Just tired of taking over other threads. This one is mine!!
Okay, whats your topic?
I don't have one yet. Want to help me out??
How was your day mry??? |
I bought some thread last week -- had to sew a button on. Now I know the true meaning of acupuncture.
Good and yours?
Did you purchase it with monopoly money or 200 cows?
How much did you pay for this thread?
It was lovely, thanks.
We need a nothing thread. Now people can come in and say anything. As long as its nice!
What in the world were you tryin to button?
You all better appriciate this thread it cost me my entire retirement account!
We have to pay now????!!!! No more hi-jacking???? They are on to us... ..dang... ....oh well I am too broke right now so I guess no threads for me then......
In that case mry...I will try and be a good gal in this thread
No no, I payed for all of us!! ITS FREEEEEE!
hey nice thread, WHATS IT ABOUT!
I had to sew a button on the front of a pair of pants. It was still on, but was making a noble effort to detach, and I couldn't allow that to happen.
so does that mean i have full ownership of the other thread now?
Whatever you want it to be about.