Topic: Garbage Science – Global Warming | |
Western government propaganda is increasing as the weather around the world defies global warming predictions. The latest publication insists that global warming is likely to disrupt a natural cycle of ice ages and contribute to delaying the onset of the next big freeze until about 100,000 years from now is utterly senseless.
In a new explanation for the long-lasting plunges in global temperatures that cause ice ages, scientists pointed to a combination of long-term shifts in the Earth's orbit around the sun, together with levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They forgot though to mention what every astrophysicist knows is that the sun itself has cycles of higher and lower output (sunspot, solar winds and movement of solar belts on the sun itself) and that these variations cause mini ice ages that occur frequently. "Humans have the power to change the climate on geological timescales," said lead author Andrey Ganopolski. The findings suggest human influences "will make the initiation of the next ice age impossible over a time period comparable to the duration of previous glacial cycles." We are being convinced at great expense in the global warming scenario. We need to be convinced because it simply is not true no matter how many times they tell us it is true. Not a Soul Debates the Fact that the Sun is Cooling Though in Obama's and many others imagination 95 percent of earths scientists think the world is warming, no one, not a soul debates the fact that the sun is cooling and that there is diminished solar wind, less sun spots, and slower conveyer belts on the sun. Less heat is arriving from the sun yet many think that our puny human activities should warm things up nicely. We should hope so because a cooling earth and an arrival of another mini ice age will not be any fun. Climate change is real and all one has to do is watch the international news to see how violent it is getting out there in terms of extreme weather conditions. That is how things go when things change on the sun, which is the real driver of the weather here on earth. What they say and What Is I am going to ask readers to put their thinking caps on and just entertain the general picture and the facts. After all these years of global warming scaremongering and the declaration that these past few years have been the warmest years ever we have record snows again around the world and record cold as well. There was supposed to be no more snow and little or no ice at the poles. A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers. The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice. According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008. In spite of those heart-wrenching stories about melting ice in Antarctica, the truth is something else. © Dr. Moreover, how about the North Pole. With record warmth, that they are talking about all the time, how comes we see right in front of our very eyes in the above chart that Arctic ice is at its greatest extent since this period in 2005. Sure politicians, with all their crooked thinking, can believe that the warmer it gets the more ice due to colder conditions happens. The chart from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) Ocean and Ice Services. Whom do you want to believe, this scientific institution or the gale wind hot air from politicians and the mass media, which has no shame or integrity with its responsibilities to the human race. In measure of the great warmth that is enveloping the globe, we have reports of cold. As residents of Denmark were digging out from another round of snowfall, forecasts for the weekend were calling for temperatures to drop as low as -11C. Sounds somewhat cold for a warm world. One of Poland's deadliest-ever cold snaps killed at least 21 people, with temperatures falling to -18C (-0.4F), officials say. How about the news in England? Does not sound like record warmth there either. Britain is on alert for the coldest winter in more than 50 years to unleash widespread heavy snow and -13C temperatures. If the temperatures drop that low it would be one of the worst winters in the UK since 1963 plunged to -20C. At the end of last year, Monterey and the Bay Area in California saw record-low temperatures. Oakland Airport recorded a low of 30 degrees, breaking the 1956 record of 31 degrees. Global Warming Fanatics Predicted No Snow "Remember the year 2000?" asks Argiris. "According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event". "Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said". Yet we get reports that an estimated 15,000 mature dairy cows died in Texas and another 20,000 in New Mexico during a huge blizzard. "It was unbelievable," said Andle van der Ploeg, owner of Mid-Frisian Dairy near Clovis. He says snow drifts on his farm are 14 feet high in spots. Snow! We have more snow then at any known moment of modern history. It is snowing everywhere but it is not normal snow, it is record-breaking snow. Wouldn't you know it, but politicians do not comprehend that it needs to be cold to have snow. It does not snow when it is warm it snows when it is cold. Record warmth and record snow are, for all intent and purposes, contradictory. Certainly not coherent. We have snow on the road to Mecca, a Canadian bridge splitting due to extreme cold. We had a Seahawks/Viking game that started at -6 F (-21 C) at the stadium with a -25 (-31 C) wind chill. It was officially the coldest game in Vikings history, the 3rd coldest in NFL history. We have severe cold continues putting the deep freeze on in