Topic: A to Z .... I want.... - part 13 | |
Just want the NBA to eliminate officials from the game and in the 4th quarter all players have a machete |
kisses and hugs from all the cute sexy *** chicks |
Long winter walks in Austin, TX...
mother's love
New pair of red stiletto
see rosie in red stiletto's
^^ and nothing else?
John, alphabetical... and keep it clean O Orange juice with vodka |
see rosie in red stiletto's tongue from all the cute sexy *** chicks |
Party with a few friends in Polynesia |
Quarterpounder with bacon and cheese |
roasted peanuts...hmm craving for you
sexy hot *** gf
Trumpet solo... Doc Watson style...
UNconditional love
Very long vacation in Scotland...
wild nights a calling...
Xtra long and tight hug from Maverick...
Xtra long and tight hug from Maverick... krritch....i got your wing.....OVER....ccrritchc.. Y...yogurt |
*CRIITCHHH* How many more days... Give or take.. OVER... *CRIIITCH*
Zebra print socks... |
a million hugs and kisses from all the sexy hot *** chicks