Topic: Scariest mysteries | |
1. The Taos Hum
In the small town of Taos, New Mexico, there is a certain buzz often heard on the horizon that can be compared to the sound of a distant diesel engine. It is a humming sound that is very disorienting for a person who experiences it and it seems to have an effect on people- it has been known to cause insomnia and/or sleep disturbances, nausea, headaches, dizziness and nosebleeds. Needless to say, it can be very irritating for hearers, Although it can be heard by the naked ear, various sound detection devices are not able to pick it up. This is known as the Taos Hum and up to this day, no one still knows how this sound is being created. 2. Overtoun Bridge The Overtoun Bridge is an arch bridge located near Milton, Dumbarton, Scotland, which was built in 1859. It has become famous for the number of unexplained instances in which dogs have, apparently, committed suicide by leaping off it. The incidents were first recorded around the 1950’s or 1960’s, when it was noticed that dogs – usually the long-nosed variety, like Collies – would suddenly and unexpectedly leap off the bridge and fall fifty feet, to their deaths. In some cases, however, the dogs would survive, recuperate, and then leap off the bridge again. What makes this tragic mystery even more mysterious is that many of the dogs that jump from Overton Bridge jump from the same side and from almost the same spot: between the final two parapets on the right-hand side of the bridge.Some believe that the bridge is haunted. In 1994, a man threw his baby son off the bridge, claiming that it was the anti-Christ. Later, the man attempted suicide there as well. Was Overtoun Bridge responsible for this tragic event? Some believe that Overtoun Bridge is a “thin place”, where the barrier between the world of the living and the world of the dead meet, and sometimes cross over. 3. Felicia Felix-Mentor Felicia Felix-Mentor reportedly died in 1907, after a sudden illness of the type that Haitian belief finds to be characteristic of a person marked to be made into a zombie. In 1936, a woman (either nude or in ragged clothing, depending on the source) was found wandering the streets, and made her way to a farm which she claimed belonged to her father. The owners identified the woman as Felicia Felix-Mentor, long thought dead, and Felix-Mentor’s husband also confirmed this. Due to her poor health, she was sent to a government hospital. A doctor who interviewed her described her behavior: Her occasional outbursts of laughter were devoid of emotion, and very frequently she spoke of herself in either the first or the third person without any sense of discrimination. She had lost all sense of time and was quite indifferent to the world of things around her. (Most likely false) 4. Chupas Chupas are mysterious objects, or UFOs, allegedly seen by night in the eastern forests of (mainly) Brazil. They are described as smaller, metallic-like objects that fly about the treetops, making a humming sound like a refrigerator or a transformer. Since most people in the area are poor, they often go out during the night to hunt food, such as deer. To do this, they climb up in trees to await their prey. It is often during this period of waiting that hunters claim to spot the chupas. When seen, chupas are claimed to emit a bright white light. Instead of being “just unidentified objects” or lights, they are alleged to be lethal. In some cases, people claim to have been hunted by them. It is claimed that this often results in all kinds of pain for days (sometimes years) after their experience. It has also been claimed that some people have even died from the alleged lethal beams emitted by the chupas, and that some hunters have tried to shoot at the chupas, with no effect. 5. SS Ourang Medan In February, 1948, distress calls were picked up by numerous ships near Indonesia, from the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan. The chilling message was, “All officers including captain are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead.” This message was followed by indecipherable Morse code then one final grisly message… “I die.” When the first rescue vessel arrived on the scene a few hours later, they tried to hail the Ourang Medan but there was no response. A boarding party was sent to the ship and what they found was a frightening sight that has made the Ourang Medan one of the strangest and scariest ghost ship stories of all time.All the crew and officers of the Ourang Medan were dead, their eyes open, faces looking towards the sun, arms outstretched and a look of terror on their faces. Even the ship’s dog was dead, found snarling at some unseen enemy. When nearing the bodies in the boiler room, the rescue crew felt a chill, though the temperature was near 110°F. The decision was made to tow the ship back to port, but before they could get underway, smoke began rolling up from the hull. The rescue crew left the ship and barely had time to cut the tow lines before the Ourang Medan exploded and sank.To this day, the exact fate of the Ourang Medan and her crew remains a mystery (Might not be true) 6. The green children 7. Zodiac Killer During the 1960s and 1970s, there was a certain criminal in the San Francisco Bay area that was identified as the Zodiac killer for the mind-boggling letters he sent to the police and to the press. Although one of the four letters were cracked, which contained a very disturbing message, the other three have never been identified, even until now. 8. Wow! Signal When Jerry R. Ehman worked under the SETI Project of the Ohio Wesleyan University’s Perkins Observatory, he did not expect that he would be able to pick up a radio frequency supposedly coming from deep space. He was able to get a 72-second signal from the constellation Sagittarius and was never able to get it again. Up to this day no one is sure about the origin of the signal. It derived its name, however, from the “wow!” that Jerry wrote in the margin of the printout. |
Mystery of Missing US Colonies Remains Unsolved
