Topic: The REAL meaning of Islam | |
You must explain yourself a little better cloudy, otherwise I cannot grasp your meaning.
Through my studies after the destruction of the Temple in around 70ad. That the Jews,Israelites and others fled to the Arab people where they were welcomed with open arm. It was not untill the time of Mohammad that the Arab people tured on thier guests and killed them or they ran for thier lives.. So what did the Arabs believe before Mohammad? Also can you explain to me why in so many muslim country's thier cities end in yah? In our scriptures Esau was very angry when he was denied the 1st right of the 1st born to who he was Ishmael's uncle who was also denied the 1st bornship but was given an inheritance as the law prescribes.So i am wondering do you claim Esau and Ishmael as your founding fathers from Abraham? Blessings of Shalom.... Miles
Those are very good questions, but I cannot express them correctly at the moment, let me find the right english words and I will awnser.
This is rather embarassing, English has been my language all my life, but I cannot express myself with it anymore. |
Redyculous, sorry I missed your question. The fighting against terrorism I suppose you mean. The ppl who are claiming to be muslims and yet killing ppl without following our guidance are not muslims, only religious, how would you say, "nutcase", who are shunned by the true muslim community. I do not know what their intentions were, are, or will be. They are not our brothers/sisters in Islam.
Sorry, I was a little wound up on nyquil when I posted it. I ment that when people talk about the terrorists they call them Muslim extremists instead of regular Muslims who go about their day just like the rest of us.
Oddly enough I clean a house for a woman who wears veils over her face because no other man besides her husband can see her (she told me that, and I told her it was fine because it made her look like a ninja and I never mess with them. She laughed ) |
Speaking loosely, Jews hold that Christians and Muslims have falsely seen the fulfillment of the covenant and that neither Jesus nor Muhammad represents the continuation of God's will.
Christians hold that both Jews and Muslims, who both claim to worship the God of the Hebrews, have failed to bear witness to the fulfillment of his covenant. As a Christian, I can testify that I hold the teachings of Jesus, as presented in the Bible to be true and the teachings of Muhammad, as presented in the Quran to be false. I hold these notions to be true on the basis of faith. When Muslims testify that Christians and Jews have misinterpreted or corrupted the meaning of God's word, is that also, then, a matter of faith? For what reason do Muslims hold that the Quran is the completion of God's word? For what reason do they reject the New Testament as the completion of the Old Testament? |
PJ - thank-you for your responce. I was rather wondering if there might be 'sects' or divisions within the Islamic faith and thay was why I posed the question. I appreciate your sincerity.
Can't we all just realize that there are different paths to the same place?
Just my 2 cents worth... M |
"Can't we all just realize that there are different paths to the same place?"
What branch of Judaism teaches that it's appropriate to worship other gods? |
could you elaborate on that spider
People fail to realize that "extremists or terrorist" exist in all religions and facets of life. You have the oklahoma city bomber type, the abortion clinic bomber type, the white supremist bomber type, etc.... Terrorist exist everywhere, Iraq or Islam does not corner the the market on terrorists.
"could you elaborate on that spider" Okay... MicheleNC said... ============================================================== "Can't we all just realize that there are different paths to the same place?" ============================================================== SpiderCMB said... ============================================================== What branch of Judaism teaches that it's appropriate to worship other gods? ============================================================== God's first three commandments to the Jews were all about God being their only God and how to respect Him. I am wondering what branch of Judaism MicheleNC belongs to that teaches that all gods can be worshipped. ============================================================== |
History of mohamed is not so stellar. Banishment from the city, inciting robbery of caravans, with complicit murder of traveling merchants and theft of their property. In this country those are capital offenses and you can be hung for them. Trips up into the mountainside for discussions with a deity that nobody else can see, returning with self-serving prophesy regarding submission of the masses and multiple wives.
Since mohamed never wrote anything and the quran was produced many years after his death, any words in it are only as accurate as the memory and the integrity of the writers. Whether the writers had personal agendas such as has been claimed about some of the writers of the new testament of the bible should be considered as a possibility. The claim as to islam being a perfect religion is belied by the fact that the Shia and Sunni can not agree on a basic fundamental of the religion. The notion that it would be any more perfect than any other religion is hype, put in place at the time of mohamed. The claim that islam is a religion of peace is smoke and mirrors it seems. In one sect they favor all variety of violence without regard for life of innocents, in another they support the rights and actions of the suicide bombers while at the same time claiming Islam is peaceful, justifying it by their own personal lack of commitment to actually bombing themselves. Mohamed was a man in a certain time, centuries ago. His message is not relevant to people of today. People would be better off with some version of secular humanism. Certainly the world would be better off if islam were disbanded in favor of such. Good luck with that PJ. No offense, but I've read the history and I disagree. Checking back to make sure I left caps off in the appropriate places. One more thing on the consideration that islam is a perfect religion and sent to fix christianity. How can you fix a religion promoting peace and love by robbing caravans and promoting murderous expansion in the name of your version of perfection? Not to suggest christianity is perfect, just to point out the flaw in the logic. |
Dragoness, there was one example of bombing of one abortion clinic by some guy named Rudolph, while there are hundreds or even thousands every year for decades in the name of islam. How can you consider the eqalitarian view that they are all the same to be reasonable in light of that?
