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Topic: Now what the hell is this about?
Solow's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:14 AM
The parents of these children need to be brought to the "REAL" ghetto
and left outside wearing signs that say: "we hate blacks" and then the
girls should just let me smack the shit out of them. Read

Subject: FW: Racist Twins girls sell 91,000 hate records

Anybody else hear about this ?

Not only is this sad, but it is just outrageous that Billboard would
even support this. We have come too far as a nation to take a step back.
I just have no words for this. The link at the bottom of the page shows
the article.
Subject: FW: Racist White Girl Group on Billboard Charts
Body: RACISM GROWS, September 22, 2006
By Claudia Rosett and George Russell
What does it mean for Black America that a hate preaching music duo
could debut on the Billboard albums chart? This week, the Billboard
albums chart's top five is packed with nothing but new releases, with
Bakersfield , CA Pop duo Prussian Blue shocking the nation by taking ..4
after selling 91, 000 copies of "End of A Black World" its first week
out. The album is also serving as the soundtrack to a remake of one of
the most controversial movies in U.S. history "Birth Of A Nation".
"End of A Black World" is the third and most successful album for 12 and
13 year old Lamb and Lynx, who have recently relocated to a private
compound in Salt Lake City , Utah after their last album gained them
national attention and death threats. The girls were lost, especially in
December of 2005 when their father was shot twice by an AME Minister.
However, their father survived and their career was revived by what
seems to be an unfathomable paradigm shift in American values. "It
really breaks my heart to see those two girls spewing out that kind of
garbage, " said Ted Shaw, civil rights advocate and president of the
NAACP's Legal Defense Fund.
"This is bullshit. Right now I am more so shocked that an album
advocating the extermination of the black race could be so widely
received by America, " continued Shaw, who plans to protest the girls'
album and call for black artists to boycott Billboard. Jesse Jackson of
The Rainbow PUSH Coalition gave the following statement, "White America
has spoken. Billboard has spoken. This is only the beginning."
The beginning is just what Lynx and Lamb, who have been nurtured on
racist beliefs since birth by their mother April, are hoping for. "We
hope to bring about change in our people, " said Lamb. "We hope that our
album and Birth Of A Nation will show our people exactly what needs to
be done to make this country safe and white."
When asked about their inspiration for their latest efforts, Lynx gave
this response. "I saw white people hating white people. I was afraid
that America wanted to be black, " said Lynx. "I saw that funny nigger's
show where he made a mockery of the KKK and white people were laughing.
This broke my heart."
Lynx was speaking of Actor/Comedian Dave Chapelle and his comic sketch
depicting a blind, African American, Ku Klux Klan leader who was unaware
that he was not white. Dave Chapelle is also believed to be the
inspiration of their single, "Funny Nigger, " which describes the
gruesome fate of blacks who taunt whites. Dave Chapelle was not
available for comment.
Prussian Blue appear to have gone from one of America 's dirty little
secrets to Pop princesses overnight. The group is now fielding offers
from major record labels such as MGM and Geffen. This may be only the
Track Listing for "End Of A Black World"
1) Dawn of A New White World
2) Birth Of A Nation
3) Purest Soul
4) Tainted Blood
5) Affirmative Blaction
6) Reggin & Ekik
7) The Cleansing (interlude)
8) Short Drop and A Quick Stop
9) Burning Cross
10) N.A.A.C.P. (Niggers Against A Colorless People)
11) Funny Rich Nigger
12) Crack Babies
13) Nigger Lovers
14) No Darkie In Me
15) End Of A Black World
16) Hess' Praye
Also check the link to the abc news story

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:18 AM
simply put....thats really fucked up

manDii's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:20 AM
i agree

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:24 AM
i had never heard of them until just reading that

manDii's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:25 AM
i heard of it just never bothered to get insight on it

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:31 AM
i don't agree with the message at all but if a black rapper can rap
about killin a honky then why can't they say what they want, you don't
have to listen to it. freedom of speech doesn't work one way. BILLBOARD
is a corporate entity man, they don't have a social conscience. i
wouldn't buy that crap but the truth is that racism is still alive in
this country and it always will be. going back to your post the other
day about derogatory rap artists, this is a sick world solow and
unfortunately sick and twisted is what grabs peoples attention. it is
not reality to them or they would not be so hopped up on it if it was a
reality. why do you think they moved out of cali, so they didn't get
fucked up lol. they released their beliefs now lets see if they have the
integrity and the balls to stick with it when reality comes barking on
their doorstep. i agree with you though on the part about making them
live in a ghetto, i think it would open their eyes in one way or
another. they aren't any different than those fake gangsta wannabes,
they think it's cool but they have no idea what the real world is like
and i seriously doubt that they are prepared to live the life that they
are choosing.

spay's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:32 AM

sherrie0527's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:37 AM
they had a BIG TV thing on them on 60 minutes... it was some FUCKED UP
SHIT!!!.. doing the lil hitler dance and shit... lol it was some crazy

spay's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:39 AM

Solow's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:42 AM
I find this to be almost as outrageous as Dubya's stupid ass starting a
war Iraq before the capture of Osama. There are some fucked up people
in this country and I'm willing to put my own life on a bet: Those
little bitches would NEVER repeat those lyrics in front of a small
collection of black people......they will never walk away from something
like that alive. You see they had to go into hiding as a result of the
threats. This tells me that their parents and the girls themselves are
cowards. I'm totally disgusted right now.

hosstin18's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:43 AM
yeah man i agree they should be taught respect they shouldnt have sold
that much in records i hope to god that they get the shit knocke dout of
them they should also be pu tin jail for that in opion i have black
friends too i like to be friendly to all but ur know they just bitches
waiting to get a ass whooping so i say let them have it

Solow's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:44 AM
You breeze, I have the other tracks to send to you from my previous
album. gimme a minute.

Timothy470's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:44 AM
This is just the stupidity and blindness of too many people in the US
and all over the world, now days.

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:45 AM
A lot of Black Rappers opened the door to this...! I have not heard of
this group...but they don,t concern me either.

Whites tend to overlook blacks more often regarding racist conduct such
as this then whites...therefore I,m sure the Bill O,Reilly and such
will, bring this group to the light.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:45 AM
ok, thanks

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:47 AM
What... you disagree...?

spay's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:50 AM


no photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:52 AM
i agree with you ontario, their will be plenty of backlash from people
of all colors. the whole world has been dealing with the issue of racism
forever and hopefully people will be able to see it for what it
is....pure ignorance and not give it airtime because of the attention.
this kind of music is very popular among white supremists but it's odd
because i have never seen it represented by a mainstream source.

spay's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:52 AM

Solow's photo
Thu 11/02/06 12:00 PM
Granted freedom speech is part of what makes this twisted ass country
great, but these little bitches (and I mean bitches), have crossed the
line. The little "fan-base" that they have created more than likely
consists of skinheads in skin-tight pants and scuffed up boots, a few
anti-social anarchists, one or two go betweens---you know--the ones who
act totally different around different cultures of people, a couple of
toothless bigots with goats for girlfriends, a few Hitler historians and
the rest are probably social rejects who can't find a place to fit in
except in their bedrooms with a pair of headphones glued to their wax
filled ears begging to be like these racist whores just so they'll be
accepted into something. Nuff said? NO---I think not!!!! This
structure does not apply only to the ignorance of these
beotches......there are a few rappers who are just as guilty of stupid
shit. They might not stress racists views, but they have caused enough
havoc across the nation to make the majority of society look at us in
the same light that I look at these little brides of Satan bitches. So
that means no-one is immune to being a victim of ignorance.

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