Topic: Terrorist
Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/23/15 07:17 AM

Do you mean, what should we do ABOUT terrorists? Or about the THREAT of terrorism? Those are the more complicated questions, since any and all actions to increase personal security inevitably result in a reduction of personal freedom.

the question of what to do about A terrorist is simple: a terrorist is nothing more than a violent criminal. treat them like any violent criminal. Eliminate their ability to do harm.

The "Threat" is part of the terror strategy.
It is used in two directions:

a)By the terrorist groups: the "menace" of an attack generally gives better results that an attack itself.
b)By the states menaced: those politicians (or supposed-to-be) that are weak and false will always recur to the easiest and more simple solution. That is: cut of liberties and blame the terrorists to any bad thing or bad action taken or suffered. Real politicians know how to cope, to raise the spirits and the values of their countrymen to effectively fight against those terror-mongers.

N.B. In the aftermath of Paris, who is benefitting from the blood spread? Hint: remove DAESH from equation.

Besides DAESH,your Hoplophobic EU-Politicians!sick

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/23/15 07:21 AM

Yea, The US should stop funding the UN and all of the humanitarian and medical aid that it has given around the world. Death, starvation and diseases would really make them like US more better.slaphead

Just for your info:
"Debt includes $2.6bn for international peacekeeping efforts, with France owing the most at $356m, followed by the US at $337m".

Death, starvation and disease are usually the result of the "focused help" some states do: the so called "humanitarian help" goes directly to the great multinational pockets, the corrupt murderous regimes and their proxies. Look Syria: the main ammo source use by DAESH is USA produced.

BTW, you missed War to have the 4 raiders of the apocalypse. Less "ora" and more "labora" with your brains is welcomed.

do you have a Source as to the Claim about the Origin of DAESH's Arms?
Last time I looked they were mainly Eastern Block Kalshnikovs,with a sprinkle of western Arms the valiant Iraqi-Troops had abandoned!laugh

rindamin666's photo
Mon 11/23/15 07:38 AM

What should we do with terrorist?
Or what actions should be taken against them?

Who is WE Op?
Does India want to start kicking a@@?

Europe had/ has this 'open door' policy. They can do with them as they see fit.

India behave with politeness with any criminal or terrorist, thats why they are not afraid of attacking india over and over again.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/23/15 08:20 AM

What should we do with terrorist?
Or what actions should be taken against them?

Your question seems more like 'what if i identify a potential terrorist in my neighborhood?'

As per the Old Law - nothing; till he actually guns down lives.

As per yesterday's UN Resolution - anything and everything.
You don't have to wait till he shoots.
You may kill him before he attempts to and then the Law will hang him.

Seems to be the only way.. till the UN finds a way to shut down
religion-based dichotomies.

France's mistake was being in denial!
In India, we know we are at risk and so do the communities housing terrorists.

me thinks I distinctly remember India getting caught with it's Pants down several times!

rindamin666's photo
Mon 11/23/15 08:51 AM

What should we do with terrorist?
Or what actions should be taken against them?

Your question seems more like 'what if i identify a potential terrorist in my neighborhood?'

As per the Old Law - nothing; till he actually guns down lives.

As per yesterday's UN Resolution - anything and everything.
You don't have to wait till he shoots.
You may kill him before he attempts to and then the Law will hang him.

Seems to be the only way.. till the UN finds a way to shut down
religion-based dichotomies.

France's mistake was being in denial!
In India, we know we are at risk and so do the communities housing terrorists.

me thinks I distinctly remember India getting caught with it's Pants down several times!

what do you mean

no photo
Mon 11/23/15 08:58 AM
My questions is what is the terrorist.

no photo
Mon 11/23/15 09:03 AM
Edited by nailcap on Mon 11/23/15 09:08 AM
the criminals? the hackers? the alien? what is terrorist? if even the rights of civilians always being invaded? Then what will be the terrorist? Then who is the lier? What is the lier?

JaiGi's photo
Mon 11/23/15 01:24 PM
Edited by JaiGi on Mon 11/23/15 01:26 PM

What should we do with terrorist?
Or what actions should be taken against them?

Your question seems more like 'what if i identify a potential terrorist in my neighborhood?'

As per the Old Law - nothing; till he actually guns down lives.

