Topic: Feelings | |
chuckee your not one to talk about others because your not in control
with your own thoughts and feelings you had no need to be a smart ass and say amybe rm you and lady should talk!! we have been and he's just fine least you could of done is tell ram that your not into talking with him in a e-mail first! |
i dont worry about people like her i pray for them.
naw I'm not worried just speaking how I feel on how she's acting but
she's been acting up since i joined this site in some posts that's her problem but hey it's her not me! |
wheres my girl? im dying here.
I am right here have you e-mailed me ram?
is anyone else getting the same e-mail like twice at the same time?
I have, but not tonite. are you getting my posts? im FEELING left out.
Why does she have to tell him anything...? If she don,t want to then
thats it...or at least it should be. |
I think that is between them to discuss don't get your feelings hurt, because that is whats going to happen if you get between 2 people my advice stay out of it. girl do you and you wont end up with your feelings hurt. that is just an opinion, |
yes your right thats why i havent came back to say anything else I dont
need any more on me right now they will work it out in one way or the other and i thank you for speaking up! |
there isnt anything to work out, there was nothing there. I write
directly to morena too, does that mean that we have something started between us? Hey mor, how bout dinner friday girl? LOL!!! Thank you Ont and Mor, ya'll are awsome. Hey lady it's ashame how you feel about dr's and law enforcement, where there is good, there is ALWAYS gana be bad. I care so much about the human race, that it just makes me sick, the things we do to each other and OURSELVES. Once again, the loss of your family member is terrible, I hope you all get thru it ok and are there for each other during this time of need. Ram, thanks for the prayers and no hard feelings, you know we chatted on a level of hellos, I never led you to believe I was interested, I'm sorry if you fealt I had. If I talk to anyone on this site about getting close to them and actually meeting, I'd have to say it's Ont. So, ram, take care, I wish you the best, Ont thanx for being you. |
the w0rld of people lmfao
CHUCKE.. thats all you really would have had to say to me.just seemed at
the time like you felt my feeling were unimportant. I told you what i did... you wernt feeling the same way... thats fine. just wish you would have told me instead of leaving me hang after i spilled. as for the LAW ENFORCEMENT TYpes, Until the mid 60s they were Peace officers. you know the ones on Andy griffith that helped you get the cat out of the tree. My dad remembers being on the farm in the 50s and having the sherrif come by. "theres an excaped felon in the area get your guns everyone." since the 60s we the people have become the enemy somehow and if you are really into law enforcement you know i am telling the truth and I should be preaching to the proverbial choir. (SPELLING) I own a gun shop and a lot of my customers are State police. The differnce i HAVE SEEN IN THEM SINCE 25 YEARS AGO IS PROFOUND. They used to all shoot at my private range, toss back a few after and were really good guys. Now it seems that they all are jack booted thugs. looking for the big bust and if they cant find it they will make something up and pin it on someone they think cant fight back. I lost my house and 40 acres, my girl and four kids, and a job making 50,000 a year, and came within a breath of going to prison for 15 years over one of thier games, They destroy lives more than they help society. I would be in prison right now except that I was able to spend 50,000 on an attorney. if I haden have been able to pull the money out of my ass I WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE. hOW MANY OF YOU ON THIS site could come up with 50.000 cash to defend yourself against false charges??? They falsified reports, supressed the fact that I passed two lie detector tests, cooerced witnesses, and so much more that i could write a book. They knew i was innocent but proceeded anyway because they thought i couldent fight back I knoe there are good people in the system but at this time i dont feel i have the luxury of assumung that one i might be dealing with is. when my case went to trial, I was found INNOCENT. DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN innocent and not guilty? One of the jurors felt compelled to ask the judge why he had allowed the police to ruin this guys life over what was obviously a non event. Anyway, I am not the only one that has had these expierences and you know that too i would imagine. I once talked to a person who screns police officers and he told me that these days they give them a test. when they find the person who likes to drown kittens in the toilet, they are in. hmmmmm. also know several people who over the years went to police training and qiut. They all say the same thing to me. decided i did not want to be an assho;e all my life. these are thereason i FEEL the way i do and i FEEL i am justified in my opinion. I DONT HATE LAW ENFORCEMENT PEOPLE, I PRAY FOR THEM. |
...people who like cops are usually the same people who have never dealt
with them. that ones mine you can quote freely. everything i said on the last post is a matter of public record, by the way before you call me a nut, research it out. |
Get over it rambill, wow, you can ramble!!! Get it, lol, hahaha, Well,
I thought it was funny. Oh, and like the man said, take your meds.!!!! |
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, I'm NOT a cop. I don't wear a uniform or drive a
cruiser. I'm not responsible for the trouble you got into or for the outcome OR FOR THE WAY IT WAS HANDLED. You and your law enforcement hater followers spend too much time generalizing. Ya'll DO NOT, WILL NOT AND CANNOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS!!!! I say CANNOT, because you lack the sense it take for that kind of thought process. QUIT BLAMING DR'S AND LAWERS AND YOUR BOSSES AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE BABY IN THE STROLLER FOR YOUR OWN MIS*HAPS!!!!!! GROW UP!!!! Be a stand up person in society and quit boring me with your EMOTIONAL ISSUES!!! |
woooooooooooo right on rambill
and sorry DaBadGuy4u rambill isnt nuts just speaking out I mean wtf is wrong with some you people these days I will never understand and never try to understand either,no not saying you Da just that we all arent the same and wtf is take your meds mean lmfao? No Rambill I Couldnt Come Up With That Kind Of Money And I'm Glad That You Could To Fight The Jerks. |
Well you know, with a story like that you should be able to make up all
the money, land and get a fine female. I mean that has best selling novel and award winning screenplay written all over it! Im being serious too, shit man instead of looking for your cyber queen here you should be getting to work on that. (as always the views and opinions from me are just as they look dumb hahahaha) |
Also I never said he was nuts lol i saind NUTJOBS!!!! I never actually
singled anyone out you silly girl. |