JAMES7A's photo
Tue 09/15/15 03:09 PM
I feel when I tell my feelings. I feel like by people I am bad guy because certain types of ladies that make me feel very uncomfortable such large women, drug addicts, drunks, smokers, immature and jealous. I do not be judgement towards people but, it brings bad memories in my past life I do not be reminded of that. Do not remind me.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 03:13 PM

drug addicts, drunks, immature and jealous.

Well such people make me uncomfortable too & i don't associate with such or with any rifraafs drinks

JAMES7A's photo
Tue 09/15/15 03:20 PM
I agree people has pressured me as sometimes family members would an ugly and plus size with my Special Needs situation they will never work on me.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 03:22 PM
What you mean? spock

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 09/15/15 03:25 PM

I feel when I tell my feelings. I feel like by people I am bad guy because certain types of ladies that make me feel very uncomfortable such large women, drug addicts, drunks, smokers, immature and jealous. I do not be judgement towards people but, it brings bad memories in my past life I do not be reminded of that. Do not remind me.

I am still stuck on the "WHY' you would want to associate with people of this character??? And if they make you feel bad that is all the more reason not to... Unless there is something in your profession that you would have to and then they wouldn't be dateable by Ethic laws...

tulip2633's photo
Tue 09/15/15 03:26 PM
You know what you want. Don't settle or let people pressure you.

It takes time to find the right one. Be patient.


TMommy's photo
Tue 09/15/15 03:52 PM
I have often wondered about the amount of special needs adults that enter the arena of online dating and chat rooms. I suspect that it would appeal to many because of its convenience, can be accessed from in the home and if you are dealing with depressive or anxiety issues it gives you the ability to 'chat' with someone without being face to face.

You have the right to choose for yourself who it is you would like to have a conversation with and who you would like to date

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 07:02 PM
I feel when I tell my feelings. I feel like by people I am bad guy because certain types of ladies that make me feel very uncomfortable such large women, drug addicts, drunks, smokers, immature and jealous. I do not be judgement towards people but, it brings bad memories in my past life I do not be reminded of that. Do not remind me.

Can this be translated to something like:

"I feel when I list my preferences that people are judging me as bad or shallow. Certain types of ladies I am not attracted to.
These include fat women, druggies, alcoholics, smokers, immature, and jealous types.
I don't think I'm judgmental. These are just my preferences.
Please don't think I'm bad or shallow or judgmental by my preferences."

I agree people has pressured me as sometimes family members would an ugly and plus size with my Special Needs situation they will never work on me.

Is this:
"Family members pressure me to date fat and ugly women.
They say I shouldn't be so picky or choosy because of my special needs situation.
But it will just not work out with them (fat and ugly women).
I shouldn't have to settle because I have special needs."

You have the right to choose for yourself who it is you would like to have a conversation with and who you would like to date

But they have the right to ignore you, not date you, not have a conversation with you, or judge you as shallow and judgmental if you reject them, if they want to.

So...rights kinda cancel each other out and become irrelevant.

no1phD's photo
Tue 09/15/15 07:11 PM
Yes I too often thought this would be a good site for the elderly.. and people with special needs..Hmm wait a minute.. those people are already on here..slaphead .. I also think it would be a good site for people laid up in the hospital it should be a mandatory app... are made available as part of your Wi-Fi package..:angel: .. hook everybody up in the old folks home.. then this place will really take off

JAMES7A's photo
Wed 09/16/15 12:05 PM

I have often wondered about the amount of special needs adults that enter the arena of online dating and chat rooms. I suspect that it would appeal to many because of its convenience, can be accessed from in the home and if you are dealing with depressive or anxiety issues it gives you the ability to 'chat' with someone without being face to face.

You have the right to choose for yourself who it is you would like to have a conversation with and who you would like to date


PacificStar48's photo
Thu 09/17/15 02:38 PM
I don't believe just because a person has "Special Needs", lets get real, any difference from the infamous "normal/perfect background" that they should have anyone they don't want foisted on them.

The whole concept that choice goes out the window and you should not be "too" picky to me is someone just trying to excuse their own bad behavior or who has lowered another person's value to hoist up their own flagging self worth.

I have how ever seen it in the disabled community where the "screw ups" that create their own problems think they can demand acceptance just because someone does have a disability.

Even think that a mutual disability guarantees you access is pretty lame in my book. I would not date the disability but the person.