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Topic: Benghazi Victim's Families Have A New Name For Hillary, "Ser
Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/24/15 01:30 AM
Michael Ingmire watched as Hillary Clinton was grilled for 11 hours Thursday about the 2012 attack in Benghazi that left his nephew and three other Americans dead and saw not a future president, but a "serial liar."

As a congressional panel pressed the former Secretary of State over the attack on the consulate facility in the Libyan city, Ingmire, uncle of Sean Smith, and relatives of former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty watched from their homes, hoping Clinton's testimony would yield answers about why additional security was not granted and why she initially blamed the attack on a YouTube video instead of a coordinated act of terrorism.

"The thing that was shocking – one of the pinnacle moments – was the revelation she told her family there was a terrorist attack while she told America something else," Smith's uncle, Michael Ingmire, told "Mrs. Clinton is a serial liar."

"Mrs. Clinton is a serial liar."

- Michael Ingmire, uncle of Sean Smith

Smith, an information officer, and Woods, a former Navy SEAL, died along with Doherty and U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens when Islamic militants stormed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and set it ablaze before attacking a nearby CIA compound with machine guns and rockets.

Stevens, the first U.S. Ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979, had repeatedly asked the State Department for increased security at the consulate prior to the attack but his requests were not granted.

In the hours following the attacks, the Obama administration learned they were carefully planned assaults by Al Qaeda-related militants but Clinton and others would go on to tell a different tale: an anti-Muslim YouTube video caused spontaneous protests and angry mobs were to blame for the attacks.

"So if there's no evidence for a video-inspired protest, then where did the false narrative start?" Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan asked Clinton during the hearing Thursday.

"It started with you, Madam Secretary," he said. "You could live with a protest about a video, that won't hurt you, but a terror attack would."

Clinton rejected Jordan's claim, describing the situation in the hours after the attack as "fluid" and the details unclear.

"I am sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative congressman, I can only tell you what the facts are," Clinton said.

During the marathon hours of questioning -- which Democrats claim was a partisan attack on the Democratic presidential frontrunner -- Clinton said Stevens understood the risks involved and that his requests for additional security never crossed her desk.

"Those requests for security were rightly reviewed by the security professionals," Clinton told the committee. "I did not see them. I did not approve them. I did not deny them."

Clinton also described Stevens as a friend, saying the 52-year-old ambassador "understood that most people in Libya or anywhere reject the extremists' argument that violence can ever be a path to dignity or justice."

"I knew and admired Chris Stevens," she said in her opening remarks Thursday. "He was one of our nation's most accomplished diplomats. Chris' mother liked to say he had 'sand in his shoes,' because he was always moving, always working, especially in the Middle East that he came to know so well."

But Clinton's closeness to Stevens was called into question by Rep Susan Brooks, R-Ill., who asked: "Did you ever personally speak to him after you swore him in in May? Yes or no please."

"Yes, I believe I did," Clinton replied. "I don't recall."

Ingmire described Clinton's choice of words about Stevens as jarring.
"How could she say 'Chris thought this' and 'Chris felt that' when she basically had nothing to do with him?" Ingmire said.

Tyrone Woods' father, Charles, recalled meeting Clinton when his son's body arrived at Andrews Air Force Base two days after the attacks.

"I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand and she said, 'We are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son," Woods said, reading the account from his journal.

"That was a complete bald-faced lie," he told Friday. "The day after the attack, she was talking to the Prime Minister of Egypt and she said the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the video."

Smith's mother, Patricia, gave a similar account, saying she was told by the administration "it was a video when they knew it was not a video."

"They told me lies," she said Friday. "My son told me the night before that he has been asking for security and he hasn’t heard anything."

Clinton's a horrible liar. All's the Clinton's care about is money and Power. Pretty sad actually.

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/24/15 02:09 AM
But ... but ... but, the mass media says she is a hero!?

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 10/24/15 03:35 AM
got a few more!
What about,Slime,Pondscum,Bottomfeeder?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/24/15 06:01 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 10/24/15 06:02 AM

got a few more!
What about,Slime,Pondscum,Bottomfeeder?

Not to mention the list of her "suspected" attributes..... (most which could be proven if she were anyone but Hitlery Clinton....)

mikeybgood1's photo
Sat 10/24/15 06:15 AM
Ok. She lied. What is anyone ACTUALLY going to do about it?

I don't see cops slapping the cuffs on her. No perp walk to the prisoner transfer van to a federal court. No decree from an federal election official declaring her ineligible to run. No Debbie Wasserman White Girl Fro saying Hillary has displayed poor judgement, and the DNC is declining to support her nomination.

