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Topic: Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize
Conrad_73's photo
Sun 09/13/15 01:40 AM

seems to be a Spoof,Folks,the URL is USATODAY.COM.CO

Just revisited the Post on FB,and it seems we all have been spoofed by a Satire-Site!:laughing: slaphead rofl

Which in no way, mitigates the meaninglessness of the nobel committee, or their awards.

I'll wager, Obonzo's speech writers were already working on the final draft.
laugh laugh laugh

metalwing's photo
Sun 09/13/15 01:48 AM

Hmmmm. Obama, and a second Nobel Prize. Well any respect the world may have had for the prize and the committee has now been evaporated.

Obama-ites had the first one to laud over everyone's head, but now they'll just be plain ol' obnoxious about it should he be awarded a second.

Let's look at Obama's record on achieving peace shall we?

Afghanistan---Still ongoing with 20,000 killed so far in 2015.
Iraq--- Getting worse since the U.S. pulled out with 11,000 dead in 2015. We now get word that ISIS has used mustard gas against the Kurds in the last week or so.
Africa- Boko Haram started in 2009 with 20,000 dead so far, about half that number just in 2015.
Syria-Civil war starts in 2011 with all 320,000 dead on Obama's watch. About 38,000 just in 2015. A steadily escalating conflict again having had multiple instances of chemical weapons use.
Israelis/Palis- About 2,500 dead in the last year, with no end in sight.
Somalia-3,000 dead this year.
Libya- About 14,000 dead since 2011, with about 2,000 in 2015.
Yemen- About 11,000 dead in the last 4 years, with 4,500 alone this year.
Central African Republic- 7,500 dead since 2012.
South Sudan-- As many as 50,000 dead since 2013.
Ukraine-- Almost 7,000 dead since 2014. The Russians annexing Crimea and looking for more.
Sudan--10,000 dead since 2009.
Mali-- 2,500 dead since 2012.
Burundi- about 150 since the start of the conflict earlier this year.

So, apparently the Nobel people have no access to Google, because I dug this up in about 12 seconds flat. Note that a large number of these conflicts started since Obama took office. These were not 'George Bush' wars that he supposedly had to end.

Of note is the increasing numbers of chemical weapons attacks, and how ineffective the 'vast coalition' of countries has been against ISIS and also in Yemen.

People will point to the recently negotiated treaty with Iran. One that gives a country well known for sponsoring terrorists $100 BILLION dollars, and whose leader recently stated that Israel will not exist in 25 years. A deal predicated on the fact that the west could control the flow of uranium into Iran, because it had little of its own to mine. A situation reported by Reuters this very morning, that has changed dramatically. Iran now claiming to have discovered much richer and larger uranium reserves than previously known. They expect to be extracting it as soon as a new mine can be built. A nuclear deal that has no surprise inspection provision, and requires 24 days notice to inspect a site. A deal which denies anyone access to Iranian military bases in search of nuclear materials. So, if Iran wants to move centrifuges to a military complex, purify it's new found uranium to weapons grade, and then store it on the base until it wishes to weaponize it, the west can't levy any sanctions. Why? Officially, the material won't exist because the west or the IAEA won't be able to see it in person. You can SUSPECT Iran broke the treaty, but you can't actually prove it.

So yeah. Peace Prize. Totally the guy I would have voted for....NOT!!

I think u left out the drone program he has 3,800 dead later counts 90% innocent. 8 weddings a funeral . 4 american citizens pinpoint strikes no trial no convictions

No one understands. Obama is all about Global Warming caused by humans! The more humans die, the less Global Warming!!!

It all makes sense!!!!

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