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Topic: Chinese jets join russian jets enjoying isis bombing. Now wh
1onlyaname's photo
Wed 10/07/15 08:30 AM

Cossacks stand next to a bust of Russian President Vladimir Putin which depicts him as a Roman emperor, during its unveiling ceremony in Leningrad region, Russia, May 16, 2015. (Reuters / Maxim Zmeyev) / Reuters

read the last paragraph :)

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 09:33 AM

Cossacks stand next to a bust of Russian President Vladimir Putin which depicts him as a Roman emperor, during its unveiling ceremony in Leningrad region, Russia, May 16, 2015. (Reuters / Maxim Zmeyev) / Reuters

read the last paragraph :)

yep,you might believe him,especially with all those "Strongman" Photo-Ops!
He's a Narcissist just like the Guy in the WH!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 09:50 AM

excellent link conrad!!! The soviet union was jewish controled. Russia is NOT!! Why would u post a link that puts it back on the Jews??? Lol

Paranoid much?
Still looking under your Bed and in the Wardrobe nightly?


Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 10:07 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 10:11 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 10/07/15 10:12 AM

Salutin' Putin: inside a Russian troll house

Just after 9pm each day, a long line of workers files out of 55 Savushkina Street, a modern four-storey office complex with a small sign outside that reads Business centre. Having spent 12 hours in the building, the workers are replaced by another large group, who will work through the night.

The nondescript building has been identified as the headquarters of Russia's troll army, where hundreds of paid bloggers work round the clock to flood Russian internet forums, social networks and the comments sections of western publications with remarks praising the president, Vladimir Putin, and raging at the depravity and injustice of the west.laugh

1onlyaname's photo
Wed 10/07/15 10:15 AM

excellent link conrad!!! The soviet union was jewish controled. Russia is NOT!! Why would u post a link that puts it back on the Jews??? Lol

Paranoid much?
Still looking under your Bed and in the Wardrobe nightly?

seriously why would post the jews started this long time ago in the soviet union????? Then criticize me???? Okay the Jews started this. I agree with you. u r difficult to understand do u have any more info I see israel bombing their human prison gaza again over those fake hamas rockets. That pony show is so easy to see through. Those rockets are such a joke!!! 20 rockets a month $1000 12 months $12, 000 hamas gets usa check for $800, 000, 000 a year. Thats a great deal!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 11:42 AM

1onlyaname's photo
Thu 10/08/15 07:08 AM
Keep resreaching putin u will find he is quite an amazing man

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 10/08/15 07:35 AM

Keep resreaching putin u will find he is quite an amazing man

yep,quite an amazing Thug!

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/08/15 06:00 PM

Keep resreaching putin u will find he is quite an amazing man

I did some reaearch on Putin as per suggestion...............

Aug 7th, 2015
Russian Pres Vladimir V Putin orders destruction of hundreds of tons of comestibles, from cheese to meat and fruit, that entered country in violation of ban on European imports of food; prohibition was established in response to sanctions imposed by West for Russian action in Ukraine.

So better to destroy food than hand it out FREE to those that need it? Real care for the people shown in that sample.

Jul 11th, 2015
Russian Pres Vladimir V Putin says to reporters at meeting of Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS group of rising economic powers that punitive financial and economic sanctions should no longer be used against any country in world; Russia has suffered from sanctions for its activities in Ukraine, and Putin calls for end to similar measure used against Iran.

Yup and he really meant it.*deep sarcasm* See reference to Aug 7th, 2015

JULY 9, 2015
Twenty years after the massacre of more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, Russia has shamefully refused to call it what it is — genocide — adding to the pain of the victims’ families.

On Wednesday, the government of President Vladimir Putin of Russia vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning the killings as genocide.

Awwww How nice Putin took lessons from Soviet history. Stalin denied 30,000 kulaks were killed directly, mostly shot on the spot. About 2 million were forcibly deported to the Far North and Siberia. he destruction of the kulak class triggered the Ukrainian famine, during which 3 million to 5 million peasants died of starvation the Holodomor (The Ukrainian Famine) as well.

There are a number of issues with Putin, spanning from his rise to power, to his actions to suppress dissent inside of Russia, to his actions internationally.

The first thing many westerners see with Putin is how he come into power. Originally, he wasn't elected. Former President Boris Yeltsin selected Putin to become his successor. Boris Yeltsin saw that Vladimir Putin became the Prime Minister, putting him second in line for the Presidency, announcing he wanted Putin to be his successor. Then he resigned, making Putin acting President. This gave Putin a big advantage in the election, which he won in the first wrong.

(i)Immediately, Putin began to suppress dissent. Those who disagreed with him often found themselves in jail. After disagreeing with Putin over the future of Russian civil society, Boris Berezovsky, who had created a larger media empire, had his media empire seized by Putin's government. This is a single example of widespread suppression. Many continued to love Putin, as he improved the Russian economy and seemed to take a strong stance against the west, but many did not. Like the Chechens.

In the Caucuses, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan had all received independence from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Chechens felt that Chechnya, too, deserved independence. Ahead of the 2004 elections, terrorist attacks in Moscow. Putin blamed the attack on Wahhabists in Chechnya. He invaded, waging a brutal war and installing a puppet in the region. There were egregious human rights violations perpetrated by both sides. Approximately 5,000 Chechens disappeared, 25,000 civilians were been killed. While this may seem innocuous at first, (ii)many claim that Russia itself attacked Moscow so Putin could invade Chechnya. Putin was worried about the 2004 elections, some claimed, and intended to garner support for his party by showing strength against Chechen rebels.

Following his re-election, Vladimir Putin only became more brazen. Gazprom, the state owned gas enterprise, seized their competitor, Yukos, after arresting its CEO on clearly politically motivated charges. Yukos's CEO, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was a critic of Putin's Russia. The acquisition of Yukos by Gazprom gave Gazprom an effective monopoly on gas and oil in Russia.