As per yesterday's UN Resolution - anything and everything.
You don't have to wait till he shoots.
You may kill him before he attempts to and then the Law will hang him.

Seems to be the only way.. till the UN finds a way to shut down
religion-based dichotomies.

France's mistake was being in denial!
In India, we know we are at risk and so do the communities housing terrorists.

me thinks I distinctly remember India getting caught with it's Pants down several times!

Interesting to hear wisdom emanate from within the Alp fortress. Particularly when your country's historical service to the world is providing tax havens.

no photo
Mon 11/23/15 01:34 PM

What should we do with terrorist?
Or what actions should be taken against them?

Your question seems more like 'what if i identify a potential terrorist in my neighborhood?'

As per the Old Law - nothing; till he actually guns down lives.

As per yesterday's UN Resolution - anything and everything.
You don't have to wait till he shoots.
You may kill him before he attempts to and then the Law will hang him.

Seems to be the only way.. till the UN finds a way to shut down
religion-based dichotomies.

France's mistake was being in denial!
In India, we know we are at risk and so do the communities housing terrorists.

me thinks I distinctly remember India getting caught with it's Pants down several times!

Interesting to hear wisdom emanate from within the Alp fortress. Particularly when your country's historical service to the world is providing tax havens.


Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/23/15 01:48 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 11/23/15 01:58 PM

What should we do with terrorist?
Or what actions should be taken against them?

Your question seems more like 'what if i identify a potential terrorist in my neighborhood?'

As per the Old Law - nothing; till he actually guns down lives.

As per yesterday's UN Resolution - anything and everything.
You don't have to wait till he shoots.
You may kill him before he attempts to and then the Law will hang him.

Seems to be the only way.. till the UN finds a way to shut down
religion-based dichotomies.

France's mistake was being in denial!
In India, we know we are at risk and so do the communities housing terrorists.

me thinks I distinctly remember India getting caught with it's Pants down several times!

Interesting to hear wisdom emanate from within the Alp fortress. Particularly when your country's historical service to the world is providing tax havens.

Is that the Best you can do,Sunshine?Losing it?laugh
Besides,someone has to protect People from those Thieving Politicians in East and West!

Besides,all that doesn't change the Fact that India was caught sleeping the same way France was a few days ago!
It's a Fact of life that some always fall through the Cracks!

RustyKitty's photo
Mon 11/23/15 07:56 PM
Edited by RustyKitty on Mon 11/23/15 08:00 PM

Terrorists have many faces..

no photo
Mon 11/23/15 08:47 PM
Edited by TBone5280 on Mon 11/23/15 08:52 PM
Terrorists have many faces..

whoa whoa whoa slaphead
GREAT... slaphead You come up with ONE example of a so-called Christian killing others, & try to use that in some kind of TWISTED "moral equivalence" ploy, trying to say that ALL religions have extremists??

Try THIS as an interesting intellectual exercise - call up & perform the following two searches:

"christian attacks" - (hint: that brings up 478 results, MOST of which contain headlines similar to 'India: Anti-Christian attacks up 55%' OR 'Lebanon: Islamic summit slams anti-Christian attacks and violence...'.
"islamist attacks" - (hint: that produces "about 16,700 results", most of which seem to contain headlines like 'Bangladesh: Hundreds Protest Islamist Attacks on Writers' and 'Islamist attacks from 9/11 to Paris bloodbath'.)

Before posting that BLATANT IDIOCY, did you even stop to consider the fact that Christianity has had it's Reformation, where all of it's most-treasured beliefs were subjected to scrutiny?? Yet Islam REFUSES to allow critical examination of the Quran in a similar manner!!

When people abandon Christianity, it's adherents are saddened, but pray for those who depart.
Islam by contrast sentences those who leave that religion to DEATH.

BUT, since both religions are OBVIOUSLY "equal", whoa PLEASE do me ONE favor - provide me a list of post-Reformation Christian equivalents to al Qaeda and ISIS. (No rush, I can wait...) :angel:

NOW - ANYONE who would *seriously* try to claim that there is some kind of "equivalence" between a Christianity & Islam... shocked scared slaphead slaphead slaphead I'm just not even going to finish that statement, because I would PROBABLY get permanently banned from this site.

