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Topic: Cyber heart hopping and spontaneous combustion.
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Wed 10/17/07 02:37 AM
First there was Fast Food and now there is Fast Love, but no one has realised that what comes next is Fast Weight Gain and Fast Heartbreak...I will take the slow lane thanks...laugh laugh laugh

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Wed 10/17/07 12:23 PM
Interplanetary spacial solar flares emitted through cloud 9 clouds, nice rainy days, rainbow days, starlit nights....

It aint's Bush sheeeeshhhh
It aint's the water
It aint's the desperation of needing a date for holidays

It is what it is.
Some want it.
Some don't.
Some can't, but get A's for trying.
Some won't cause their fingers smell of poo LOL

I vote for the planets.....
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

saturnswirls's photo
Wed 10/17/07 12:54 PM
Anyone tries to go all bat**** crazy and tell me they love me after a couple of weeks and I would just back away reeeeal slowly. Those feelings don't happen like that. Love takes time and people who rush in are the same people who rush right back out when things get tough. No thanks. I don't like instant potatoes so I doubt I'll like instant relationships.

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