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Topic: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Lpdon's photo
Mon 01/11/16 10:31 AM

Looking forward to watching this film going to wait an buy on Blu-ray.

If you have the capability get it on 3D Bluray! It was awesome in 3D!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 01/11/16 10:38 AM

Force Awakens is a good movie. It isn't great but it is very good. I don't mind the pattern that Abrams followed or the similarity it has with Episode 4. This movie is a good start to a franchise that needed it after Lucas bombed with Episodes 1-3 (although 3 was a nice effort).

The thing I liked most about this movie is the "darker" tone it has to it. You can thank Kasdan and Abrams for that, and it works here. The one thing Abrams did that I absolutely love is how he develops Kylo Ren throughout the movie. What he becomes in the next film will be interesting to me.

I didn't say I didn't like it, I said it was awesome! I just wish JJ Abrams uld have taken more risks and chances with the storyline. That's what made the original Star Wars Trilogy so amazing. He played it way to safe and some of the villain's seemed to cartoonish like the name Captain Phasma. She was a bad a$$ character and totally underutilized.

Abrams also didn't follow Star Wars cannon which bugs a lot of people and with Killing off Han Solo that ruins part of the greatness because everyone wanted to see Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, C3P0 and R2D2 back together for this trilogy.

Also it is very disappointing they didn't bring Lando Calrissian back into this movie.

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