Topic: PublicAnimal, where are you?
Wed 11/01/06 04:25 PM
I want to give you credit for spurring on my "inyaface creativity", my

My license plate used to read, "AKC BTCH". I applied for new plates
yesterday, and I will now be known as "KATITUDE". Only eight
characters, so I hadda drop a "T"...


SalvationJane's photo
Wed 11/01/06 05:37 PM
I love it Kat! You must be paying through the nose though to have all
letters and no #s. My plates used to say XCNTRK 9. I recently changed
them to MKH 1122, being the diehard Michael Kelland Hutchence fan that I
am...1122 is also the date of his death. Vanity plates make driving a
lot more interesting and fun. My dad cracks me up tho, he put our last
name on his plates but left out one letter thinking that would keep
people from knowing who he really was!! Too funny!


Thu 11/02/06 06:06 PM
What was your dad THINKING, Jaime??? I know, I know, he thought he was
"original", right? Gotta love 'em!

In NC, vanity plates are only $38/yr. I can pick up that kinda change
on the sidewalk ~

Where is Animal, anyway?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 08:19 AM
I'm here ..I'm here :-)

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 08:20 AM Ontario vanity plates are like $150 or more

SalvationJane's photo
Fri 11/03/06 06:54 PM
Whoa...get out Kat! Plates in IL are much higher than that especially
without the numbers. At any rate, mine give me a good feeling when I
have the top down, wind in my hair and my Michael up loud and proud!
His solo stuff in particular...

As far as my dad goes...I don't know what the hell he's thinking
anymore. At the age of 72, he has even decided to grow a pony tail of
all things!! Must be a "phase" he's going thru - or maybe the seventies
are just the new thirties?


PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 07:57 PM
btw Kat lol...that's a perfect vanity plate for ya ;->
I had one teacher when I was in high school that thot she was something
else lol. She drove a tricked out '68 Javelin with plates that said

Hey, lets see if we can turn this into an amusing personalized licence
plate thread...Tell us some of the funny plates you've seen ..or thot up
yourself. I'll start

For a dippy blonde: MT HEAD
For a dentist: PULLEM

I might think of more later's too damn noisy to think here

Hey Jane :-)..haven't seen ya for a while, hope everybody is doing ok.