(iii)Following this was the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko who had fled Russia after stating that their had been plans to assassinate Boris Berezovsky, who you remember from earlier. Litvinenko had been poisoned a Uranium dart and blamed Putin for his own death.

(iv)During this time, Putin also made two obvious land grabs in Moldova and Georgia. In Transdniester, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, Putin intervened against smaller nations and occupied the territories. To this day, they remain occupied.

(v)The Russian Constitution said that no man can serve more than two consecutive terms, so in 2008 Putin, a true patriot, did not seek reelection to the office. He announced his friend, Dmitry Medvedev, was his preferred successor. But Medvedev was a puppet. Putin was made Prime Minister and together they changed the Constitution. The regional governors would now be appointed by the President. The governors appointed members to the upper house of the legislator, so this house of the legislator would forever be loyal to the President. They then changed the term of the President to 6 years, starting with the 2012 term.

Then, in 2012, Putin ran again. The constitution said two consecutive terms, he argued, and this was not consecutive. In an election many accused of fraud, he won.

The rest is much more modern history, such as supporting oppressive regimes like Bashir al-Assad in Syria or Yanukovych's regime in Ukraine. He's continued to arrest and assassinate those who disagree with him or accuse him of corruption. He's supported the Ukrainian rebels. He annexed Crimea in a clearly fraudulent vote. He continues to govern by beating those who disagree with him into submission. These are most of the larger complaints against Vladimir Putin, but there are many more.

(i) His hero, Stalin, would have disappeared them.

(ii) Not the first time this tactic would have been used. Sudetenland ring a bell?

(iii) Hmmmm familiar technique of the KGB. Putin was KGB in Dresden, part of East Germany at the time he was KGB.

(iv) Another lesson from not too distant history. Anshluss and other 'necessary occupations'.

(v) Now that's how you make sure you stay in power. Kill off opponents and make sure that the law gives you the right to stay in power.

Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc would all be proud of Putin.

As to the corruption in Russia under Putin ....... look at Sochi.

The dark side of Vladimir Putin's Winter Olympic Games Corruption, environmental damage and, absurdly, no snow. Neil Tweedie reports from Sochi on the vanity project crippling Russia

Simply because Putin controls / is part of the corruption does not equate his getting rid of corruption.

1onlyaname's photo
Fri 10/09/15 07:02 AM
No snow??? Lol putin was suppose to make it snow??? Usa bombed Bosnia in 1995 yes putin veto calling it genocide. That would justify nato actions of war. Sloboban milosevic was convicted of the crime u speak. Putin had nothing to do with it. Once again nato bombing gave Milosevic the green light to kill 1, 000s yes putin will veto anything that justifies NATO bombings. The food waa illegal and smuggled in. No snow huh? Kinda like Gaddifi crime against humanity. PRISONERS WERE NOT ALLOWED CELL PHONES.

karmafury's photo
Fri 10/09/15 01:11 PM

No snow??? Lol putin was suppose to make it snow??? Usa bombed Bosnia in 1995 yes putin veto calling it genocide. That would justify nato actions of war. Sloboban milosevic was convicted of the crime u speak. Putin had nothing to do with it. Once again nato bombing gave Milosevic the green light to kill 1, 000s yes putin will veto anything that justifies NATO bombings. The food waa illegal and smuggled in. No snow huh? Kinda like Gaddifi crime against humanity. PRISONERS WERE NOT ALLOWED CELL PHONES.

I guess you didn't bother to read this part.......

Of that £30 billion, half is alleged to have been skimmed off in an orgy of corruption stretching over the seven years since Putin secured the games. Among those benefitting from infrastructure contracts are friends of the 61-year-old president, oligarchs who enjoy their fortunes only at his pleasure. Take brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, friends and judo partners of Putin in his youth. Boris Nemtsov, a deputy prime minister under Boris Yeltsin, and leading critic of the Games, estimates that 15 per cent of the entire budget has gone to companies owned by the Rotenbergs.

“This is a festival of corruption,” says Nemstov, who argues that Sochi should have cost a maximum of £16 billion. “The remainder,” he goes on, “consists of embezzlement and kickbacks.” Nemstov is hardly a neutral party but his allegations are supported by at least one member of the International Olympic Committee. Gian-Franco Kasper, an IOC member, estimates that at least one third of spending on the games has been siphoned off.

Again ... How can anyone say Putin got rid of corruption? All he did was take control of it and make sure he got his cut.

As to the no snow.... why would any sensible person have Winter Olympics in an area known to have no snow, that is considered the "Russian Riviera"? Possibly because they and friends have nice homes there that really need a better road system and infrastructure and having the taxpayers pay for it is convenient. Destruction of the environment, people's homes and livelihood are alright as long as the privileged get what they want. No corruption with Putin huh. That's a joke.

no photo
Fri 10/09/15 04:11 PM

What, the Ruskies need the Chinese to help them?laugh

yep cause the chinese are bringing boots to the ground once the bombing is done the troops mop up the mess. Putin commited to air strikes only no russia boots. The chinese never promised no boots. Lets see what happens. With chinese russia iran jets in syria kinda shuts hillary n mccain up obama can forget about a No fly Zone. China n russia will move into iraq next.

So China and Russian will move into Iraq next.
I'd say let them. They will soon be sick to the back teeth of it.
The way I see it, you will never beat these fanatics with force or anything else, it's basically unwinnable.
When the Russian and Chinese people start seeing the body bags coming home in their hundreds the unrest will start, and then Putin and Li will find an excuse to pull out.
Saying that, is the Chinese things actual news or is it just another one of your Nostradamus like predictions.

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