Suffice it to say that THAT argument isn't even COHERENT enough to warrant a serious response.

no photo
Mon 11/23/15 10:29 PM
Islamist attacks from 9/11 to Paris bloodbath

Paris (AFP) - Friday's attacks in Paris are the latest violence claimed by radical Islamist groups since the destruction of the twin towers in New York in 2001.

Here is a chronology of major attacks:

- November 13, 2015: FRANCE - An unprecedented string of attacks leaves at least 130 dead and more than 350 injured. The assailants struck six different sites on Friday evening, including the Stade de France football stadium and eateries in the trendy east of the city. The Bataclan concert venue in Paris, where 82 people were killed, was the hardest-hit target. On November 14, the jihadist Islamic State group claims responsibility.

- November 12, 2015: LEBANON - An attack claimed by IS on a stronghold of Lebanon's Shiite movement Hezbollah in southern Beirut, leaves 44 dead. It is the largest IS-claimed attack ever in Lebanon, and among the deadliest bombings to hit the country since the end of its 1975-1990 civil war.

- October 31, 2015: EGYPT - A Russian jet leaving Egypt crashes in the Sinai peninsula, leaving all 224 people on board dead in Russia's worst air disaster. An IS-linked group claims responsibility, and Washington and London say they believe the crash was caused by a bomb on board.

- October 10, 2015: TURKEY - 102 people are killed and more than 500 injured in a suicide attack in front of Ankara's train station, where activists were gathered for a peace demonstration. Ankara's public prosecutor says the attack, the worst in Turkish history, was ordered by IS in Syria.

- June 26, 2015: TUNISIA - 38 tourists, including 30 Britons, are killed when a Tunisian student armed with a Kalashnikov rifle opens fire in a beach resort. The attack is claimed by IS. The violence stokes memories of a March 18 attack claimed by the IS on the Bardo Museum in Tunis that left 22 dead.

- April 2, 2015: KENYA - A day-long siege of the eastern Garissa University kills 148, including 142 students. Claimed by Somalia's Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab, the attack is Kenya's deadliest attack since 1998 US embassy bombings.

- January 7-9, 2015: FRANCE - Two men armed with Kalashnikov rifles storm the Paris offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo killing 12 people including eight cartoonists. A policewoman is killed just outside Paris the following day, while a gunman takes hostages at a Jewish supermarket, four of whom are killed.

- September 21-24, 2013: KENYA - An armed commando storms the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi, a favourite of Kenyan and expatriate shoppers. The attack, claimed by Al-Shebab, leaves 67 dead.

- November 26-29, 2008: INDIA - 166 people are killed when Islamist gunmen storm luxury hotels, the main railway station, a Jewish centre and other sites in the booming metropolis of Mumbai. On July 11, 2006, 189 people had been killed and more than 800 injured in attacks on trains and railway stations in Mumbai's suburbs.

- July 7, 2005: BRITAIN - Four coordinated suicide attacks during the peak travel period on three underground trains and a London bus kill 56 and injure 700. They are claimed by a group linked to al-Qaeda.

- March 11, 2004: SPAIN - A dozen bombs explode in Madrid and in its suburbs on four trains, leaving 191 dead and nearly 2,000 missing. The attack is claimed by Al-Qaeda.

- October 12, 2002: INDONESIA - Attacks on a bar-restaurant and a discotheque on the island of Bali leaves 202 dead, mainly tourists. The attack is carried out by a Jemaah Islamiyah commando linked to Al-Qaeda.

- September 11, 2011: UNITED STATES - Four passenger aircraft are diverted and three deliberately slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. The fourth plane crashes in Pennsylvania. The attacks, claimed by Al-Qaeda, and which leave around 3,000 dead, are the deadliest in history.

But hey - it's all the same as what Christians do all the time, right?? slaphead spock frustrated

no photo
Tue 11/24/15 02:01 AM
- Three out of six Indians in ISIS from Karnataka, all dead - Bangalore Mirror

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 11/24/15 02:38 AM

Terrorists have many faces..

strange though,Breivik wasn't a Christian!

Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Norwegian's manifesto shows Breivik not religious, having no personal faith

WASHINGTON – A review of Anders Behring Breivik’s 1,500-page manifesto shows the media’s quick characterization of the Norwegian terrorist as a “Christian” may be as incorrect as it was to call Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh one.