There has NEVER been a penalty applied to being a Clinton. Whitewater, Vince Foster 'suicide', lies about sniper fire in Bosnia, that Chelsea was jogging around the WTC on 9/11, that she was 'instrumental' in the Northern Ireland peace process, that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, and my fave, that she's 'just like you'!

Yeah if 'you'... have a kid who has gone to private schools her whole life, were married to a U.S. president, have a full time private chef, fly endlessly on your own jet, and make $200,000 every time you give a speech....then yeah, Hillary is EXACTLY like you.

no photo
Sat 10/24/15 08:08 AM
Ok. She lied. What is anyone ACTUALLY going
to do about it?
Elect her president....It's not like anybody didn't know she was a liar to begin with. Hell, she was under sniper fire in Bosnia according to her laugh

Clinton rejected Jordan's claim, describing the
situation in the hours after the attack as "fluid"
and the details unclear.
I guess she conveniently forgot about the email she sent to Chelsea the night of the attack explaing that it was an "Al Queda type" attack....

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 10/24/15 08:51 AM

Ok. She lied. What is anyone ACTUALLY going
to do about it?
Elect her president....It's not like anybody didn't know she was a liar to begin with. Hell, she was under sniper fire in Bosnia according to her laugh

Clinton rejected Jordan's claim, describing the
situation in the hours after the attack as "fluid"
and the details unclear.
I guess she conveniently forgot about the email she sent to Chelsea the night of the attack explaing that it was an "Al Queda type" attack....

those that will elect her POTUS in Nov '16,will have conveniently forgotten all her Lies and Skullduggery!

But the alternative to her,Bernie,is just as frightening a Choice!

no photo
Sat 10/24/15 09:06 AM
those that will elect her POTUS in Nov '16,will
have conveniently forgotten all her Lies and
Oh they wont forget, they just dont care about it. How else could they justify electing her? I quit trying to figure out how a lib thinks years ago....
And dont get me wrong...Im not saying I want her elected...FAR from it....but it wouldnt surprise me if she was. I remember the last two elections lol.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 10/24/15 09:26 AM

those that will elect her POTUS in Nov '16,will
have conveniently forgotten all her Lies and
Oh they wont forget, they just dont care about it. How else could they justify electing her? I quit trying to figure out how a lib thinks years ago....
And dont get me wrong...Im not saying I want her elected...FAR from it....but it wouldnt surprise me if she was. I remember the last two elections lol.

that's the scary part,people just not giving a damn!

no photo
Sat 10/24/15 09:41 AM
Hillary Clinton was grilled for 11 hours Thursday about the 2012 attack

Nothing like having 3 years to get your story straight.

no photo
Sat 10/24/15 10:02 AM
Who will be her running mate?

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 10/24/15 11:24 AM

Who will be her running mate?

The one with the Medical-Test-Name?:laughing:

Rock's photo
Sat 10/24/15 09:36 PM
Sadly, the female impersonater, and former "co-president", will never see a day in jail.

mikeybgood1's photo
Sun 10/25/15 08:23 AM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Sun 10/25/15 08:24 AM

no photo
Sun 10/25/15 05:39 PM

Sadly, the female impersonater, and former "co-president", will never see a day in jail.

I wonder if there should be a psychiatric evaluation and routine drug test done on all politicians.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Thu 10/29/15 03:04 PM
You conservatives make me laugh, there is an elephant in the room and you are all talking about the mouse.
If you are a republican than you are all living in glass houses and shouldn't be casting stones....

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 10/29/15 03:07 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 10/29/15 03:17 PM

You conservatives make me laugh, there is an elephant in the room and you are all talking about the mouse.
If you are a republican than you are all living in glass houses and shouldn't be casting stones....

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
slaphead rofl rofl rofl rofl
MOTE in Hitlery's Eye!rofl rofl You really ought to have called a Boulder!rofl

no photo
Thu 10/29/15 04:11 PM

You conservatives make me laugh, there is an elephant in the room and you are all talking about the mouse.
If you are a republican than you are all living in glass houses and shouldn't be casting stones....

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Looks like Bill Clinton joined mingle2 using an alter laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 10/29/15 04:37 PM

pitchfork laugh

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 10/29/15 04:54 PM
Edited by IgorFrankensteen on Thu 10/29/15 05:16 PM
I saw this in the news as well.

Though I'm not a Hillary fan either, the grieving people who witnessed nothing directly at all, aren't really the best sources to use for whether someone giving testimony is being accurate or not.

Some of the anguished relatives of people who died during Bush's administration claimed HE was lying all the time as well.

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