Finland, with temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius across the country—and a new winter low recorded in Muonio, Lapland. Up there the mercury dipped to -41 degrees at 8 am on Thursday. © Sergei Porter/Vedomosti Large swathes of central Europe remained paralyzed by ice storms and temperatures as low as 16F (-7C), causing widespread transport chaos and power outages. We have heavy snow in Albania, Turkey, Luxemburg, France, Japan, the Ukraine, Russia, China, Oregon, Chicago and the mother of all snowstorms is hitting the Washington DC area this coming weekend. We even had heavy snow at the very end of 2015 in Peru, south of the equator, where it is summer now. Since the start of the month 77 centimeters of snow has fallen in the capital — more than twice the average for January, TASS said. More than 18,000 machines and 60,000 people have been deployed in the city to clear snow, according to TASS. What can we say about the global warming media blitz? The media is disgusting. It cannot, does not want, does not care, for instance, to report the vastly increasing sexual terrorism directed at white woman in Europe at the hands of young Moslems. It is not only increasing rape cases that is disturbing, but also it was a gang of a thousand men in one city in Germany waiting outside a train station, directly in front of a church, where these men attacked every woman in sight, even if they were with their menfolk. It is in the news but not in the news, most Americans get to see. When was the last time you heard a report in the mainstream about the ongoing disaster in Japan at the Fukushima nuclear power plant? How can anyone in their right mind trust the news media? The answer is sadly—most people are not in their right minds though on issues like global warming the majority take it with more than a grain of salt. |
That global warming takes place isn't the issue. The issues are the cause and predictability.
The alarmists are deniers of natural global warming, and the computer models that they rely on are so flawed as to constantly make inaccurate predictions. |
That global warming takes place isn't the issue. The issues are the cause and predictability. The alarmists are deniers of natural global warming, and the computer models that they rely on are so flawed as to constantly make inaccurate predictions. i agree, i think it's all natural, the weather patterns that has happened for billions of years... the earth was once a giant ball of ice a billion years ago, and a few hundred million years ago, there were forests growing in the arctic circle... change happens, always will |
That global warming takes place isn't the issue. The issues are the cause and predictability. The alarmists are deniers of natural global warming, and the computer models that they rely on are so flawed as to constantly make inaccurate predictions. i agree, i think it's all natural, the weather patterns that has happened for billions of years... the earth was once a giant ball of ice a billion years ago, and a few hundred million years ago, there were forests growing in the arctic circle... change happens, always will The climatologists who disagree with the alarmists don't discount the possibility that mankind's activities have contributed something to global warming, even if that something is insignificant. |
The article is possibly the worst anti global warming diatribe I have ever read. The fact that anyone would trust an acupuncturist as a legitimate expert on global warming totally escapes me.
I won't go on forever about the flaws in this crappy article (I could) but examples of record snowfall and low temps are examples of what global warming causes ... not examples of the opposite. Global warming deals with the overall average temperature of the planet. 2015 is now the hottest year on record. Global warming is causing extremes in weather, exactly what we have been experiencing in recent years. That means extremes in rain, snow, drought, floods, and intensity of storms. Large parts of the Antarctic Ice shelves have broken off. This condition changes the termination of major ice flows slowing them down which allows snow to build up for awhile until the flow characteristics stabilize. If you you want to know some real science about what is REALLY going on at Antarctica, go to the NOVA website and watch the film "Mystery Beneath The Ice". It is current and well documented. It also gives information you might want to know about how the world is actually changing. |
Great points guys! I personally don't think we have any influence on the planetary cycles of the planet. Let's not forget it's been 640000 years since our last eruption of the Caldera at Yellowstone. It seems that the last 2 eruptions happened at the 390000 year marks, puts us in the overdue slot. I remember working at UTEP in the computer sci labs watching the first new reports of antarctic ice melting, must have been 1989. Our professor froze us all by saying in a somber tone; " Class, pay attention, It's the begening of the end of the world.."
I personally think it may be another century before we arrive at that place. I think it's safe to say, we are in the last quarter of the game. |
examples of record snowfall and low temps are examples of what global warming causes ... not examples of the opposite.
Except that the computer models used by the IPCC all predicted the opposite. Plus, your argument is the standard attempt to present an unfalsifiable argument. |
examples of record snowfall and low temps are examples of what global warming causes ... not examples of the opposite.
