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Topic: Germany stunned by rash of New Year's sex assaults
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Mon 01/11/16 09:09 AM

Angela Merkel needs to be held accountable for this reign of terror being unleashed by these crimminals. They are like the plague spreading across all of Europe!

Woa...surprised Déjà vu

Someone else referred to it as
" The black plague of the Middle Ages " this morning.

TRUTH is a scary thing

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/11/16 09:18 AM
Unknown assailants attacked and injured several immigrants in two districts of Cologne on Sunday evening. One of the attacks took place near the city train station, where mass assaults on women happened on New Year's Eve.

The first attack took place at around 6.40pm, when some 20 unidentified men assaulted six Pakistanis near Cologne train station. Two of them were injured and taken to hospital. They were later released, according to the police.

About 20 minutes later, five people assaulted and injured a 39-year-old Syrian in a different location.

It is as yet unclear whether the two assaults were coordinated, German media report. Before the attacks, a group of local football fans and doormen was said to have discussed going on a "manhunt" in a closed Facebook group, according to the British Express newspaper.

Both attacks occurred despite a heavy Cologne police presence on Sunday patrolling the city center. It was part of "massive presence measures" in the wake of New Year's Eve assaults on women by multiple suspects of "Middle Eastern" descent.

Earlier on Friday, a Facebook group called "Kölner Bürgerwehr" (Cologne Civic Defense) called rallied those with backgrounds in martial arts and bodybuilding with the motto, "Cologne defends itself!"

On Saturday, an angry crowd of around 1,700 anti-immigrant demonstrators clashed with police hurling firecrackers and bottles and chanting "Merkel must go." When they continued to throw projectiles, police deployed two water cannons and used pepper spray to disperse the group. Supporters of the anti-immigration movement were then herded towards an area near the city's station.

Dubbed "a new dimension of crime" by German authorities, the Cologne violence revealed local police were caught unawares by the events. Earlier on Thursday, Cologne Police Chief Wolfgang Albers told RT that law enforcement had "never encountered incidents like this before" and the police officers dealing with the NYE assaults were "totally bewildered by it all." A day later, Albers resigned.

no photo
Mon 01/11/16 09:25 AM

Angela Merkel needs to be held accountable for this reign of terror being unleashed by these crimminals. They are like the plague spreading across all of Europe!

doubt she has left much of a Chink in her Armor!
Politicians usually can fall back on dozens of "Expert Opinions" to shield themselves.
If Politician were legally responsible for their failures in Office,instead of only gross Criminal Behavior(Sometimes not even for that),you'd see a lot less Grandstanding and Busybodying by them!

Politicians usually can fall back on dozens of "Expert Opinions" to shield themselves.

Like repeating a simple phrase/ slogan, over & over until the simple masses believe it.

" It is a religion of peace "
" They are refugees "

Not.. We are going to kiss cultural & global political ideological a@@.

The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.
Adolf Hitler

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
Adolf Hitler

By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.
Adolf Hitler

Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.
Adolf Hitler

no photo
Mon 01/11/16 11:36 AM



Germany: Mob of Muslim Immigrants Pull a Young German Woman and Her Child From Their Car and Beat Them Both (Video)


The Rape of Europe: http://youtu.be/KUPuMs3E_k0/ 06:53 includes 3 other links

This is by a male UK witness, January 6, 2015, who also says this has been going on & has been covered up for SIX months.

For more (graphic) evidence/ proof),
Google ' Muslims attack woman LiveLink.com.


no photo
Mon 01/11/16 01:13 PM
"" A Muslim migrant in Germany brags on video
about gangraping a virgin in Germany.

From the video:

" And we on top of bed jumped
down, she screams and of course
she was fighting back and so on.
And we had her legs, dude. Bang!
One held her over there, the other
over there, dude. And then, dude,
Sinan and the others, one after the
other, dude, Virgin, dude! Well
done, dude! I swear to you… And
we like pigs spit on her. Sperm
and dirt all over her."