Breivik was arrested over the weekend, charged with a pair of brutal attacks in and near Oslo, Norway, including a bombing in the capital city that killed 7 and a shooting spree at a youth political retreat on the island of Utoya that killed more than 80 victims.

Piecing together Breivik’s various posts on the Internet, many media reports have characterized the terrorist – who says he was upset over the multiculturalist policies stemming from Norway’s Labour Party – as a “right-wing, Christian fundamentalist.”

Yet, while McVeigh rejected God altogether, Breivik writes in his manifesto that he is not religious, has doubts about God’s existence, does not pray, but does assert the primacy of Europe’s “Christian culture” as well as his own pagan Nordic culture.

Breivik instead hails Charles Darwin, whose evolutionary theories stand in contrast to the claims of the Bible, and affirms: “As for the Church and science, it is essential that science takes an undisputed precedence over biblical teachings. Europe has always been the cradle of science, and it must always continue to be that way. Regarding my personal relationship with God, I guess I’m not an excessively religious man. I am first and foremost a man of logic. However, I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe.”

Discover how both totalitarianism and terrorism will wilt in the face of true freedom with “The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror.”

The terrorist also candidly admits he finds no support within either the Catholic or Protestant churches for his violent ideas.

“I trust that the future leadership of a European cultural conservative hegemony in Europe will ensure that the current Church leadership are replaced and the systems somewhat reformed,” he writes. “We must have a Church leadership who supports a future Crusade with the intention of liberating the Balkans, Anatolia and creating three Christian states in the Middle East. Efforts should be made to facilitate the de-construction of the Protestant Church whose members should convert back to Catholicism. The Protestant Church had an important role once, but its original goals have been accomplished and have contributed to reform the Catholic Church as well. Europe should have a united Church lead [sic] by a just and non-suicidal pope who is willing to fight for the security of his subjects, especially in regards to Islamic atrocities.”

While Breivik says he considers himself “100-percent Christian,” he also expresses pride in his genealogical roots.

“I am very proud of my Viking heritage,” he writes. “My name, Breivik, is a location name from northern Norway, and can be dated back to even before the Viking era. Behring is a pre-Christian Germanic name, which is derived from Behr, the Germanic word for Bear (or ‘those who are protected by the bear’).”

And while characterizing himself as “Christian” and “Protestant,” Breivik says he supports “a reformation of Protestantism leading to it being absorbed by Catholisism.” [sic]

Likewise, media reports frequently characterized McVeigh as a “Christian,” though he adamantly denied any religious beliefs or convictions – placing his faith in science.

Breivik adds, “I went from moderately agnostic to moderately religious.”

In a question-and-answer section of his manifesto, Breivik asks himself, “What should be our civilisational [sic] objectives, how do you envision a perfect Europe?”

His answer is hardly the response of a “Christian utopian”: “‘Logic’ and rationalist thought (a certain degree of national Darwinism) should be the fundament [sic] of our societies. I support the propagation of collective rational thought but not necessarily on a personal level.”

Religious worship and study is never noted in the manifesto as part of Breivik’s routine in preparing for his mission of mass murder. In discussing his preparation for the attack, he writes: “It has been a long-term process since I first decided I wanted to contribute. But it’s not like I have been isolated for years. I have almost lived a normal life up until now. I still have a close relationship with my friends and family, just not as tight as it used to be. As for my current situation, I have been working on this book now for almost two years. It’s essential that you reward yourself and enjoy life in this period. You can do things you normally wouldn’t have done. You can basically live a normal life if you chose to; you just have to be extra careful. I have been practising [sic] certain rituals and meditation to strengthen my beliefs and convictions. For me, the most common ritual is taking a long walk listening to my favourite [sic] music on my iPod.”

Breivik also points out that his association with Christian cultural values is one of political expedience rather than religious commitment or faith

“My choice has nothing to do with the fact that I am not proud of my own traditions and heritage,” he explains. “My choice was based purely pragmatism. All Europeans are in this boat together, so we must choose a more moderate platform that can appeal to a great number of Europeans – preferably up to 50 percent (realistically up to 35 percent).”

Breivik also claims membership in the Freemasons, which many Christians consider to be a cultic organization.

