passes between Earth and the sun, blocking the sun from view. This is the only total solar eclipse we'll see this year, but sadly for the US, only people in certain parts of Southeast Asia will witness the total eclipse. Others in parts of Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and America Samoa will experience a partial solar eclipse, when the moon eclipses part of the sun. Though the rest of us cannot observe this spectacular event firsthand, NASA and the Slooh Community Observatory will be hosting live coverage of the eclipse. NASA's coverage begins at 8 p.m. ET on Tuesday, and Slooh's starts earlier in the evening at 6 p.m. ET. We've provided the live feeds for both at the end of this post. The most stunning part of the eclipse, called totality — when the moon is directly in front of the sun — will take place at about 1:59 UT, which is 8:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday. The map below, from, reveals who will see the eclipse. The thin, dark blue line stretching through Southeast Asia and making its way across the Pacific marks who will see a total solar eclipse, whereas the rest of the shaded regions show who will see a partial eclipse. path 1920Time and Date What's going on in space The reason only a small part of the world can see a total eclipse at one time is because the moon is about the same size in our sky as the sun. Therefore, when the moon passes directly between Earth and the sun, it casts a small shadow on Earth. There are two parts to this shadow, called the penumbra and the umbra, shown below: Screen Shot 2016 03 07 at 11.14.32 AMSagredo on Wikipedia If you are standing underneath that penumbra, you will witness a partial solar eclipse, but if you're underneath the much smaller umbra, then you get the rare treat of experiencing a total eclipse of the sun. Remember that no one should look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse without proper equipment, as it can damage the eyes. Because the moon orbits Earth, both the penumbra and umbra move across the face of our planet during an eclipse. On Tuesday, the shadow will traverse across 8,800 miles, stretching from just west of Southeast Asia all the way past Hawaii. For a better idea of how the moon's shadow moves across Earth, watch this 60-second NASA animation: The next time the US will get a chance to see a total solar eclipse will be on August 21, 2017. And that's a date for Americans to mark their calendars because it will be the first total solar eclipse visible from the entire US since 1979! Slooh will begin live coverage of the solar eclipse at 6 p.m. ET on Tuesday: NASA's live coverage will start at 8 p.m. ET on Tuesday: * Pics & LIVE LINKS * Total Solar Eclipse Live from Indonesia: |
The asteroid isn't big enough to do much damage.
The asteroid isn't big enough to do much damage. true, but for them to say they "don't know" is bogus, IMO... they can track 3 inch pieces of junk in orbit, but not a bus sized rock? |
Stunning total eclipse images from Indonesia & Micronesia 01:17 EuroNews |