Topic: Old dreams
UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sat 10/27/07 05:59 AM
Dreaming, it may be
Something quite easy for me
Hopes and dreams are the fox
Hunted down to the box
That is wrapped like the gifts
Beneath the Christmas tree
But they are not limited
Nor held to one day
Where we send cards just to say
Thank you so much
For you were thinking of me
For at least the promise of one day
Hopes are the yearnings
We hold deep inside
Our secret desires held so close
Dreams are a place where we
Discover our wishes
Like the shore is discovered by the tide
If we were ruled by our passions
We might run away
From responsibility and expectations
But while the heart of a child might
Be found inside once in a while
When we think we know we can find a way
As we’ve logged years behind us
In a manner we’ve grown
We try to live like we ought to
And try to behave like we’re shown
But we discover the life that we live
If we hang onto it, it is our own
I have been here now long past
Thirteen times a thousand days
Sometimes I like to learn new things
Sometimes I am set in my ways
Like a ship that I’ve sailed around the world
I put an experienced hull into new currents and bays
But I know I’m not that reckless
Not near like I sometimes pretend
If there is a pirate inside me
His heart is gentle and pure
Although he has to give a show now and then
He can be scary to see but he will see the dreams to the end
And this pirate was captured you know
By a senorita from a faraway port
Somehow their maps wove together
Bound with love and forever
Rediscovering love found together
They keep on sailing on a journey of sorts
And I know it seems for
Such a very long time now
That our dreams will remain only when we’re asleep
But time has taught me that if we hold on to them tightly
Those dreams that we hold are the ones that we keep
And they all will come true some how
Please know that I love you
Like a love never seen
Like the way the summer breeze seems to surround
All the skin that we show
That has the summer suns glow
I love you every minute and each moment between