Topic: O-Bozo called "a total pu$$y" on live TV | |
"This is a president who's done more harm to American police departments than he has to Islamic State!" (Can't argue with THAT one!)
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| Obama: 'Is That All There Is?'
Colonel Calls Obama “A Total P@ssy” On Live TV first published on December 7, 2015 by Will Retired United States Army lieutenant colonel Ralph Peters called President Obama “a total p@ssy” during a live television interview regarding the President’s Oval Office address he gave to the American people last night on the topics of terrorism, Syria, and gun control. Peters was referring to Obama playing the “fear” card to the public and the President’s half-assed measures in his supposed attempt to defeat the Islamic State terror organization. While I am no fan of any Fox News associated channel, I do have to give Peters credit for calling it like it is. It actually makes me want to hear what retired General Stanley McChrystal would have to say about Obama’s current handling of the Middle Eastern debacle. McChrystal, an excellent warfighter and true American patriot, was forced to resign after calling out various White House officials in their ineptitude while he was ISAF Commander. Personally, I was more angered with the President’s call to strip people of their civil liberties without due process, although, I wasn’t surprised. He actually suggested that those on “No Fly Lists” be banned from buying or owning firearms. That might sound good to those that are eating the food-of-fear from his hand, but in reality, if implemented, it would be a wholly illegal and unjust act. It’s lists like these that allowed the KGB to send political dissidents to the Gulag for simply being opposed to current leadership. If I am a terrorist, prosecute me as such, and then strip away my freedoms. Barring people of their civil liberties because of a no fly list is like forcing someone to register as a sex offender for having a penis (a common tool of rape) and posting classless, sex-related content on their Facebook page. Are they a potential rapist? Maybe. Have you filed a case against them with substantial evidence for a conviction? No? Then go pound sand. Additionally, his reasoning for pushing this entirely un-American agenda is supposedly because of the Islamic terrorists that killed 14 people in San Bernardino. Those scumbags had someone else purchase their weapons and were obviously not on a no fly list, considering the dude brought his goat-smelling wife here from Saudi Arabia last year. In fact, it just raises more questions as to how well we can vet these refugees with background checks as they come in from a nation that collapsed into war over four years ago, especially since we’re actively trying to take down their government, rather than working with it. Where is he getting these personal records for the background checks? What President Obama is suggesting is that we destroy the Second Amendment (right to bear arms) by obliterating the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments (due process) so we can target those that may only be ‘guilty’ of using their First Amendment rights by using a secret list with no accountability or ability to ascertain to the reasoning for removing their liberties in the interest of not compromising national security. So while I agree with lieutenant colonel Ralph Peters’ angry and entertaining statement regarding the President’s handling of ISIS, I think we should be more focused on what this current leadership is willing to do to our nation. That’s what should be angering people. I don’t even understand how it is legally possible for the President Of The United States Of America to even get away with suggesting such a horrendous, illegal, and un-American goal. ISIS is scary. Now give me your rights.*****-on-live-tv/ * Replace the *****, ( p@ssy) * |
the good Colonel just used a Military Euphemism,that's all!
He could have used much worse,like "@&?$£öäç88",or "+ü[{$£!¨[]". ![]() |
Seven years in, and someone in the media finally calls Obonzo for what he is.