Topic: Putin the Great Putin the Great is the chant all over Syria.
Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/06/15 02:26 AM

Obama hmmmm they seem to hate. We seem to be the terrorists that caused this mess. This is embrassing obama clinton mccain kerry. The CIA needs to be dismantled!!!!

Only because I know you don't speak a word of Russian, without the aid of a translator site.

'Suki' isn't the Russian word for "great".


But, I will agree...
Pootin is a suki.
I not sure where anyone was speaking russia but if u like to call mr. Putin a ***** feel free. But ur missing one of the greatest men of our times.

Yep,at this Time The Greatest Thug Of Our Time,with quite a Hitlerite bent!

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 10/06/15 05:05 AM
Between Putin being an idiot and Obama being an idiot they have managed (between the two of them) to plunge most of the world into more than the normal level of chaos. (of course the UN helped by being a useless body of the blind or capricious).

Lpdon's photo
Tue 10/06/15 09:16 AM

Between Putin being an idiot and Obama being an idiot they have managed (between the two of them) to plunge most of the world into more than the normal level of chaos. (of course the UN helped by being a useless body of the blind or capricious).

Putin is from an idiot. I may not like the guy but he is one tough SOB.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 10/06/15 10:58 AM

Bush Invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. (Hence looking for conflict) Finishing off daddys job.

lets try to stay in the present times, ok?

Sure, I think it was reported USA hit an Afghani hospital. Didnt USA pull out of Afghan years ago? No boots on the ground in Syria? Lets see how long that lasts. I think putin is doing the right thing by making it very difficult to put boots on the ground. YOU DONT NEED TO BE THERE! Get over the View of being word police, it will cause your country more harm than good.

It is good to live in the moment, but lets not forget how these things start. For me it is America's surge to create conflict in the middle east, AND at home. I bet you guys hate Islamics now, I bet there is suspicion on the streets and in your homes. How often is terrorism on the lips of the American people? Please dont forget the past, it shapes your future. Bush and his actions are certainly relevant.

In the present as I experience it I saw on our UK news that twice Obama has recently declared martial law. How do you feel about that? How will you view your freedom and what will you do if there is martial law for a whole month, what about six months? What about six years?

I love how europeans conveniently forget that it was you that divided the middle east for your empires after world war 1. You are the idiots that created these fake monarchies and supported their totalitarian regimes.

You left the region with your tails between your legs and utter chaos ensued.

You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening.

You created this critical mass with Sykes-Picot and try all you want to blame someone else, but that song and dance isn't going to work.

smilesatyou's photo
Tue 10/06/15 02:11 PM
Edited by smilesatyou on Tue 10/06/15 02:16 PM
"I love how europeans conveniently forget that it was you that divided the middle east for your empires after world war 1"

Actually, It is false to claim I forget. I know the UK government handed land to Israel after ww2. I do see that as creating conflict in the region.

"You are the idiots that created these fake monarchies and supported their totalitarian regimes."

I presume that even though you are attempting to insult my person, or the UK people, you do know the difference between my government and past governments and myself and my countrymen as individuals. I can assure you that if I criticize Bush and his choices I simultaneously imply that the American people do not automatically agree with those choices and actions.

"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."

Am I responsible for the crusades? Is my current government? Did we even have a government then? How far back in time do we go looking for fault? Do you take responsibility for your rulers actions and decisions? Would you rise up and encourage others to join you in protest against your rulers if they waged false war, hurt and/or killed innocent civilians, or otherwise acted with no honour or integrity?
Seriously, engage your brain before spouting such divisive rubbish. I hope you realise the pathetic nature of your statement.

"You created this critical mass with Sykes-Picot and try all you want to blame someone else, but that song and dance isn't going to work."

I presume you are deflecting blame away from your own government by making this statement. All my senses detect massive hypocrisy, let me use your words against you and see if you notice the hypocrisy for yourself:
Firstly you say,
"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."
Next you say,
"You created this critical mass with..."
Then you say,
"try all you want to blame someone else"
You finish with,
"that song and dance isn't going to work."

