Topic: What does everyone honestly think of me?
halcyonforlife's photo
Thu 12/31/15 04:40 PM
Please, try to be positive--I've had enough of negativity to last me a lifetime. I'm sick of dating because when we break up, they always talk trash lies about me, so don't worry, I've heard it all.

no photo
Thu 12/31/15 04:45 PM
I think you should stop dating, and focus on yourself and what you want, set goals, and know yourself better before dating or seeking acceptance from others.

My two cents...

TMommy's photo
Thu 12/31/15 04:52 PM
your pic is too dark
can't see you happy

no photo
Thu 12/31/15 04:57 PM
You're young and you have your whole life ahead of you.

Your post was a little negative, I know it's hard if you have been hurt before but try to focus on the good things.

One thing's for sure, negative vibes attract negativity, happy vibes attract happiness.

All the best young lady, stay safe and happy new year.

halcyonforlife's photo
Thu 12/31/15 05:13 PM
Yeah. I don't want to date anyone right now anyway, I just want friends.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 12/31/15 05:47 PM
Friends in the real world would probably be in your better interest.

I would recommend getting active in your school government or a theater group helping with sets and costumes or a nice community service organization.

Online can be a pretty rough place for someone who is vulnerable. I would at least severely limit the people you will accept mail from.

And no matter how wonderful you think they are do not give anyone you can not meet locally in a very secure public place FIRST your phone number or off Mingle email address. You need your computer for your education and you really do not want to crash it with a virus or malware.

That does not mean you would not be very welcome to participate in and learn from the forums. It will help you to learn how to be more social and less shy and you can make some interesting world wide pen pals (keep it here) all over the world that would be both fun and expanding your world view.