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Topic: Well fire and brimstone
Toks88's photo
Tue 07/14/15 03:17 AM

God is the judge like I replied.
And the Facts of
New birth,
Rapture, must be preached, mentioned because it is very serious. And we must abstain from all evil and deliver ourselves and them that hears us by doing that.
May God help us to understand the mysteries more and more.
The most importantly is Love. Love is the greatest. Without love we are not complete.

I have the utmost respect for you Mr Toks

You know why, because you never get involved with any controversy, you simply post your scripts etc for people to read and let them make their own minds up.

You are my idea of a proper Christian.

All the best to you Friend

Exactly what I like. Toks posts with love but with the truth as well

I'm so glad to receive the complement above.
Thank you Joethebricks and YellowRose10. I respect you too.

There is a Christian song that says:
"It's not an easy road, we are traveling to heaven.
For many are thorns on the way....
It's not an easy road, but my savior is with me.
His presence gives me joy everyday..."

The chorus:

"No...! No...! It's not an easy road....
No...! No....! It's not an easy road....
But Jesus walks beside me and brightens the journey and lifts my heavy burden each day."

We believers are to encourage one another, correct one another, help one another, pray for one another, love one another, forgive one another, speak to one another with the divine Love of God. And that heals the broken heart of ours and restores the lost as we know that the devil and the world are busy enforcing us to go against the Will of God.

Many out there have once encountered God's Supernatural ability do live righteously. And when the tribulations of this world, the storms of life ragged, they backslided, while some backsliding was owing to levity.

We are not to sit on judgement over their weakness knowing that we ourselves obtained "grace and mercy" that kept us moving.
Why preaching the gospel, we don't say
"hey! you are a hypocrite! Hellfire awaits you and you are going to be there forever." Some would even put "Lol" (indicating how happy they are that the Bible has condemned hypocrites).

No! No! No! Pray for me rather. I know hell awaits a sinner but please, pray for me.

Another truth is that the preachers receive greater condemnation than those that are not preaching, or non believer.

Romans 1:32; James 3:1; Matthew 7:21-23.

Pastor Park Yong Gyu, whom God granted an opportunity to visit heaven and hell when he died in 1987 witnessed the lost in hell. He saw pastors in both the kingdom of heaven and hell according to his experience. He cried out loud and warns the ministers including the bishops and pastors saying to everyone 'repent and repent and do it all day long if you have to.'

We have to be very very careful and discreet to one another. Our enemy is the devil, he roars about like a lion seeking who he may devour.
Ponder why Jesus prayed to His FATHER "forgive them, for they know not what they do." HE has the power to bring down fire upon them but HE didn't.

Now, I pray that through CHRIST who has called us into the marvelous Light should establish the grace we needed upon us to run the race and get our crown. Amen...!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 07/14/15 06:17 AM
Thank you for contributing Toks and everyone.

I want to make something clear. I have NEVER said to lie or omit anything from God's word. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I also know it isn't all about sunshine and lollipops or tiptoe through the tulips. My issue with the fire and brimstoners is they usually don't tell the whole truth. There is love there. John 3:16. I never said sugar coat it either. I said do it from a loving heart and not bullying.

Bullying people doesn't work either. Throughout history, overly zealous people tried to force others to convert. How did that work out? God wants us to come to him willingly. Not because they were bullied or forced.

Yes the wages of sin is death. No need to omit these things. But God loved us so much that He sent his Son to die for our sins so we might be saved. Don't omit those parts either

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/14/15 11:51 AM
We will all go to hell one day, unless we happen to be living on Earth when Jesus returns. Hell is nothing more then the grave. And is why -

Revelation 20:13

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Note "hell gave up it's dead to be judged for their works". "Hell" is not our punishment, it's merely the grave. And this can be seen in the context of the verse, it states the dead in the sea will be given up "water" and the dead in hell will be given up "dirt/grave". Telling us everyone throughout the world will be judged according to their works.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 07/14/15 02:16 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Tue 07/14/15 02:18 PM

We will all go to hell one day, unless we happen to be living on Earth when Jesus returns. Hell is nothing more then the grave. And is why -

Revelation 20:13

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Note "hell gave up it's dead to be judged for their works". "Hell" is not our punishment, it's merely the grave. And this can be seen in the context of the verse, it states the dead in the sea will be given up "water" and the dead in hell will be given up "dirt/grave". Telling us everyone throughout the world will be judged according to their works.

Yep got it...but you are missing the point

In other words (can't believe I still have to explain it) if you are a nin believer...what would make you want to know Christianity and Christ? The truth about sinning but Jesus died for us or burn in hell sinner?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 07/14/15 02:20 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Tue 07/14/15 02:21 PM
It amazes me that people aren't understanding. Maybe I am not being clear. .if so, can someone translate?

I am speaking about our approach especially with non believers

Quoting scripture up front doesn't really matter to non believers

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/14/15 06:48 PM

It amazes me that people aren't understanding. Maybe I am not being clear. .if so, can someone translate?

I am speaking about our approach especially with non believers

Quoting scripture up front doesn't really matter to non believers

As of this day we are all dead in our sins. We will all die and go to hell eg., the grave. Hell is merely a temporary holding place awaiting judgment. Thus why Satan is there, come the Second coming, then Judgment, Satan will be judged and thrown into the lake of fire along with everyone else that did not accept the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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