More specifically, he calls himself a Justiciar Knight and explains what that means insofar as belief in Christianity:

“As this is a cultural war, our definition of being a Christian does not necessarily constitute that you are required to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus,” he writes. “Being a Christian can mean many things; That you believe in and want to protect Europe’s Christian cultural heritage. The European cultural heritage, our norms (moral codes and social structures included), our traditions and our modern political systems are based on Christianity – Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and the legacy of the European enlightenment (reason is the primary source and legitimacy for authority). It is not required that you have a personal relationship with God or Jesus in order to fight for our Christian cultural heritage and the European way. In many ways, our modern societies and European secularism is a result of European Christendom and the enlightenment. It is therefore essential to understand the difference between a ‘Christian fundamentalist theocracy’ (everything we do not want) and a secular European society based on our Christian cultural heritage (what we do want). So no, you don’t need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy (Christian holidays, Christmas and Easter)). The PCCTS, Knights Templar is therefore not a religious organisation [sic] but rather a Christian ‘culturalist’ military order.”

Over and over again, Breivik goes out of his way to make clear to readers of his manifesto that he is not motivated by Christian faith.

“I’m not going to pretend I’m a very religious person, as that would be a lie,” he says. “I’ve always been very pragmatic and influenced by my secular surroundings and environment. In the past, I remember I used to think: ‘Religion is a crutch for weak people. What is the point in believing in a higher power if you have confidence in yourself!? Pathetic.’ Perhaps this is true for many cases. Religion is a crutch for many weak people, and many embrace religion for self-serving reasons as a source for drawing mental strength (to feed their weak emotional state [for] example during illness, death, poverty etc.). Since I am not a hypocrite, I’ll say directly that this is my agenda as well. However, I have not yet felt the need to ask God for strength, yet.”

JaiGi's photo
Tue 11/24/15 05:51 AM

What should we do with terrorist?
Or what actions should be taken against them?

Your question seems more like 'what if i identify a potential terrorist in my neighborhood?'

As per the Old Law - nothing; till he actually guns down lives.

As per yesterday's UN Resolution - anything and everything.
You don't have to wait till he shoots.
You may kill him before he attempts to and then the Law will hang him.

Seems to be the only way.. till the UN finds a way to shut down
religion-based dichotomies.

France's mistake was being in denial!
In India, we know we are at risk and so do the communities housing terrorists.

me thinks I distinctly remember India getting caught with it's Pants down several times!

Interesting to hear wisdom emanate from within the Alp fortress. Particularly when your country's historical service to the world is providing tax havens.

Is that the Best you can do,Sunshine?Losing it?laugh
Besides,someone has to protect People from those Thieving Politicians in East and West!

Besides,all that doesn't change the Fact that India was caught sleeping the same way France was a few days ago!
It's a Fact of life that some always fall through the Cracks!

In sunshine country, our newspapers are quizzing on how ISIS is garnering funds. Sources listed are:

Oil trade: $558 million / year ($1.53 million a day)
Tax / extortion: $360 million / year
Trade in antiquities: $100 Million
Donations (Gulf): $ 40 million (2013-14 figures)
Kidnappings $ 20 million (2014)

Reference: Rand Corporation

That's over a billion dollar in revenues. OMG you may say.

Now compare this with reports claiming that a total exceeding US$16.4 trillion black money (un-taxed income) are stashed in Switzerland.

The largest 500 U.S. companies would owe an estimated $620 billion in U.S. taxes were it not for the more than $2.1 trillion in offshore cash that most of the firms hold in foreign tax havens, according to a study released Tuesday.

The report (PDF), based on an analysis of company filings to the IRS and the Securities and Exchange Commission, was authored by the Citizens for Tax Justice and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund.

I think for far too long the world has been watching Switzerland bank without impunity world assets criminally acquired: in gold, artifacts & currencies in what has now become the underground economy of the privileged.

Over the last two decades, the Swiss have extended their know how to build tax havens in countries like Bermuda, Ireland, the Netherlands and the Cayman Islands.

You can't earn $16.4 trillion from Swiss knives, watches and Swiss cheese.

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 11/29/15 04:41 PM
Do what it takes to get them together with their 72 virgins...that would be hell..72 ladies that bleed a week out of a month that will say just say no throughout eternity...flowerforyou

Rock's photo
Sun 11/29/15 04:45 PM
Edited by Rock on Sun 11/29/15 04:46 PM

Rock's photo
Sun 11/29/15 04:46 PM
Let the terrorists die.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 11/29/15 05:24 PM