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Topic: Breakups and Revenge
TawtStrat's photo
Thu 08/27/15 03:53 AM
It may sound a bit immature but there probably isn't a person here that hasn't enjoyed some sort of revenge against somebody that has hurt them at one time or another. It's great if you're such a strong person that you've never felt humiliated or belittled and wanted to get your pride back by "showing them" but this is the real world and we're not talking about amicable seperations here, where you just part without any grievances. And it isn't that easy to go from someone being the centre of your world to not bothering about them at all.

An ex can be like a ghost. I don't disagree that you want to exorsise them but this is just another disagreement between people that think that seeking "closure" is valid and those that don't. Lots of things are a bit childish. That doesn't make them bad. Wanting to hurt someone else is maybe but the example I gave wasn't like that. There wasn't anything vindictive about it. I didn't set her up to make an arse of herself and she did that all on her own. She was the one saying that she didn't want to be with me, so it shouldn't have bothered her if I was seeing other women. I've got loads of memories of times where she made me feel stupid but I can laugh about them now and if that's how I made her feel as well I think that she can probably laugh about it too now.

livingsingle15's photo
Thu 08/27/15 12:49 PM
Considering I just finalized my divorce a few months ago, and I found out that she and her boyfriend already purchased a house, there is no doubt I have hurt and anger. But just as the article in the OP, I can't change what happened, just need to move on. I got my finances in order, I'm losing weight and other stuff to make myself more appealing. I will not be seeking revenge because over time, I'm sure she see the ways of her mistake.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 08/27/15 05:30 PM
Best thing to do when you are sure you want revenge on an ex:

open a very large and expensive Bible. Then put your hand in it, and slam it shut repeatedly until your hand hurts enough that you want aspirin in stead of revenge.

Not only is revenge a mistake, and often illegal, it can only be accomplished by your giving even MORE of your life's time up on someone who you want to leave behind.

Even "living well" as revenge is a mistaken idea.

It's actually kind of like that old movie War Games: when it comes to the Revenge Game, the only winning move is, not to play.

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