Topic: Rutgers Students Required Mass Therapy
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Fri 02/19/16 09:39 AM
Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit
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Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit

by Allum Bokhari18

Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.

According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

“It is upsetting that my mental health is not cared about by the University,” said one student at the event. “I do not know what else to do for us to be heard for us to be cared about. I deserve an apology, everyone in this room deserves an apology.”

A number of organizations were at the event to offer support to the poor, traumatised students. These included Psychiatric Services, the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance, and the Rutgers University Police. However, as far as we know, none of the protesting students were institutionalized, arrested for vandalism, or for assaulting the peaceful attendees of Milo’s talk with red paint.

Rutgers students are displaying clear-cut signs of the crybully phenomenon, whereby the regressive left feels victimized, traumatized and attacked even while they are viciously attacking others. In the case of Milo’s talk at Rutgers, there is no question that their behaviour encompassed vandalism at the very least. Yet the students still believe themselves to be victims — so much so that they set up therapy sessions and complain about their mental health.

Little wonder that Yiannopoulos’ events are drawing such huge turnouts. The sane majority of students are sick of it.

You can follow Allum Bokhari on Twitter, add him on Facebook, and download Milo Alert! for Android to be kept up to date on his latest articles.
Read More Stories About:

Tech, social justice warriors, Milo Yiannopoulos, Regressive Left, Dangerous Faggot Tour, Rutgers University, crybullies

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Fri 02/19/16 09:42 AM
I don't know if I want to laugh, cry or throw my phone in disgust.
How many people in my country have refused to grown up, face reality & face consequences? And soon it will be an entire generation; if it isn't already.

NONE of those 'regressive left' , young ADULTS, stand a chance at real life.

A generation of wimps

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Fri 02/19/16 10:07 AM
Edited by RebelArcher on Fri 02/19/16 10:07 AM
“It is upsetting that my mental health is not
cared about by the University,” said one
student at the event. “I do not know what else
to do for us to be heard for us to be cared
about. I deserve an apology, everyone in this
room deserves an apology.”
I beginning to think alot of college students shoulda been blow jobs instead....

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 02/19/16 10:08 AM

“It is upsetting that my mental health is not
cared about by the University,” said one
student at the event. “I do not know what else
to do for us to be heard for us to be cared
about. I deserve an apology, everyone in this
room deserves an apology.”
I beginning to think alot of college students shoulda been blow jobs instead....
laugh rofl

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 02/19/16 10:09 AM
reminds you of the Crowd that instigated the Salem Witch-Trials!laugh

no photo
Fri 02/19/16 10:13 AM
It is upsetting that my mental health is not cared about by the University,” said one student at the event. “I do not know what else to do for us to be heard for us to be cared about. I deserve an apology, everyone in this room deserves an apology.”

What!? ^^^^ Like he wants to be taken care of , & the school are his parents frustrated

fearlesslover's photo
Fri 02/19/16 12:24 PM
The saddest thing about this is that I wouldn't say that it isn't just one generation that is regressing. It seems more like we are living a regressive reality as a whole. The current sentiment is that if you can't tag anyone in freeze tag don't try any harder just go and cry to the teacher about how unfair it is and get it banded. It is shown that being a weak emotional man that seeks conflict is tough with guns and anger and yelling. It is shown to us that women being filthy, swearing taking photos of their backsides and wearing things that leave very little to the imagination is appealing. Also the fact that they push a on size fits all adolescent and vulgar social atmosphere to molest and corrupt the minds of youth (for example there is more kissing and butt shaking on the Disney and Nickelodeon channels that I can ever remember). Also this adolescent mindset takes the worth away from our elders as they trade being wise for being hip to continue to be "cool" all while leaving the very few of us dynamic resourceful and resilient young individuals to fend for ourselves. If we have no elders to pass to us the knowledge then it dies. If you are offended by being called an elder the knowledge dies but you also kill the next generation with it. It seems to be so easy today to cause conflict when resources such as the news can be used to spread fear and prejudice all in how they wish to convey the headlines. Finally with politics it has become a facade in which all parties are on the same team with just slightly differing agendas, all playing certain parts useing emotional manipulation and false promises to suck everything they can out of an audience. They do this by talking about tiny little parts of the big problem to create a smokescreen and keep your eye and minds off of the actual problems. These tiny little problems are always something that causes another conflict just to keep the people's minds busy enough so they cannot zero in on the big problems. The biggest problem is our lack of unity. The second is that everyone is so up tight anymore that very few people address anything with simple reason anymore. It seems all you hear anymore is the jester with what he thinks is a clever one liner or the selfish or the weak with their replies from their broken egos. We cannot continue to call ourselves man and live in a way that doesn't support the betterment of mankind. How we live today has very little to do with the progressive movement required to establish a strong hold for productivity, health and intellect.

Rock's photo
Fri 02/19/16 04:19 PM
Ever get the feelin',
where ya just wanna reach out and tase someone,
give them a midol, and tase them again?
Just in case the first tasing didn't work?

Uhhhh, yeah. :laughing:

What a pathetic bunch of oxygen thieves
those kids are.

"oh hep me! Hep me!
It's a different point of view!"

Bunch of intolerant liberals these kids have
been brainwashed to be.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/19/16 05:02 PM

I don't know if I want to laugh, cry or throw my phone in disgust.
How many people in my country have refused to grown up, face reality & face consequences? And soon it will be an entire generation; if it isn't already.

NONE of those 'regressive left' , young ADULTS, stand a chance at real life.

A generation of wimps

liberals - wimps, same thing... we should vote in another liberal for 8 years to finish up..

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/19/16 05:13 PM

wait till these prim a donna's hit the real work world, where that holding hands and chanting s*** doesn't fly... Lol

seems like a bad episode of star trek, TNG... all liberal whoosies that scream and cry at every little thing...