Moreover the widespread suppression of women's rights even to simple medical care or employment speaks to the nature of those in authoritative positions of the religion if not to the religion itself. Clearly in Pakistan and Afghanistan the clerics have been teaching a doctrine of hate for a very long time. Such methodology and indoctrination should be illegal everywhere. |
hear hear......or is it here here....And I work with these woman and know who supressed they are....yes things are changing but its a slow process and alot of fear.....But with the help of International Organizations that we go over and show these woman that it is not they are treated......and not right that they are treated like second class citizens....
A few stories to ponder with the Women to Women Organization I have worked with on many occasions. Women in Iraq have traditionally not suffered the same type of gender repression found in some other societies in the region. Earlier laws ensured education for girls, family rights (such as the rights to divorce and to own property), and the right to serve in the government and in security forces. As a result, some Iraqi women, particularly those from Baghdad and other urban areas, made significant professional gains in areas such as law, medicine, and the arts. As in many countries, the gains were not equally shared with rural areas, which have consistently lacked uniform access to basic rights such as schooling and medical care. The repression of Saddam Hussein’s regime, and many of the events that took place during it, including the Iran/Iraq War, the chemical attack on the Kurds in Halabja, the Gulf War, and thirteen years of UN sanctions, took a severe toll on the entire Iraqi population. The 1990s brought the increased pressure of economic decline with an impact on the economic and social rights of women. Many women lost their jobs. They could not travel outside of the country without a male relative as an escort; rapists could escape punishment for their crime by marrying their victims; and a law was introduced exempting men who killed their female relatives in the name of the family’s honor, from prosecution and punishment. Although the end of the Hussein regime has brought great relief to many women, insecurity and lawlessness in the aftermath of the U.S.-led invasion have brought an increase in crimes and violence against women including rape, honor killing, and kidnapping. Women’s on-going involvement in the reconstruction of Iraq is critical as the country struggles to move towards stability. Over the past year, there have been numerous organized efforts to promote capacity building of Iraqi women’s nongovernmental organizations, while also ensuring women’s empowerment in economic and political arenas on a grassroots level. |
My examples of the "other" terrorists and terrorist acts was limited as I am not an encyclopedia of the uglies but there if a comparison were to be done, it would come out equal, if all time is given consideration. It has been in recent time that islamo-facist have been the "center of attention". If we put into consideration just here in America the terrorizing of Blacks in the south, during slavery and after, we could mark hundreds of thousands or millions on our side alone. So I am sorry you have been taught so onsided, almost all religions have bloody pasts to outlive. And that is only one catagory of terrorist.
So you're blaming slavery, which has existed for thousands of years, on christianity, interesting. Are you also suggesting that all the sellers of slaves in Africa during the 1600s and 1700s were white christians, that they went out and captured them without help from the locals?
Are you suggesting that the crusades occurred before the islamic militant expansion throughout the Middle East, and Africa and eventually Europe? Christianity has a nice history with the inquisition, hard to be proud of that. Currently there is no ongoing inquisition however as there is an ongoing islamic radical movement. That makes the problems displaced several centuries from one another. Blacks in the South are invited to participate in the American society. Slavery has been abolished in this country since President Lincoln. Since that time people have been working to make things better in this country for civil rights. No person living now was ever a slave in this country. There is no organized religious effort to enslave the blacks. So, no, there is not equal bad and ugly in other religions, not in this century. I'm not one-side educated. I support civil liberties for everyone, so throwing slavery into the mix is misguided. Budhism does not have a violent past. They aren't all violent. Bloody past and bloody current are not the same. I didn't enter this discussion to defend all the worlds religions or actions. I'm not of such a mind anyway. I entered it to point out that islam is an opinion based on the teachings of one man, which might in fact be wrong, even though he has many followers. When you claim that islam is no worse than any other religions you ignore the violent nature of its history and present, as well as its tenets which support violence. To brush that aside with claims of equal bad in christianity is appeasement which perpetuates tolerance of evil. Oh well. |
Terrorist acts are not limited to religious factions. Terrorist acts are any act of violence used to control another person or persons. Violence as a form of control, hell the death penalty falls in that catagory. Terrorists are everywhere, just because the islamo-extremists are in the spotlight now does not make them worse than any before or after them. Any act of violence used to control others covers all acts of violence used against blacks here, that alone puts our talley pretty high on the list of terrorist activities.
So you are suggesting that current race relations in the US amounts to terrorism against blacks?
Oh yea, white supremists are well known for their terrorist philosophies and at the least mental terrorism of blacks if not the physical terrorist acts. Especially now that the KKK traded in their hoods for business suits and their flaming crosses for politics.