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Topic: Can We Please Just Arrest Hillary Now?
mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 09/03/15 07:18 AM
Ok folks, love her or not, it is REALLY time to get to the bottom of this thing once and for all. I don't know about anyone else, but quite frankly I'm tired of the whole 'dance' being done here.

1) The accusation is extremely serious, and if Hildabeast were a member of the armed forces for example, she already would have been arrested, charged, and had her trial. She is suspected of mishandling classified documents. It's unknown if the material was compromised so that others now have it, and can use it against America. No one says she handed an envelope of stuff to Putin, but her server was exposed and could have been hacked. Something we kinda need to know.
2)Instead, any committee 'investigating' her alleged transgressions seems to tiptoe around saying in effect 'If it's not too much bother, and if you can find the time in your busy schedule, could you maybe pop over and answer a couple questions for us?"
3) These groups are waiting months for subpeonas to be answered, and when documents are produced, (big surprise) they are woefully incomplete. So a 'stern' letter is sent saying "Oh boy, we're just so miffed at you, you better straighten up and fly right, Bucko!"
4)Now we have the guy who built the infamous 'private' server TELLING three committees through his lawyer that he WON'T be testifying against Clinton, and he'll take the fifth if ordered to testify. Well here's the deal. First, taking the fifth is only for self incrimination, it doesn't protect you from testifying as to someone else's wrongdoing. Second, it shows complete and utter contempt for the process when you TELL Congress how they can get lost because you don't want to rat out your ex-employer. Seems IT guy worked on the Hillary 2008 team, then took a State Dept job in IT, and now works for a company that has contracts with the State Dept.

As I recall, these investigations are supposed to kind of go like this. First, we call you to testify, and to bring your lawyer and any documents we request. IF you tell us to get stuffed, we drop a writ on you and compel you to appear. IF you clam up and refuse to answer questions that would see you charged with a crime, well that's your right. If however we ask questions about other people, and you still clam up, well that's obstruction of justice, and we send you to court and maybe to jail. Same goes if you refuse to produce documents we ask for. Take two days or weeks to find a memo, not two years.

This is NOT a witch hunt. No one cares if Hildabeast called Angela Merkel a 'poopy head' in a memo to someone else at the State Department, and wants to embarrass her. She had classified intel, pictures, reports, assessments, analysis, and likely suggested courses of action which seemingly a 15 year old Bolivian hacker could have copied down had he found her server ID. That is not a 'What does it matter NOW, Senator?' problem. That info gets breached and frankly people die as a result. Maybe a lot of them.

So it's time for someone to become a bit of a hero for America here. Bulldoze the bulls**t into the ditch, and start throwing people in jail who won't co-operate and get to the truth. If she's innocent, why all the posturing? Why throw 'blank' servers at the FBI when published stories suggest there are at least two more she never handed over? Why give someone months and months to sanitize the paper trail, and then let them claim it was all a 'political attack' and then come out smelling like a rose?

Someone needs to issue a warrant to search the Clinton HOME for servers, Clinton Foundation OFFICES for servers, any storage facilities, etc in their names, the foundations name, etc. Start banging down doors and scaring some people into telling the truth. McCarthyism? Not in the slightest. It's using the system as it was intended, to get to the truth, not just someone's linguistically nuanced version of it.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 09/03/15 07:33 AM
Someone who claims to have all her emails from a previous hack is offering them for $500,000.

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 09/03/15 08:21 AM
If you really think any of that is going to happen. I have a bridge I can see you pretty cheap.

Remember "Whitewater" this is a Clinton and it will be swept under the water as usual, some people have teflon covering, this woman will get away with anything she chooses and no one will do anything about it.

What really concerns me is with all this hoopla that is being made now, what is really going on that they don't want anyone to know about.

Seems whenever we have one fire burning that is so clear cut on the the procedures of how it should be done its blaze is covering up something else...

I could name hundreds in the lat 10 years that this has been done with.

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:16 AM
Well I look at the whole e-mail thing as karma for Watergate. Let me explain.

Many people do not realize Hillary was part of the Watergate Special Prosecutors team that was to impeach Nixon. She, as I understand it, was the person who developed the prosecutorial strategy for how Nixon would be tried.

When he resigns, of course the team is no longer needed, and it disbands. For ONLY the third time in his 35 year legal career, her boss declines to write a letter of recommendation. He calls Hillary 'unethical' and she moves on.

