TMommy's photo
Tue 12/15/15 06:58 AM

TT when I was a little girl
T as I got older

oh also She Hulk and the Terminator
I have no idea where those came from bigsmile

She Hulk and Terminator?? I don't see those fitting Tmom!!

Baz given by my high school basketball team which lasted for many years until it evolved into what it is now LoneWolfBaz
hahaha well the Terminator was from my ex husband on the way out of the attorney's office..during our divorce proceedings

and the She Hulk is from my oldess son
" man watch out you don't wanna get mom angry" bigsmile

TMommy's photo
Tue 12/15/15 06:58 AM
Edited by TMommy on Tue 12/15/15 06:59 AM
mutha pus bucket double post explode

graygentleman's photo
Tue 12/15/15 11:48 AM
OK, they make sense when in context!

I didn't see them fitting without reason.

But then again I have not felt your rath, and hope not to anytime really!

Bernard2020's photo
Tue 12/15/15 12:30 PM

Do you burn?

Titanic007's photo
Fri 12/18/15 12:27 AM
its jeet

Goofball73's photo
Fri 12/18/15 07:14 PM
One Hung Low

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 12/18/15 07:49 PM
I was never fond of nick names so rarely repeated them when I moved where they would be unknown and could be forgotten.

While I get the affection of them sometimes it seems like a privilege reserved for only certain people and a rude thing for others to assume.

I would hardly want a previous lover brought to mind by being called something private so those things are best kept inviolate.

jarviep's photo
Fri 12/18/15 07:52 PM