Topic: school days with lil johnny... | |
It was Friday school about to let out when the teacher gave an assignment to her 2nd grade class... The assignment was to be observant on the way to school and let others on the following Monday know 1 thing you saw on the way to school... that following Monday the teacher asked everybody did they do their homework assignment everybody said yes... ok now class I am going to ask you to raise your hand so you can share with the rest of the class your assignment... there was lil cindy she said teacher on the way to school we passed by a farm and I saw horses...teacher said good... now tommy was anxiously waiting so the teacher asked tommy to go next... so tommy replied well teacher it was such a nice day I looked into the sky saw clouds and an airplane flying into it...teacher says that's great... lil johnny was jumping out his seat at this time so the teacher said ok johnny what would you like to share... johnny gets up clears his throat and said teacher I saw the most incredible thing on the way to school teacher said oh... johnny said yeah I saw this cat get hit right up the *** by a car teacher so oh my rectum...johnny said hell no it killed him...