Topic: poetic duel II...Lonely Soul
michael1313's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:15 AM
Sat 11/04/06 02:57 AM
gee,y'all are but lame,
'twas in jest,with this game,
you only did hack,for us to see,
wasted yer rhyme,hackin'on me,
you forgot to show it,
th you, th true poet,
we all have one deep inside,
most of it, boast of it,yet did you hide,
I've seen more poets,on posted past,
but few come calling to give repass,
'twas lookin' for love,and wonderful things,
tho most did just boast,or jack with me,
'twas searching for love,that most poem brings,
I do not truely wish this crown,I'm th clown,
love was th challange,not to be put down,
please put down you arms,I mean no harms,
I'll live life to th' fullest,in my own way,
you gaawk me,then mock me,rip pieces away,
most just had to bicker,
this only says,yer heart is only wicker
sad for love,but did get a snicker,
I throw down,th' POETIC DUELS crown,
you few made me frown, me into a clown,
was love rather found,not clown'd poets crown,
I bid AD'jue" to most of you,trying to take me down.

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 06:03 AM
Michael, Michael, this is your time?
im back from work and ready to rhyme
I read on the post and give you a toast
I got three hours to play
ya wanna try to make my day?
you and I both know this shit
but to the rest I will explain it
these are words from inside our brain
this is all for FUN, not to make pain
so this being said right up front
its my time to attack this little runt(nice)
to the folks that all hung with me
I thank you all for believing in me
as for Will he is my deal, this man who thinks he's the al-mighty
is going to find out its HIS nighty, nighty
Mr Will, you preach of FREEDOM OF VOICE
but you want to pick my words, like its YOUR CHOICE
you cut us down for words of slang
but damm-it-boy where is YOUR big bang
so quick to judge so quick to try and rule
you SAY ya got rhyme, I say your a mule
pratice what you preach
stop being such a leach
put forth a few words and THINK your a critic
same old lines and same old rhetoric
pop-in-here, and run out there
lets see your strentgh lets see your INK
could it be YOUR the missing link
you put us down like this ain't shit
but I say YOUR the one with NO WHIT
want-it-your-way or your not going to play
then critic out of my motherf---kg way
I've never done this before in my life
ya don't believe me, call my exwife
I never went to HARVARD, or to YALE,
personally I think your words slack
but who's to say your not on crack
Now back to michael who I believe is PSYCHO

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 08:32 AM

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sat 11/04/06 08:57 AM

tonyatoto's photo
Sat 11/04/06 09:03 AM
You think ya all or poets, and use your words from your brain! you
wouldn't know a real poet, for a real poet knows that poems come from
deep inside, not for the brain only to hide, starts from the heart
you see, gets so deep it's forgot about reality, I know i'm not know
poet, never claimed to be, so I don't won't that stupid crown of
victory, I really enjoy being to poet clown of instensivity, with
feelings that or true, and not words from the brain, now I need this
dude, you or really not in the right game

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sat 11/04/06 09:11 AM
Well that could have been cool, something quite slick. Its a pitty your
spelling made everyone sick. I know Im no poet go back to part one.
DaBadGuys just here to have a lil fun.

Ive said it before so please lets not frown, theres no champ, theres no
prize and there isnt a crown. This wasnt made up for you true hearfelt
poets. Its simply for laughs (the originals know it)

So with that Ill be going to look around the threads, I guess my new
catch phrase is PLEASE TAKE YOUR MEDS!!!!

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 11:06 AM

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:20 PM
yes I knew this would help,
to give us true rhyme,
not just hear th yelp,
from th HEART,was what we asked,
not th mind,but th heart had been tasked...
from th heart so true,
comming only from th true you,
don't just say yer a poet,
please let us feel it too...........M.

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/05/06 06:48 AM
no mine is not,the lost art
I do my best,do my part,
and I do ask,th' ladies this task,
please ladies please,
please makes us weak in th' knees,
but if you must do it,
then just get down to it,
cut me down if you please,
this you must know it,
th' better th' poet,
will find love true,not just a tease,
so cut me bare,if you dare,
leave your mark on th' breeze,
then your repass,comes from an ass,
who'll never get weak in th' knees,
be good poet,feeling us, know it,
give sweet rhymes if you please,
don't wanna fight,we got no right,
would rather feel weak in th' knees...M.

tonyatoto's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:30 AM
I am but a country chick
my spelling might need
help, but you see, you
knew my meaning!!
you wanted a ryme,
so in time,
ryme wasn't a crime!
but you called it poetry
an in the end, you got
your ryme!

escapedlunatic's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:47 AM
Surely every one of you doth jest,
writing lame verse and you think your the best,
To quote a famous man "I've not yet begun to fight,
but dont let my words send you to fright,
I come to you with a smile in my verse,
but with your harsh words my crown you doth curse,
If its the crown you seek then its yours to take,
but you wont win it writing rymes so fake!