Topic: US gas prices out of control
poisonflightledr's photo
Tue 10/31/06 06:37 AM
Take oil off the stock market and have oil producing countries bid for
annual contracts at fixed prices.

How would that work?

An annual bid process would be initiated by the Federal Government and
open to all oil producing countries. Countries would submit sealed bids
to the U.S. Government and the lowest bidder would win the annual
contract. Prices would be reduced overall, as countries would compete
with one another for the exclusive annual contract with the U.S.

The lowest price bidder gets the contract for the year, with a
condition; Produce and deliver a certain amount or be fined for not
meeting quota. Fine monies would be held in trust / reserve, so a
country would not be able to back out and not pay fines. Interest
bearing accounts would be acceptable, so money tied up in reserve could
still give the oil producing country some return on the money held.
Secondary contracts with the next lowest bidder country and other
countries who agree to that same price, would be held pending, in the
case of non-production from primary contracts. Fine money would be used
to offset the cost of the secondary contracted price.

How do we get this to happen?
Two things have to happen:

1. Copy this and forward it via e-mail to people you know. We spend a
lot of time and effort sending urban legend e-mails about fingers found
in food, and money that will be supposedly given away by Microsoft. This
is no urban legen and no hoax. It is however, a document with a viable
suggestion on how to better our country.

2. Write your Congressional representitive via the U.S. Postal Service
(USPS). Congressional Representitives have e-mail addresses but no one
ever reads most of the e-mail. Especially if it is sent by someone
outside their district. If you send a letter by USPS, there is a better
chance that someone will read it. If enough people send the suggestion,
we have a better chance that the suggestion will come to someone who is
willing to make it happen.

no photo
Tue 10/31/06 08:12 PM
wait until after elections!! the price of gas will go crazy!!!!

Morena350's photo
Tue 10/31/06 08:14 PM
they are crazy now,,,,mannn

no photo
Tue 10/31/06 10:08 PM
i hope they don't go back to $3/gal or more. i have a tahoe and that was
rediculous. i'm selling it anyway

KoolDude79's photo
Tue 10/31/06 10:17 PM
All I can say is watch 24 season 3.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 10/31/06 10:47 PM
One l'il problem with your idea poisonfighter..yer assuming that the
countries in the middle east would WANT to voluntarily enter a lowest
price bidding war to provide the US with oil. Hell if ya want oil, just
invade Candastan, we got lots and nothing to defend ourselves against an we're right next door. And when the soldiers get some
R&R, well it's a nice place to sight see lmao.

The real problem is with OPEC. It needs to be abolished or at least
abandoned by the western oil producing countries. Canada and the US
should work together to continue developing the Alberta oil fields. We'd
produce more than enuff oil for both countries needs and could say FUCK
YOU to the middle east and their oil. Bring Great Britain into the
fold(they produce quite a bit in North Sea) and let those fuckers feel
the squeeze with no US dollars coming in and the loss of 2 huge markets
for mid-east oil.
When will the US see they have NO friends in the middle east except for
Isreal. And those arabic countries that act friendly with the US would
stab you guys in the back given half a chance.
Continuing to rely on and pay for mid-east oil only gives them more
money to fund terrorist campaigns.

You guys think you have it bad down there? try paying 4 bucks a gallon
like we do up here. At one point it even hit $5/gallon