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Topic: New York: 1st State To Legalize Heroin
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Fri 02/19/16 07:23 PM

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 02/20/16 12:37 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 02/20/16 01:09 AM

Let's look at the terrorist organizations, Cuomo wants
Americans to support financially.

Afghanistan, is a major opium producing country.
Taliban/Al Qaeda.

Monies can, and are funneled between groups worldwide,
in support of terrorism.

China, not a military or political ally of the U.S.,
is also a major producer of opium.


Im sorry man but all that made me laugh.

Aint nobody gonna mess with the cia's cash cow.

Drug War? American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium. U.S. Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production
By Washington's Blog
Global Research, June 10, 2014
Washington's Blog and Global Research 13 November 2013
Region: Asia
Theme: Global Economy, US NATO War Agenda
In-depth Report: AFGHANISTAN

It is well-documented that the U.S. government has – at least at some times in some parts of the world – protected drug operations.

(Big American banks also launder money for drug cartels. See this, this, this and this. Indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system afloat during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. And the U.S. drug money laundering is continuing to this day.)

The U.S. military has openly said that it is protecting Afghani poppy fields: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgKmJESBFsw#t=98

As Wikipedia notes:

Opium production in Afghanistan has been on the rise since U.S. occupation started in 2001.

Indeed, a brand new report from the United Nations finds that opium production is at an all-time high.

Common Dreams notes:

The cultivation of opium poppy in Afghanistan—a nation under the military control of US and NATO forces for more than twelve years—has risen to an all-time high, according to the 2013 Afghanistan Opium Survey released Wednesday by the United Nations.

According to the report, cultivation of poppy across the war-torn nation rose 36 per cent in 2013 and total opium production amounted to 5,500 tons, up by almost a half since 2012.

“This has never been witnessed before in the history of Afghanistan,” said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the outgoing leader of the Afghanistan office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which produced the report.


The U.S. military has allowed poppy cultivation to continue in order to appease farmers and government officials involved with the drug trade who might otherwise turn against the Afghan Karzai government in Kabul. Fueling both sides, in fact, the opium and heroin industry is both a product of the war and an essential source for continued conflict.

Public Intelligence has published a series of photographs showing American – and U.S.-trained Afghan – troops patrolling poppy fields in Afghanistan. Public Intelligence informs us that all of the photos are in the public domain, and not subject to copyright, and they assured me that I have every right to reproduce them.

We produce these photos and the accompanying descriptions from Public Intelligence without further comment. scared

Seems you have your terrorists reversed! LOL

Taliban destroy poppy fields in surprise clampdown on Afghan opium growers

Action by Taliban welcomed by government and clerics but insurgent says destruction was for religious reasons
Afghan poppy cultivation
An Afghan man extracts some of the weaker poppy plants on his farm, 10 miles east of Jalalabad. Photograph: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Emma Graham-Harrison in Kabul

Sunday 20 May 2012 14.58 EDT Last modified on Tuesday 26 January 2016 13.11 EST

Taliban fighters have destroyed fields of opium poppies in eastern Afghanistan this spring, the first time since 2001 the hardline Islamist group is known to have clamped down on the cultivation of a drug that provides a big part of its funding.

While the insurgents appear to have dug up a relatively small area of poppies in a remote area near the border with Pakistan, the move was so unusual it won a chorus of praise from the Afghan government and international organisations, whom the Taliban consider their enemy, as well as senior clerics.

"They just did what the constitution ordered," said Wasifullah Wasifi, a spokesman for the provincial governor in Kunar, where the eradication took place.

"The provincial governor really appreciates what the insurgents did. From the perspective of Islam it is forbidden and a crime to grow drugs," Wasifi said, adding that nearly a hectare had been destroyed by the Taliban in the province's Manawara district, in addition to a far larger amount eradicated by the government.
An Afghan opium addict shows the opium he consumed in a day
An Afghan opium addict show the amount he consumed in a day

The country representative of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan, Jean-Luc Lemahieu, confirmed that the Taliban had uprooted poppy fields in Kunar, and said he hoped the "rare event" might presage a stronger approach to controlling drug production.

"We welcome this new approach and would hope that this is not a one-time exception but that the Taliban, and others alike, would take a principled stance against the narcotics business," he said.

Afghanistan has for years produced the vast majority of the world's opium, with only a brief break in 2001 when the Taliban government, which had previously relied on the crop to bolster its coffers, unexpectedly dug up most of the country's poppy fields.

where you guys dig up so much bogus information beats me.

We went in to protect the poppy fields that were being destroyed by the taliban!
Watch the youtube if you want to hear the commanding officer say it! LOL

This is why the made the movie the matrix.