The story that has been published in regards to this denial is as follows;

It has been reported, but never proven, that Hillary stole a document from the national archives. It is the ONLY American legal document that dictated a sitting President is entitled to legal counsel if impeached. Her plan was to ambush Nixon on Day 1 of his hearing, saying his lawyer could not be present, and force Nixon to defend himself. When he tried to invoke legal statutes showing as a citizen he was entitled to a lawyer, she would say No, you are a President, so show me where you get a lawyer? Since she controls the only document legally proving that he can, Nixon would be forced to forego counsel, and of course likely lose his case.

Ironic, since Slick Willy has his bimbo eruption years later. The story, (if true) shows to what lengths she will go, and while politics is a vicious game, she apparently has no problem re-writing the Constitution.

Kind of begs the question, how scummy do you have to be, that another lawyer calls you 'unethical'?

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:34 AM


no photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:52 AM

Someone who claims to have all her emails from a previous hack is offering them for $500,000.

If Hillary offers to meet for sit down in Ft. Darcy Park, it would do wonders for his life expectancy if he declined.

Rock's photo
Thu 09/03/15 10:10 AM
Somewhere between Bill and Barrack,
they appointed most of the sitting federal judges and prosecutors.

Good luck, even getting a conviction...
let alone, even getting charges filed against Hilary Clampett.

metalwing's photo
Thu 09/03/15 12:17 PM
The only way it will happen is if Obama allows it which isn't going to happen. If Obama lets Hillery "go down" Hillery will be in a situation of being able to rat on Obama in ways we can only imagine.

I suspect, at most, she will just drop out of the race and make room for Biden.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 09/03/15 06:32 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 09/03/15 06:33 PM

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 06:34 PM

I thought you were going to stop using photobucket?laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 09/03/15 06:53 PM

I thought you were going to stop using photobucket?laugh

silly me

friggin program works like congress.....rarely frustrated

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 07:32 PM

I thought you were going to stop using photobucket?laugh

silly me

friggin program works like congress.....rarely frustrated


SitkaRains's photo
Thu 09/03/15 07:52 PM

The only way it will happen is if Obama allows it which isn't going to happen. If Obama lets Hillery "go down" Hillery will be in a situation of being able to rat on Obama in ways we can only imagine.

I suspect, at most, she will just drop out of the race and make room for Biden.

I have thought this all long..
And wanna bet she will help Biden...

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/03/15 07:52 PM

The only way it will happen is if Obama allows it which isn't going to happen. If Obama lets Hillery "go down" Hillery will be in a situation of being able to rat on Obama in ways we can only imagine.

I suspect, at most, she will just drop out of the race and make room for Biden.

I don't see her dropping out of the race at any cost. The Clinton's are to power hungry, it is what drives them.

metalwing's photo
Fri 09/04/15 04:22 AM
Today the guy who installed and maintained the server "Plead the Fifth"!


mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 09/08/15 12:06 PM
So we now have a second 'report' from the intel community that of the small number of emails they reviewed, at least 5% of them carried classified intel, including info on the North Korean nuke program.

Of course the State Department and the Clinton campaign dispute the findings. State says that various agencies use different yardsticks for determining what is 'secret', so it would be premature to call anything found 'secret'.

The Clinton campaign is still sticking to the 'what she did was legal, and there were no marked Secret emails.' Well seems there is a provision in the U.S. Title codes regarding this type of information that is of the 'should know' variety.

Specifically that you should know if the info on your device has classified material, not that it's actually marked as such. So if I send you an e-mail marked 'Fudge Brownie Recipe' with satellite pics of North Korean missile sites in it, you should know that it's sensitive stuff because of either the info itself, or how the info was gathered or detected. So, JUST because it doesn't say 'Secret' on it doesn't mean you absolve yourself of handling the material correctly. Once you determine the material is secret, ALL rules governing secret information IMMEDIATELY come into effect as your server, computer, phone, tablet, iPod whatever becomes U.S. government property.

Now the question is WHY are we discussing this via press releases and sound bites? WHY has the woman not yet been hauled in for questioning and charged? You have TWO determinations that classified materials were found. You can dispute the findings IN COURT, not in the paper.

metalwing's photo
Wed 09/09/15 09:23 PM
TOP SECRET documents were found in her emails!!!!

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 09:27 PM

TOP SECRET documents were found in her emails!!!!
And all the liberals said "So? But Trump's hair though!"

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 10:11 PM
Edited by ciretom on Wed 09/09/15 10:11 PM
Can We Please Just Arrest Hillary Now?

Of course not!

She said "That was a mistake. I'm sorry about that."

That absolves her of everything and due to the oopsy daisy takesy backsy accords of '07 it immediately ends any and all investigations, she automatically gets the women's vote for the next 6 years, plus 3 jumpsuits in her choice of colors.

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 10:14 PM

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