Should your "song and dance" work with me, or any free thinker reading this? Are you exempt from the accusations you make against me?

I didnt mean for my last post to directly upset you, but I am firmly of the opinion that America (with the UK in tow) is doing terrible things in the middle east and it is not telling the American people the full story. The UK is doing exactly that to a similar extent with its people too. You might tell me 9/11 was osama, the boston bombers were islamic children, that each US school shooting was real, or even that the 7/7 in UK was islamic bombers, but until you spend some decent time researching what independent reporters and analysts say regarding FACTS and EVIDENCE (IE: dont blindly believe the "official" story), then I reject all suggestion that my words would be unkind to families of victims. (I am not suggesting every school shooting is fake or a setup, but some certainly seem to be fake, and if one shooting is one too many, then one fake shooting is one too many also! In one case the families are victims, in the other case the entire American population is the victims!)

InvictusV's photo
Tue 10/06/15 02:44 PM

"I love how europeans conveniently forget that it was you that divided the middle east for your empires after world war 1"

Actually, It is false to claim I forget. I know the UK government handed land to Israel after ww2. I do see that as creating conflict in the region.

"You are the idiots that created these fake monarchies and supported their totalitarian regimes."

I presume that even though you are attempting to insult my person, or the UK people, you do know the difference between my government and past governments and myself and my countrymen as individuals. I can assure you that if I criticize Bush and his choices I simultaneously imply that the American people do not automatically agree with those choices and actions.

"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."

Am I responsible for the crusades? Is my current government? Did we even have a government then? How far back in time do we go looking for fault? Do you take responsibility for your rulers actions and decisions? Would you rise up and encourage others to join you in protest against your rulers if they waged false war, hurt and/or killed innocent civilians, or otherwise acted with no honour or integrity?
Seriously, engage your brain before spouting such divisive rubbish. I hope you realise the pathetic nature of your statement.

"You created this critical mass with Sykes-Picot and try all you want to blame someone else, but that song and dance isn't going to work."

I presume you are deflecting blame away from your own government by making this statement. All my senses detect massive hypocrisy, let me use your words against you and see if you notice the hypocrisy for yourself:
Firstly you say,
"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."
Next you say,
"You created this critical mass with..."
Then you say,
"try all you want to blame someone else"
You finish with,
"that song and dance isn't going to work."

Should your "song and dance" work with me, or any free thinker reading this? Are you exempt from the accusations you make against me?

I didnt mean for my last post to directly upset you, but I am firmly of the opinion that America (with the UK in tow) is doing terrible things in the middle east and it is not telling the American people the full story. The UK is doing exactly that to a similar extent with its people too. You might tell me 9/11 was osama, the boston bombers were islamic children, that each US school shooting was real, or even that the 7/7 in UK was islamic bombers, but until you spend some decent time researching what independent reporters and analysts say regarding FACTS and EVIDENCE (IE: dont blindly believe the "official" story), then I reject all suggestion that my words would be unkind to families of victims. (I am not suggesting every school shooting is fake or a setup, but some certainly seem to be fake, and if one shooting is one too many, then one fake shooting is one too many also! In one case the families are victims, in the other case the entire American population is the victims!)

My use of idiots is not personally directed at you or anyone specifically, but at a general European mindset that is pervassive when it comes to revising the historical record.

Europes meddling in the Middle East set up despotic regimes that brutalized their own people and created this environment of volatility that we have seen since the 1960's.

The UK and France are both complicit to their eyeballs in all this. You can go on and on about past regimes and governments, but it doesn't really matter.

The seeds were planted with Sykes-Picot and the world is still reeling from its ramifications.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/06/15 02:48 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 10/06/15 02:52 PM
seems we have caught us another Troofer!laugh

smilesatyou's photo
Tue 10/06/15 03:14 PM
Conrad, your picture shows a mature man, I am yet to see much/any maturity from your posts.