"You take the blue pill, the story ends.
You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Finest Conspiracy-Site this side of Saturn,run by the nuttiest Professor Canada has ever seen!
They don't come nuttier than Mike!
Maybe he needs to lay off the Wacky Tobacky!laugh

Lpdon's photo
Sat 02/20/16 01:41 AM

“Making it legal is a terrible idea,” a dealer, who chooses to remain anonymous, told us. “We don’t want it regulated. We make good money how it is now, but regular guys like me won’t be able to keep up with all the government regulations. This is gonna put me out of a job!”

This is why I support legalizing ALL drugs. It would eradicate all the drug cartels and the crime associated with them. People will get their drugs one way or another...might as well make them safe(purity)and cheap to lower violent crime.

No it wont, it will just give them more business and spread more violence to control the business.

I think this is a bogus story anyways, this would be trending on every major news network if it were true.

Rock's photo
Sat 02/20/16 12:38 PM

with that ALL drugs should be legal, the state was never granted the authority to prevent anyone from taking whatever the hell the please. Well except by themselves since they have their little closed door monopoly going (in the case of opiates)thank you mi6 and cia.


Welshman4you's photo
Sat 02/20/16 03:45 PM

“Making it legal is a terrible idea,” a dealer, who chooses to remain anonymous, told us. “We don’t want it regulated. We make good money how it is now, but regular guys like me won’t be able to keep up with all the government regulations. This is gonna put me out of a job!”

This is why I support legalizing ALL drugs. It would eradicate all the drug cartels and the crime associated with them. People will get their drugs one way or another...might as well make them safe(purity)and cheap to lower violent crime.

I don't think you understand the underworld.
Cartels already own hotels,resorts,casinos,resteraunts,nightclubs,legit businesses.
I'm fairly certain if legalisation was made globally tommorow cartels would simply move into other areas of business,its a mirrored society,top to bottom. If these guys can ship twenty tonnes of cocaine a week into your streets,a week!!, I'm fairly certain they'd learn to diversify.
Violent crime would probably increase if they stopped drug use altogether.
You're right though,people will always get their drugs.
But,dirty heroin is bad for business,so it's synthesised form which has historically been associated in the public's mind as a drug only Doctors use is now in the hands of the public.
As a result,heroin users have been depicted as the poor,or criminals, but in actuality addiction knows no social class,your own Doctor or politician is more likely to have been or is an addict.

For more of an insight as to how drugs and cartels work I'd suggest some reading,Mr Nice,by Howard Marks,and Last Pill and Testament by the same author.
Those would be a good place to start IMO.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 02/20/16 05:07 PM
Why is there only this ONE mention of something so momentous? I am suspicious. Sure this isn't an Onion News style fake report?

It would have been all over the news, had there even been a VOTE on the subject.

no photo
Sat 02/20/16 05:47 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Sat 02/20/16 05:49 PM

Why is there only this ONE mention of something so momentous? I am suspicious. Sure this isn't an Onion News style fake report?

It would have been all over the news, had there even been a VOTE on the subject.
Idk about the link in the OP, but the same story appeared here a year ago...


....and that site has this disclaimer on it:

"" Empire News is intended for entertainment
purposes only. Our website and social
media content uses only fictional names,
except in cases of public figure and
celebrity parody or satirization. Any other
use of real names is accidental and

Lpdon's photo
Mon 02/22/16 04:03 AM

with that ALL drugs should be legal, the state was never granted the authority to prevent anyone from taking whatever the hell the please. Well except by themselves since they have their little closed door monopoly going (in the case of opiates)thank you mi6 and cia.

I don't agree that everything should be legal but it's my understanding that forms of Vicodin\Hydrocodone are available in Canada and other countries legally over the counter and there haven't been any issues.

I think something like that would be fine, along with medications like Prednisone and certain sleeping medications like Ambien wouldn't hurt anything.

no photo
Mon 02/22/16 05:49 AM

Why is there only this ONE mention of something so momentous? I am suspicious. Sure this isn't an Onion News style fake report?

It would have been all over the news, had there even been a VOTE on the subject.

I was suspicious too. Which is why I posted it & pointed out the different dates & asked for help.

As fas as a ' vote '. All I can say is..more & more things have been going through without a vote. In NewYork, gay marriage also went through without a vote. (My state voted yes, but less than 25% did vote yes. And sodomy was still on the books). But the Supreme Court made it law.. Without a vote.
(Which is the main complaint against it. Because they are only there to interpret the law. Not to make law).

So who knows what law New York passed again ? Js. * shrugs *

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