Topic: Arrow Air Flight 1285 Will We Ever Know The Truth?
Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/20/15 06:31 AM
Does anyone remember this. I remember watching the flag covered caskets on the news when I was in school. I actually watched and Unsolved Mysteries episode a while back about this and it really got me thinking and looking. I think I have read every document they have published, I watched the 60 minutes investigation and I am not one for conspiracies but I don't believe the official ruling on this one.

Fact 1 This was during the Iran Contra Affair before it became public, they are photos of 6 casket sized boxes that were found at the crash site and were removed by Canadian authorities and turned over to the DOD immediately. The contents were never made known. Some think it's weapons others think it was caskets for a failed classified hostage rescue mission.

Fact two they said they had the flight data recorder in working condition and they later concluded it was malfunctioned.

Fact three these guys were on a peace keeping trip in Egypt based on the treaty that was signed. The 101st airborne wasn't involved with that and they have confirmed that several soldiers were Delta Unit members. Why would Delta's be doing a mundane peace keeping mission.

Fact four Immediately a wing of Hezbollah claimed responsibility, less then an hour after that our Government stated it was not an act of terrorism, that was before we had out people on the ground.

Fact five the FBI, FAA, and Investigators when they arrived on scene were not allowed near the crash and kept in a command trailer and eventually sent home.

Fact six the commanding general overseeing the operation had the site completely cleared and demolished immediately, which has never been done before.

Fact seven Canadian First Responders saw munition boxes at the crash site. This flight had no recorded weapons on the manifest.

Fact eight several witnesses saw the plane explode in the sky which contradicts the governments story of ice on the wings.

Fact nine the highly trained ground crew determined there was no ice in the wings before take off after a complete inspection (they were not interviewed by the Canadian Investigation Board.

Fact ten the cargo of that plane was left unguarded in an Egyptian Airport for over four hours before being loaded onto the plain.

Fact eleven the pilot who flew the plain to its first stop I in Europe said the guards would disappear when the plane was being loaded.

Fact twelve The Canadian Investigation Board who the United States asked to handle the investigation did not agree on the cause of the crash. A ten member panel of appointed politicians, former pilots, military pilots, aerospace engineers etc. The side of the politicians went with the ice on the wing theory where the pilots, Aerospace engineers and Military pilots all came to the conclusion it wasn't and Ice Buildup but some sort of explosion.

Fact thirteen the main records of the crash were sealed for something like 75 years, kind of unusual.

Fact fourteen they did not reconstruct the plane, hell they were able to do that with the Lockerbie bombing and find a trigger and they always reconstruct the plane.

Fact fifteen they had fires they couldn't put out for over 24 hours, unusual.

Fact sixteen due to the ice theory all aboard died when the plane crashed, so why did they have high levels of two substances in their lungs you can only get by inhaling fumes from a fire. One of them being carbon monoxide which means they were alive and there was some sort of fire on that plane before it went down.

I know I am missing a few things here, its late but I am sure they will come to me.

What do you think happened? I think it had something to do with the faulty weapons we were shipping to Iran maybe malfunctioning or something to so with a classified operation that went wrong and would have damaged the Reagan Presidency as much as it pains me to say.

This topic really interests me and I would love to hear all your thoughts.

mikeybgood1's photo
Sun 09/20/15 07:20 AM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Sun 09/20/15 07:21 AM
If you can find it, the story of the crash is recounted on the TV show called 'Mayday'. The episode is entitled 'Split Decision'.

Whenever governments hide information or restrict information, it's usually to hide their own embarrassment over something. There had been a story that the munitions belonging to the soldiers on board had been undeclared, and the weight of the aircraft cargo underreported, and that this material may have detonated. The Canadian government can be somewhat odd when it comes to how it secures documents, but the sealed for 75 years thing can be changed by government edict. As an example, the manual for the old .308 FN-C1A1 battle rifle was once classified as 'secret'. This is the manual that comes with the rifle from the factory, and that any civilian would normally get as well. We slapped a couple pieces of green plastic around it and labelled it with instructions on the penalties involved for releasing the information contained therein! Much bad juju for you if you tell anyone about our rifle! (lol)

As I recall, the suspected munitions came in two forms. One was a thermally sealed plastic triangular bag with a flammable powder (likely fine grain gunpowder)in one compartment, and some wooden matches in the other compartment. Meant to be used as a signalling/survival tool I suspect any kind of decent abrasion could could have ignited the match heads.

The other explosive thought to be on board was a 'spooky' kind of landmine. Essentially a claymore mine that had been reduced to about 1/4 the normal size. Containing a sheet of 'plastique' (likely C4 or Semtex) a load of small ball bearings, and a frangible plastic face, there is always the remote possibility that a static electrical charge could have detonated the device.

I forget the name of the company that made them, but the info I recall is that they were raided by the BATF a couple years after the crash, and forced into bankruptcy. They had done other work for the specops community as well, regarding specialized grenade launchers and small arms.

Hope this helps!

Rock's photo
Sun 09/20/15 08:42 AM
The raid on the Arizona based company,
was alleged to have been because the owner was in violation of the "new" Brady law, that had just gone into effect (circa mid 1990s).

Part of the story dates to the 1970s.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/20/15 03:48 PM

If you can find it, the story of the crash is recounted on the TV show called 'Mayday'. The episode is entitled 'Split Decision'.

Whenever governments hide information or restrict information, it's usually to hide their own embarrassment over something. There had been a story that the munitions belonging to the soldiers on board had been undeclared, and the weight of the aircraft cargo underreported, and that this material may have detonated. The Canadian government can be somewhat odd when it comes to how it secures documents, but the sealed for 75 years thing can be changed by government edict. As an example, the manual for the old .308 FN-C1A1 battle rifle was once classified as 'secret'. This is the manual that comes with the rifle from the factory, and that any civilian would normally get as well. We slapped a couple pieces of green plastic around it and labelled it with instructions on the penalties involved for releasing the information contained therein! Much bad juju for you if you tell anyone about our rifle! (lol)

As I recall, the suspected munitions came in two forms. One was a thermally sealed plastic triangular bag with a flammable powder (likely fine grain gunpowder)in one compartment, and some wooden matches in the other compartment. Meant to be used as a signalling/survival tool I suspect any kind of decent abrasion could could have ignited the match heads.

The other explosive thought to be on board was a 'spooky' kind of landmine. Essentially a claymore mine that had been reduced to about 1/4 the normal size. Containing a sheet of 'plastique' (likely C4 or Semtex) a load of small ball bearings, and a frangible plastic face, there is always the remote possibility that a static electrical charge could have detonated the device.

I forget the name of the company that made them, but the info I recall is that they were raided by the BATF a couple years after the crash, and forced into bankruptcy. They had done other work for the specops community as well, regarding specialized grenade launchers and small arms.

Hope this helps!

They also said it could possibly be some of the defective missiles we were sending to Iran.

Then they at first lied and said none of the people on the plane were armed and in fact there was an Army CID Officer that was armed on board because he was carrying case information and another who was armed because he was carrying classified data.

I think the whole 75 year thing was to protect anyone involved from having the embarrassment or legal consequences in their lifetime. I really don't think it was their own weapons, I really do think it had something to do with the Iran Contra affair and some Special Operations they were running from the peace keeping base there.