Topic: Passion by Internet Protocol
Tomishereagain's photo
Fri 09/25/15 06:24 PM
I am alone. That is life. Since I have nobody to give my love to, I will share. Perhaps you will think I am crazy, perhap you will get an idea for your someone special. Who knows...

The music is playing and dinner is cooking. I take you in my arms and slowly sway with you, kissing your neck I whisper how beautiful you look tonight. A long gaze in your eyes shows my happiness and joy for you in my arms.

You just came home from work. You look seriously pist. I take your hand and pull you close and calmly gaze into your eyes. "Hi, I'm happy you are home" and I kiss you gently.

You have the flu. You look like you feel just terrible. I get a cool washcloth and place it on your forehead. I sit by your side and pet you slowly, full concern in my eyes. My calmness lets you drift into some well-needed sleep.

We were out on the town late last night. Its 11:20 am and you're feeling it. I come in with a light breakfast and assure you that everything is under control and if you want you can go back to sleep.

We are in the grocery store. There's people everywhere. I come up to you with some sardines, You say "YUCK" so I go into that begging act to get my way. I look around and everyone seems to be watching. I put the sardines on the nearest shelf and say loudly "okay, Baby" and give you a big kiss for the masses.

We are having our nightly walk in the neighborhood. There are some really pretty flowers in the neighbors front lawn. I go up to the door and knock. Hand over some cash and commence to pick you a nice bouquet. I present them with the proclimation that these flowers only hold half the beauty as you do.

We are getting gas, I go in to pay and return with a single rose. I present it to you with a kiss.

We are swimming. I pull you up close and sway to music that isn't playing anywhere but in me. Our passion for each other stops time and we submerge together in a passionate kiss.

We are laying on the beach watching the sky and a falling star crosses the sky for us. You ask what I wished for. I look deep into your eyes and proclaim that I already have it in you.

You come out of the bathroom and I am already doing the supper dishes.

You notice my eyes tearing up while we are watching an action movie. You ask if I am crying and I wipe my eyes and say "no way" but in reality I am so happy you are watching something that I like it hits me right in the gut.

I start criticizing the tender moment in that Lifetime movie we are watching while cuddled on the couch. I cough and sneeze and need a kleenex. Well, its not because of my allergies, your movie made me cry and I am not gunna admit it. I'm a man after all.

I have my chef's hat on and I am gunna make you the best food you ever tasted. I put everthing into the meal. It comes out tasting like ****. You eat it anyway and say it was really good. That kiss I just gave you was filled with respect. Respect for you respecting my feelings.

We are waiting to go to the picnic with the kids families. Everything is in the car and all the goodness and love you conjured up is waiting to be had. I take you in my arms and pass the time holding you close and swaying to the silent music that plays in our hearts.

You are napping. I wake you asking if you want a baked onion. You say "Hell No" so I bring you a raw onion and smile.

I come out of the bedroom with my long sleeve shirt on my head with one of the sleeves looking like an elephant trunk and I make some weird assed noise and chase you around the house with my elephant.

Just for no reason, I chase you round the kitchen island. Round and round we go, laughing and squeeling until I finally catch you and plant a wet sloppy kiss on your laughing smile.

We are sitting on the front porch, its another beautiful morning and we have each other. Our hands catch one another and we sit peacefully enjoying the nature as the morning sunlight warms our bodies.

You decided that the bar supplies were getting old. You talk me into helping you deplete the resources so new can be added next week. You pour and I try to keep up with you. But you notice that the stoll is getting wobbly under me so you cut me off. I just sit around looking all sexy just for you.

There is a death in your side of the family. You are devastated. I really didn't know them that well but I see that you loved them. I desperately search for something to say or do to help you thru this. My solution, my comfort to you is by holding you tight and telling you "They are not really gone. As long as you hold the memories of their lives within you they will never be gone. Celebrate them and the impact they had on your life. For without them you would not be the person with whom I have fell in love with"

You have a booger sticking out of your nose. I reach up and caress your cheeck and with slight of hand pluck it from your nose. I follow up with a kiss never even mentioning it.

Its Tuesday night. We cuddle up on the couch just like any other time that life is mundane. I love touching you. It doesn't matter what is on the TV or the radio. Just sitting here in your arms makes me feel safe and warm.

We are both doing our thing. You're playing on your phone, I'm looking at scifi pictures or watching tractor-pulls on the internet on the computer. Guess what? The fact that you are here fills me with such joy that even the things we do apart is wonderful.

Since this is a discussion group. Lets see what you think is a passionate experience. It doesn't have to be something you have done, what would you really want?