Twice in American history, entire groups of people have suddenly disappeared - to the point that archaeologists and anthropologists today cannot say where they went or what happened to them. 1- One was the first boatload of English settlers in the New World. In 1587, they established a colony on Roanoke Island, off the Atlantic coast of what is now the state of North Carolina. The settlement had great difficulties with food and hostile Indians, so its governor went back to England to get supplies and arms. When he returned, the whole colony of about 100 people had vanished without a trace. All that was left in what became known as the Lost Colony was the word “ROATAN,” carved into a tree. The Roatans were Indians in the area. 2- The second mystery evolved several hundred years earlier, and several thousand kilometers to the west, in what is now the state of Colorado, past the Rocky Mountains in a place called “Mesa Verde” - “green table” or tabletop in Spanish. A mesa is a long, flat-topped mountain, rising above a valley. About 1,900 years ago, this one was the home of a native people that today’s Navajo Indians call the Anasazi - the ancient ones. This is the southwestern Colorado landscape, including high but flat tabletop mesas such as the one to the right, in which the Anasazi lived - but only briefly. (Carol M. Highsmith) This is the southwestern Colorado landscape, including high but flat tabletop mesas such as the one to the right, in which the Anasazi lived - but only briefly. (Carol M. Highsmith) They were peaceful Stone Age bean farmers, hunters, and basketmakers. At first they lived in pit houses sunk into the top of the mesa. Then, about the year 1250, they climbed down the sheer cliffside using perilous hand- and toeholds, and began living among the rocks. To ward off the boiling sun and howling Colorado winds, they carved chambers for shelter and ceremonies. One can see the largest cluster of chambers, now called “Cliff Palace,” which housed about 200 people. There was water there, seeping through rocks into pools in the chambers. As you can imagine, enemies had a hard time pursuing them there, so the Anasazi would seem to have been safe from attack. But within only 50 years or so of moving in, they disappeared from Mesa Verde, which is now a U.S. national park. Why did they leave, and where did they go? No one knows for sure, but unlike the case at Roanoke Island, there’s a clue: There is evidence that a terrible drought set in. Archeologists believe they simply left for greener mesas and blended into neighboring tribes. |
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Mon 08/03/15 08:25 PM
1.) 1. The Zodiac Killer: In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Zoadiac Killer was active in Northern California. The killer's identity remains unknown. Four men and three women between the ages of 16 and 29 were targeted. He earned his moniker because of a series of taunting letters sent to the local Bay Area press. ![]() 2.) The Gardner Museum Art Heist: In 1990, two men dressed as cops pulled off one of the biggest museum heists in history. They conned their way into The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and tied up the on-duty guards. They then stole pieces by Vermeer, Rembrandt, Degas, and Manet. They took over $500 million in paintings, sculptures, and artifacts. A $5 million reward is still offered to any information that leads to the recovery of the stolen artwork. ![]() 3.) The Tylenol Killer: In the fall of 1982, seven Chicago-area people died from taking Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide. Tylenol was pulled from shelves and authorities warned people far and wide about the drug. Within six months, federal anti-tampering were put into place to prevent any similar tragedies. No arrests for the murders have been made. ![]() 4.) Jack the Ripper: This ripper terrorized the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. There were multiple murders, with most of the victims being female prostitutes whose throats were cut prior to abdominal mutilations. The large number of attacks against women in the East End during this era adds uncertainty to how many victims were killed by the same person. Eleven separate murders, stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891, were included in a London Metropolitan Police Service investigation. ![]() 5.) JonBenét Ramsey: JonBenét was an American child beauty pageant queen who was murdered in her home in Boulder, Colorado, in 1996. She was only 6 years-old. Her body was found eight hours after she was reported missing, in the basement of the family home, during a police search. She had been struck on the head and strangled. The case remains unsolved, even after several grand jury hearings, and continues to generate public and media interest. ![]() 6.) The Lead Masks Case: In 1996, a little boy in Brazil found two corpses. The uninjured bodies, both wearing suits, were identified as two local electronic technicians. An empty water bottle was found near the bodies and both men were wearing lead masks that protected against radiation. A small notebook was also found that read: “16:30 be at the agreed place. 18:30 swallow capsules, after effect protect metals wait for the mask sign.” The capsules killed the men, but police haven’t been able to determine why they were taken or what they were. ![]() 7.) Harry Winston Heist: In 2008, a group of four men dressed as women charged into an exclusive Parisian jewelry store armed with a .357 Magnum and a hand grenade. The four men, nicknamed “The Pink Panthers,” stole $108 million in diamonds. A $1 million dollar reward remains intact for information leading to an arrest. ![]() 8.) The Taman Shud Case: In 1948, "the Somerton Man" was found dead on the beach. There were no signs of trauma nor traces of poison. No one can figure out how the man died. All of the identification tags on the man’s clothes had been removed and there was a strange note inside a secret pocket in his pants that read “Tamam Shud,” which means “ended.” Police later discovered that the note had been ripped out of a rare collection of poems called “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” that was found in a car nearby the scene. Inside of that book was a small, coded message that remains unsolved to this day. ![]() This was the code found in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam book. ![]() 9.) The Black Dahlia: Actress Elizabeth Short’s 22 year-old body was discovered in LA on January 15, 1947 cut in half and drained of blood. The corners of her mouth had been sliced 3 inches on either side, leaving her mouth in a grisly grin. Police worked side-by-side with the press to release information about the case. No arrests have been made in the case, despite how well known it is. ![]() (H/T BuzzFeed) It's unbelievable that each of these crimes have remained unsolved for decades, and in the case of Jack the Ripper, for over a century. The gruesome murders have destroyed countless lives, yet there are no answers for the families of the victims. It's truly unsettling. Share these unbelievable unsolved crimes with others. |