Topic: Watching BBC News on PBS right now | |
And its such a difference from the usual cutesy US shows. Right now they have a feature on an American patrol in Iraq - and they show our guys, how they cope, drive around, and get hit by an IED (1 guy got hit bad - helo evacuated him). Before they had a nice overview of the situation with Iran, and they interviewed BOTH sides - Iranians, UN and Americans. Imagine that?!
I cant stand US News on TV, whether ABC, CNN, or (horror) FOX. I just cant bear to watch - US Newscasts insult my intelligence. OK I ranted - I feel better now thank you. |
They do have a different point of view and show much more than the US channels.
Who owns BBC? NBC, Fox, etc, etc.
Ask yourself, who owns the media? Ask yourself, who financially contributes to the political leaders? There are no public broadcast major media news casts, not owned by one media mogul or another. ![]() ![]() |
Actually BBC is paid strictly from the taxes by British Citizens. So they really do try to be objective - its in their charter. Therein lies the difference between the BBC and all (crappy) American News programmes.
Meanwhile in the USA giant corporations own ALL TV and radio stations here. There are basically 5 big corporations which control all US media. Here's a handy page for y'all: Basically as a European I cannot stand US Newscasts. They remind me so much of communist propaganda, and that is what I tried to run away from back in the 80's. And now I see the same thing here - "pundits" who push their talking points, paid by a political lobby, and this passes for news. Guess I needed to rant more. I basically encourage people to get their local news on TV, and their world and political views through BBC (shown in America on PBS) and through the internet (Reuters, Associated Press, etc.) |