Except that the computer models used by the IPCC all predicted the opposite. Plus, your argument is the standard attempt to present an unfalsifiable argument. No, my argument uses facts instead of BS. Your statement about the number of scientists who believe the "man caused" portion may be insignificant is simply false. I don't know where you got the IPCC predictions but it is false also. All real global warming models predict weather extremes. A weather extreme works both ways, cold and hot. Maybe you should watch the video I posted and report back. You obviously could use a dose of real science. |
Maybe you should watch the video I posted and report back. You obviously could use a dose of real science. Except that I get my information straight from climate scientists. |
examples of record snowfall and low temps are examples of what global warming causes ... not examples of the opposite.
Except that the computer models used by the IPCC all predicted the opposite. Plus, your argument is the standard attempt to present an unfalsifiable argument. No, my argument uses facts instead of BS. Your statement about the number of scientists who believe the "man caused" portion may be insignificant is simply false. I don't know where you got the IPCC predictions but it is false also. All real global warming models predict weather extremes. A weather extreme works both ways, cold and hot. Maybe you should watch the video I posted and report back. You obviously could use a dose of real science. lets look at it this way... the polar bears are still alive, it still snows, and both ice caps haven't melted, and the earth isn't one giant desert... all of these were predicted to happen before now, by your "so called" liberal scientists... |
The major driver of our Planet’s climate is (unsurprisingly) the big fiery yellow ball in the sky. The Sun is the driver of just about every single force on the Earth (climate or otherwise). It drives the wind, the rain, the tides (with help from the Moon), the plants, the animals, the clouds. Without it we would quickly become a cold rock, floating dead through space.
The Sun however does not always radiate a constant level of energy, nor is it always the same distance from the Earth. To confuse the matter further the Earth doesn't always absorb the same amount of energy from the Sun. This is due to things like its surface reflectivity and the angle of it's axis at any moment in time. With these 3 variable, the Earth’s climate has always been in a state of constant change. It has been discovered that the average temperature of our planet throughout history can be very accurately correlated to the level of energy we receive from the sun at any given time. This was shown in detail by Dr Jeffrey A. Glassman in his paper,"The Cause of the Earth's Climate Change is the Sun" When the energy received goes down, we have ice ages. As the energy received goes up, we get periods of warmer weather. It's kinda obvious, but the boffins who try to shove the man made global warming cool aid down our throats tend to overlook this glaring fact. This pattern of drastically changing weather systems has existed for BILLIONS of years, yet our popular media would have us believe that climate change is a new thing, having never occurred before the industrial revolution. This, obviously, is complete rubbish. Just ask the Woolly Mammoth! The Earth's indecisive climate is largely what has led to the extinction of well over 90% of all the lifeforms that have ever existed on it. What’s more, the sun is currently in a period where it's energy output is high. This to me would seem a more likely candidate to explain at least some of our planet's apparent increase in temperature. Especially when Mars has been observed to also be going through a period of Global Warming as shownhere on National Geographic. And somehow I don’t think that Wee Granny Smith using her coal fire in Chipping Norton is causing the Red Planet to get all hot and sweaty! |
Gotta give that one to MightMoe. Don't take things so seriously Metalwing. This is good conversation. The ying and the yang. Pont counter point.
Edited by
Mon 01/25/16 05:29 PM
To Moe's last post I would add that the Earth wobbles on its axis, and such a wobble can have an influence on climate.
By the way, does anyone remember this: ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 01/25/16 05:36 PM
i've also read where our entire solar system has crossed into a region of space that is a higher temperature than 20 years ago, a space with higher energy... all the planets in our solar system have been effected by this... |
Western government propaganda is increasing
How can you measure? I mean there's just so much of it. What they say and What Is
Is almost never the same and never has been. Although A new NASA study
People should be proud! Doing studies, science, no matter how crappy, is actually an achievement. I mean people used to take for granted God talked to them through a burning bush, an arc was built that could hold all the animals, and masturbation caused insanity. So, a NASA study...that's something, isn't it? |
So, a NASA study...that's something, isn't it? In Science, a single study does not a fact make. |
The testimonies of American climatologists John Christy and Judith Curry are more impressive to me than the claim of any critic of mine in this discussion.
The testimonies of American climatologists John Christy and Judith Curry are more impressive to me than the claim of any critic of mine in this discussion. thats my problem with "global warming", to many past lies about it... i totally agree about cutting down on greenhouse gases, but there is never any reason to outright lie about any of this, which the liberals are paying scientists to do... |
A wise man once said......
"Follow the money!" |
A wise man once said...... "Follow the money!" al gore and the libs... |