If you had any substance to your posts, then I would be able to provide a better response.

Invictus I do not know of Sykes-Picot, I will look for information now.

I stick to my opinions of The American government (since at least Bush snr), and my motives of speaking out here is to encourage you to ask yourself if your government is duping you. I am worried for the American people, your sons and brothers who are the troops are bearing the brunt of these lies, and it is the erosion of your civil liberties that you should focus on, not the Brits blame, not the Islamics, Iraquis, etc, etc... Please hold on to your arms and defend your constitution. Only a month ago I believed you lot with your guns were mental. I am now convinced you will need them. This erosion of your civil liberties will result in the legal side-stepping or eradication of the 2nd amendment. (For a reason.)

InvictusV's photo
Tue 10/06/15 03:16 PM

seems we have caught us another Troofer!laugh

Come on Conrad... You know that we never get the full story unless it is from someone more enlightened and privy to all the facts..

We are just the dumb masses that can't quite grasp the totality of their reality...

InvictusV's photo
Tue 10/06/15 03:26 PM

Conrad, your picture shows a mature man, I am yet to see much/any maturity from your posts.

If you had any substance to your posts, then I would be able to provide a better response.

Invictus I do not know of Sykes-Picot, I will look for information now.

I stick to my opinions of The American government (since at least Bush snr), and my motives of speaking out here is to encourage you to ask yourself if your government is duping you. I am worried for the American people, your sons and brothers who are the troops are bearing the brunt of these lies, and it is the erosion of your civil liberties that you should focus on, not the Brits blame, not the Islamics, Iraquis, etc, etc... Please hold on to your arms and defend your constitution. Only a month ago I believed you lot with your guns were mental. I am now convinced you will need them. This erosion of your civil liberties will result in the legal side-stepping or eradication of the 2nd amendment. (For a reason.)

Next to bringing Hitler to power with the Versailles Treaty Sykes-Picot was one of the defining accords that came about during the war and then implemented after the war...

It is the root cause of all that is phucked up in the middle east.

1onlyaname's photo
Tue 10/06/15 03:54 PM
Putin sends 3, 000 isis fleeing to jordon?? Hmmm they run to israel usa ally???

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 10/06/15 10:00 PM

Putin sends 3, 000 isis fleeing to jordon?? Hmmm they run to israel usa ally???

America formed an international coalition from 50 countries to fight ISIS, but did not address quickly to ISIS. After two months of the fall of Mosul, America intervened to stop the advance of ISIS forces, and started the US Air Force against ISIS sites on 10 August. It was limited number of 8 to 10 raids per day.
The Russian Air Force has conducted more than 60 flights and bombed over 50 ISIS targets in three days, according to Russia's top armed forces official. He added the strikes have significantly reduced the terrorists' combat capabilities.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/07/15 06:46 AM

Putin sends 3, 000 isis fleeing to jordon?? Hmmm they run to israel usa ally???

America formed an international coalition from 50 countries to fight ISIS, but did not address quickly to ISIS. After two months of the fall of Mosul, America intervened to stop the advance of ISIS forces, and started the US Air Force against ISIS sites on 10 August. It was limited number of 8 to 10 raids per day.
The Russian Air Force has conducted more than 60 flights and bombed over 50 ISIS targets in three days, according to Russia's top armed forces official. He added the strikes have significantly reduced the terrorists' combat capabilities.

That's because America has a cowardly pu$$y for a President who has no military experience who has let one of the most dangerous terrorist groups take over a large part of the Middle East when it could have easily been prevented.

This F-up is worse then Jimmy Carter's F-up with Iran.

We are definitely better armed, better equipment and technology and soldiers then Russia. The difference is Russia has someone who is not a cowardly pu$$y for a President and also has military and KGB experience.

