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Topic: What would you like to be remembered for?
PacificStar48's photo
Wed 01/27/16 07:43 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Wed 01/27/16 07:48 PM

I would like to be remembered for the stones I took out of other peoples baskets. Most people don't even know what they were. I don't want to be anyone's hero I just want them to know that life was and could be lot harder than it is.

Hmmmm... Uniquely phrased Pacificstar . I am curious...How come you want people to know that life could be harder as opposed to wanting them to know that life could be infinitely better?

Because there are a lot of crybaby's in the world who think life is so hard and they don't have a clue how much harder it used to be. How much infinitely better it is in so many ways. Or how much easier it is for them in ways that could not even be imagined just fifty/hundred years ago. How they have opportunities that they could just do if they used a little self control and went after something that would build on the things that people already did.

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:04 PM
I would choose to be remembered with a smile and not the Ahole everyone was glad to see the back of.

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:11 PM

I would like to be remembered for the stones I took out of other peoples baskets. Most people don't even know what they were. I don't want to be anyone's hero I just want them to know that life was and could be lot harder than it is.

Hmmmm... Uniquely phrased Pacificstar . I am curious...How come you want people to know that life could be harder as opposed to wanting them to know that life could be infinitely better?

Because there are a lot of crybaby's in the world who think life is so hard and they don't have a clue how much harder it used to be. How much infinitely better it is in so many ways. Or how much easier it is for them in ways that could not even be imagined just fifty/hundred years ago. How they have opportunities that they could just do if they used a little self control and went after something that would build on the things that people already did.

Sounds like a kick-in the -pants brand of wisdom that ultimately leads to empowerment and if its empowerment that people remember you for , then that's something to take pride in flowers

BHawkins's photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:12 PM
I may donate my body to necrophiliacs....everybody needs love :wink: When my nose begins to run, that'll let em know I'm full and they can just toss me to the gators after that indifferent

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:17 PM

I would choose to be remembered with a smile and not the Ahole everyone was glad to see the back of.

If people can remember you with a smile, then it may not even matter what traits they ascribed to you. As long as u left them with that positive energy.. Yep! Worthwhile indeed :smile:

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:25 PM

I may donate my body to necrophiliacs....everybody needs love :wink: When my nose begins to run, that'll let em know I'm full and they can just toss me to the gators after that indifferent

I have a weird feeling that the world will find other interesting things to use your body for. Stay tuned ...:wink:

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:41 PM
would you like to be remembered for?
Just that I was true to myself...my own convictions...That I never put on "airs" in any situation. That I never did or said anything just to make others like or accept me.
I dont need acceptance from all....honestly dont want that.....just want a few friends who "get" me...not a multitude who pretend to.

"Hey that RebelArcher can be a dick but he is consistent and speaks his mind" laugh

If I get remembered for that....Im good with it.

panchovanilla's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:12 PM
For filling in my own grave.
Epitaph would read,
"An ornery independant cuss"

Annierooroo's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:23 PM
That I have touched someone's heart enough for a positive change
To make a difference in their lives

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:24 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Wed 01/27/16 09:25 PM

For filling in my own grave.
Epitaph would read,
"An ornery independant cuss"
Panch...it just may be me...but Ill ALWAYS remember you for this....


panchovanilla's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:27 PM

For filling in my own grave.
Epitaph would read,
"An ornery independant cuss"
Panch...it just may be me...but Ill ALWAYS remember you for this....


rofl oops
Is it the beard??

ErotiDoug's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:45 PM
Edited by ErotiDoug on Wed 01/27/16 09:49 PM
What would you like to be remembered for?

** Copied from the internet **

We always have "wakes", so family, friends and strangers can meet and reminisce. As they compare thoughts and review my files. I feel they will see the " Johnny apple seed" of my life. They will have a lot of laughter and joyful stories, of the seeds I've planted. They will see and feel how I changed peoples lives privately and unknown.

** Every day is precarious, hour by hour.

ErotiDoug's photo
Wed 01/27/16 10:37 PM

So a 38 year old acquaintance from my dance school, passed away this weekend from what people suspect was a heart attack.sad2 I had only interacted with her on maybe 3 occasions before, but what I remember most about her was her nurturing and soothing energy. It was palpable and inviting . Despite my barely having known her, I will always have that indelible memory of her in my head.:smile: So it got me to thinking...

What would you like to be remembered for?

I am sorry for the loss of your friend. But joyful that a part of her is alive within you and now shared to me and others.
*Can you see her blushing at the thought of being a part of my mind. blushing(I can). She will live-on further, when I speak of her. "The nature of compounding force".

*legacy planned or unplanned can question the shortcomings of life. A smile leads to the trail of a bigger smile and starts the legacy...

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