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Topic: Do you accept ------
PacificStar48's photo
Sat 12/05/15 04:09 PM
I think a lot of the things people believe as far as superstitions develop from trying to explain the things that often create great pain, and fear, or even feeling trod upon. It is easier to say it was luck, or bad spirits, than such things as racism, or oppression. Sometimes it is easier than accepting your own poor skills; such as saying I have always been unlucky in love. When maybe it is you were selfish, depressing, or incapable of making compromises. That is pretty tough for most people to want to face.

But being good a romance and relationships is learnable and we can do better if we chose to. Sometimes it takes sacrifice, and being a little more accepting that real people have real feelings. Including ourselves. Sometimes we have to sweep out some of the little belief's as well as the big ones out of our way.

The OP's original explanation of walking off a job because of bad Karma would be something to consider. If it was a belief that was rooted in basic safety would make sense if it was something that just justified scaring workers off to not have to pay them overtime would be criminal, if it is just and excuse to follow a whim of occasionally not being mature enough to work when you don't want to so your family can't pay the bills it would not be really cool ad make a person look like a bad partnership.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 12/05/15 07:52 PM
Am I the only one who read the title of this thread and immediately thought of ...

kaicory's photo
Sat 12/05/15 08:47 PM
hmmm does Karma counts? "What goes around comes around"? :wink:

kaicory's photo
Sat 12/05/15 08:57 PM
my mom does that "salt thing for luck" bigsmilebigsmile

Valeris's photo
Sun 12/06/15 01:18 AM

Superstitions? smile2
Harmless & comforting words, gestures, or actions that may provide an individual with a [false]sense of empowerment. This feeling of imagined empowerment , functions like a placebo being able to help an individual
cope with the unknown, chaotic, random events that one encounters in life.
Example:"Knocking On Wood". You'd better knock on wood after making certain boastful statements.
Knocking on wood refers to the apotropaic[designed to avert evil]
tradition in western folklore of literally touching, tapping, or knocking on wood, or merely stating that you are doing or intend same, in order to avoid "tempting fate" after making a favorable observation, a boast, or declaration concerning one's own death or other unfavorable situation beyond one's control. The origin of this may be in Germanic folklore, wherein dryads are thought to live in trees, and can be invoked for protection.

theseacoast's photo
Sun 12/06/15 03:58 PM
Lol, I an not superstitious but I don´t feel comfortable when the mirror is broken (7 years of bad luck), when I have tick in my right eye (somthing bad will happen) but I enjoy tick in my left eye (I´ll be happy for something). It works for me shades

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 12/06/15 04:40 PM

Lol, I an not superstitious but I don´t feel comfortable when the mirror is broken (7 years of bad luck), when I have tick in my right eye (somthing bad will happen) but I enjoy tick in my left eye (I´ll be happy for something). It works for me shades

Interesting. I frequently get little physical signals when something is amiss. Think our bodies often tell us what we know instinctively. My kids often said if Mom gets quiet you best listen up because she is through playing. You make me mad enough I tell you to get away from me you best duck. lol I am told my "evil eye" on you is no joke.

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 12/08/15 03:18 PM
I don't think I am superstitious really.
I do listen to my gut and that hinky feeling.

vandaani's photo
Tue 12/15/15 07:30 AM
I strongly believe there is nothing superstitious in this world ,its all about instincts and our way of life led before but dnt forget a worse life led before will absolutely gives birth to worse . So lets live a responsible and virtuous life

no photo
Tue 12/15/15 07:47 AM

There are more persons who are like that for example if they are going for an important work and if cat crosses from right to left on the road they will either quit tht work for tht day or otherwise they will go to home and pray for god and then continue.. "What do you think of superstitious"

I am not superstitious...It's the zombies that I worry about ohwell

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