1onlyaname's photo
Wed 10/07/15 09:00 AM

"I love how europeans conveniently forget that it was you that divided the middle east for your empires after world war 1"

Actually, It is false to claim I forget. I know the UK government handed land to Israel after ww2. I do see that as creating conflict in the region.

"You are the idiots that created these fake monarchies and supported their totalitarian regimes."

I presume that even though you are attempting to insult my person, or the UK people, you do know the difference between my government and past governments and myself and my countrymen as individuals. I can assure you that if I criticize Bush and his choices I simultaneously imply that the American people do not automatically agree with those choices and actions.

"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."

Am I responsible for the crusades? Is my current government? Did we even have a government then? How far back in time do we go looking for fault? Do you take responsibility for your rulers actions and decisions? Would you rise up and encourage others to join you in protest against your rulers if they waged false war, hurt and/or killed innocent civilians, or otherwise acted with no honour or integrity?
Seriously, engage your brain before spouting such divisive rubbish. I hope you realise the pathetic nature of your statement.

"You created this critical mass with Sykes-Picot and try all you want to blame someone else, but that song and dance isn't going to work."

I presume you are deflecting blame away from your own government by making this statement. All my senses detect massive hypocrisy, let me use your words against you and see if you notice the hypocrisy for yourself:
Firstly you say,
"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."
Next you say,
"You created this critical mass with..."
Then you say,
"try all you want to blame someone else"
You finish with,
"that song and dance isn't going to work."

Should your "song and dance" work with me, or any free thinker reading this? Are you exempt from the accusations you make against me?

I didnt mean for my last post to directly upset you, but I am firmly of the opinion that America (with the UK in tow) is doing terrible things in the middle east and it is not telling the American people the full story. The UK is doing exactly that to a similar extent with its people too. You might tell me 9/11 was osama, the boston bombers were islamic children, that each US school shooting was real, or even that the 7/7 in UK was islamic bombers, but until you spend some decent time researching what independent reporters and analysts say regarding FACTS and EVIDENCE (IE: dont blindly believe the "official" story), then I reject all suggestion that my words would be unkind to families of victims. (I am not suggesting every school shooting is fake or a setup, but some certainly seem to be fake, and if one shooting is one too many, then one fake shooting is one too many also! In one case the families are victims, in the other case the entire American population is the victims!)

Russia gave the whitehouse the names of the chenchen brothers. Homland security said their Facebooks were "normal" so no one watched them. After the boston marathon bombing oh yeah we know who did it. While Black water was hired for the marathon security. I do believe we helped the "moderate rebels" in libya killing 10, 000 cilivians in the bombings and watched the al qaeda flag fly on the capital building.Libya now has a refugee problems the president that replaced gaddafi was flown out of Virginia been in the cia protection program. Either USA has no clue what its doing or its corrupt to the max!!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 09:30 AM

"I love how europeans conveniently forget that it was you that divided the middle east for your empires after world war 1"

Actually, It is false to claim I forget. I know the UK government handed land to Israel after ww2. I do see that as creating conflict in the region.

"You are the idiots that created these fake monarchies and supported their totalitarian regimes."

I presume that even though you are attempting to insult my person, or the UK people, you do know the difference between my government and past governments and myself and my countrymen as individuals. I can assure you that if I criticize Bush and his choices I simultaneously imply that the American people do not automatically agree with those choices and actions.

"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."

Am I responsible for the crusades? Is my current government? Did we even have a government then? How far back in time do we go looking for fault? Do you take responsibility for your rulers actions and decisions? Would you rise up and encourage others to join you in protest against your rulers if they waged false war, hurt and/or killed innocent civilians, or otherwise acted with no honour or integrity?
Seriously, engage your brain before spouting such divisive rubbish. I hope you realise the pathetic nature of your statement.

"You created this critical mass with Sykes-Picot and try all you want to blame someone else, but that song and dance isn't going to work."