The video was recorded in December and
posted online in late December. The man still
walks free in Germany.
Germany is expecting another million
migrants in 2016 after accepting over one
million migrants in 2015.""

The religion of getting a piece any way you can....

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/11/16 01:55 PM

REPORT: Migrant Men Practiced ‘Taharrush’ On German Women in Cologne Sex Attacks

An official report into the Cologne sex assaults has concluded the attacks were by men “almost exclusively” from a migrant background, and links them to the ‘Taharrush‘ phenomenon where large gangs of men attack women in the Arab world.

Yesterday, Breitbart London reported how German authorities now fear a repeat of the New Year’s Eve attacks. Although they sexual assaults were most severe in Cologne, almost every other major German city reported some incidents that evening.

Today’s report says that such attacks were previously unknown in German society, and that the fact they were perpetrated mainly by migrant men of Arabic and North African descent, suggests a new form of rape culture has been imported into the country.

Breitbart London wrote yesterday how taharrush, also known by the longer name taharrush gamea, has been particularly prevalent in Egypt, where large gangs of men assaulted female journalists during protests in Tahrir Square.

The concept was previously obscure but is now gaining momentum in the German media – and across Europe – as a key way of explaining why so many men thought it was fine to commit mass sexual assaults.

Major German news websites have already begun using the term in headlines, for example:

Focus writes: “After Cologne sex attacks: BKA [federal criminal police] wants to fight the phenomenon of “taharrush gamea”

An article on the subject has even been created on the German version of Wikipedia, which says that such offences usually take place in large crowds of people, mentioning especially the incidents in Tahrir Square and the Cologne assaults.

Breitbart London mentioned yesterday how online journal Jadaliyya had written that the word was new even in Arabic. Sexual assaults had happened long before the term was coined, but were traditionally referred to as nothing more than “flirtation”.

“In Egypt, sexual harassment is widespread and touches the lives of the majority of women whether on the streets, in public transportation, or at the work place, the super market, or political protests,” the journal said.

With widespread concern that such incidents could happen again in Europe, the term will likely become more significant as year goes on.sick sick sick

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/11/16 01:58 PM

Cologne Sex Mobs ‘Co-ordinated and Planned’, Europe-Wide Phenomena Possibly Linked

The sex mobs committing assaults en masse in Cologne this New Year’s Eve were coordinated or planned, and may have been linked to similar attacks seen across Germany and continent, the police and a German minister have said.

“For such a horde of people to meet and commit such crimes, it has to have been planned somehow,” Heiko Maas, the federal justice minister and a social democrat told Bild am Sonntag.

“No one can tell me that this was not co-ordinated or planned.”

Police began examining internet forums and chat groups last week on the working assumption that it is unlikely hundreds men just met by accident. Pieces of paper have since been found on some of the suspects, with Arabic and German translations of phrases such as “big ****” and “I want to ****”, indicating a degree of planning.

Over the weekend Cologne police said that officers had recorded 516 cases of New Year’s Eve violence, 40 per cent of which were of a sexual nature including two rapes.

Nearly all of the men involve in the attacks were migrants, Germany’s interior ministry said today. The majority have already been confirmed as recently arrived refugees.

“Based on testimony from witnesses, the report from the Cologne police and descriptions by the federal police, it looks as if people with a migration background were almost exclusively responsible for the criminal acts,” Ralf Jaeger, interior minister from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Police in Hamburg are investigating 120 crimes of a similar nature in the St Pauli neighbourhood, and sexual assaults have been reported in “every major German city” as well as in Sweden, Finland, Austria and Switzerland on New Year’s Eve.

“All connections must be carefully checked,” Mr. Maas added. “There is a suspicion that a particular date was chosen with expected crowds. That would then be a new dimension.”

The federal criminal office has also bee reported as drawing up measures to tackle ‘taharrush gamea’ in Europe, the phenomenon of mass sexual harassment by mobs of young men which is well known in the Arab world, especially Egypt.
ill ill ill

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