I presume you are deflecting blame away from your own government by making this statement. All my senses detect massive hypocrisy, let me use your words against you and see if you notice the hypocrisy for yourself:
Firstly you say,
"You are responsible for what has happened and what is happening."
Next you say,
"You created this critical mass with..."
Then you say,
"try all you want to blame someone else"
You finish with,
"that song and dance isn't going to work."

Should your "song and dance" work with me, or any free thinker reading this? Are you exempt from the accusations you make against me?

I didnt mean for my last post to directly upset you, but I am firmly of the opinion that America (with the UK in tow) is doing terrible things in the middle east and it is not telling the American people the full story. The UK is doing exactly that to a similar extent with its people too. You might tell me 9/11 was osama, the boston bombers were islamic children, that each US school shooting was real, or even that the 7/7 in UK was islamic bombers, but until you spend some decent time researching what independent reporters and analysts say regarding FACTS and EVIDENCE (IE: dont blindly believe the "official" story), then I reject all suggestion that my words would be unkind to families of victims. (I am not suggesting every school shooting is fake or a setup, but some certainly seem to be fake, and if one shooting is one too many, then one fake shooting is one too many also! In one case the families are victims, in the other case the entire American population is the victims!)

Russia gave the whitehouse the names of the chenchen brothers. Homland security said their Facebooks were "normal" so no one watched them. After the boston marathon bombing oh yeah we know who did it. While Black water was hired for the marathon security. I do believe we helped the "moderate rebels" in libya killing 10, 000 cilivians in the bombings and watched the al qaeda flag fly on the capital building.Libya now has a refugee problems the president that replaced gaddafi was flown out of Virginia been in the cia protection program. Either USA has no clue what its doing or its corrupt to the max!!

WTF is a Chenchen?
Cousin to Can-Can?

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 09:38 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 10/07/15 09:45 AM

Conrad, your picture shows a mature man, I am yet to see much/any maturity from your posts.

If you had any substance to your posts, then I would be able to provide a better response.

Invictus I do not know of Sykes-Picot, I will look for information now.

I stick to my opinions of The American government (since at least Bush snr), and my motives of speaking out here is to encourage you to ask yourself if your government is duping you. I am worried for the American people, your sons and brothers who are the troops are bearing the brunt of these lies, and it is the erosion of your civil liberties that you should focus on, not the Brits blame, not the Islamics, Iraquis, etc, etc... Please hold on to your arms and defend your constitution. Only a month ago I believed you lot with your guns were mental. I am now convinced you will need them. This erosion of your civil liberties will result in the legal side-stepping or eradication of the 2nd amendment. (For a reason.)

Exactly the sort of Post I would expect from you!laugh

Besides,I am not interested at the moment to discuss Woolly Conspiracy-Theories!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 09:47 AM

seems we have caught us another Troofer!laugh

Come on Conrad... You know that we never get the full story unless it is from someone more enlightened and privy to all the facts..

We are just the dumb masses that can't quite grasp the totality of their reality...

tears laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 09:53 AM

Obama hmmmm they seem to hate. We seem to be the terrorists that caused this mess. This is embrassing obama clinton mccain kerry. The CIA needs to be dismantled!!!!

What's up with your man crush on Putin? It's pretty disturbing. If you love the guy so much why don't you move to Russia and live a life of oppression instead of being here in America and rubbing one out every time you see a picture of him.

Me thinks Ukraine Gary has rejoined us!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 10:07 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/07/15 10:13 AM

Salutin' Putin: inside a Russian troll house

Just after 9pm each day, a long line of workers files out of 55 Savushkina Street, a modern four-storey office complex with a small sign outside that reads Business centre. Having spent 12 hours in the building, the workers are replaced by another large group, who will work through the night.

The nondescript building has been identified as the headquarters of Russia's troll army, where hundreds of paid bloggers work round the clock to flood Russian internet forums, social networks and the comments sections of western publications with remarks praising the president, Vladimir Putin, and raging at the depravity and injustice of the west.laugh