It's widely believed by some school of thought that christians don't need any other deliverance,owing to the fact they are born-again or saved.
But how true is this?,just look into your life closely and that of others you know too well.Do you think every area or aspect of yours and theirs are great?.Anyway it's up to you.What's your take on this? |
All prophets have intercession. They shall save good believers only but not bad people.
Prophet Muhamad said; Any woman who did five prayers daily, fast Ramadan, visited the House of God, gave money to the poor, obeyed her husband, and trust Ali after me, entered paradise through the intercession of my daughter Fatima |
Nah. I have never heard "Dueling Banjos" performed in a church. ![]() |
All prophets have intercession. They shall save good believers only but not bad people. Prophet Muhamad said; Any woman who did five prayers daily, fast Ramadan, visited the House of God, gave money to the poor, obeyed her husband, and trust Ali after me, entered paradise through the intercession of my daughter Fatima Here's a classic reason why I don't use Hadiths. What could Fatima be the intercessor of in light of these versus ? Surah 6: 70 Surah 7: 53 Surah 10: 3 Surah 19: 87 Surah 20: 109 Surah 26: 100+101 Surah 32: 4 |
Jesus Christ is all we need eg. "Christ"ians. Not saying everyone of them share the same or do it 100% but do and believe as Christ and you will have all the knowledge there is that is needed :)
The stubborn and aggressors who have committed major crimes against humanity shall be in a permanent place in the fire.
{[And asking them]; What put you into Great Fire? They will say; We were not of those who prayed, Nor did we used to feed the poor. And we used to enter into vain discourse with those who engaged [in it], And we used to deny the Day of Recompense Until there came to us the certainty. So there will not benefit them the intercession of [any] intercessors.} Quran 74;42-48 Believer does not lose anything whether the Day of Resurrection happened or did not. The infidel will be based in hell after the Day of Judgment. If we assume the Day of Judgment doesn't happen, the infidel will not win anything useful. It is enough that a man believe in his heart that the Creator of the universe and the creator of all living things is God sent prophets to humans to show them the correct behavior in this life. His behavior is positive in life, praying, devoting his life to the good of all and not hurting anyone. People like this man enter paradise whatever be his religion. |
It's widely believed by some school of thought that christians don't need any other deliverance,owing to the fact they are born-again or saved. But how true is this?,just look into your life closely and that of others you know too well.Do you think every area or aspect of yours and theirs are great?.Anyway it's up to you.What's your take on this? Sometimes.. for deliverance can use a mid-wife ![]() |
It's widely believed by some school of thought that christians don't need any other deliverance,owing to the fact they are born-again or saved. But how true is this?,just look into your life closely and that of others you know too well.Do you think every area or aspect of yours and theirs are great?.Anyway it's up to you.What's your take on this? Sometimes.. for deliverance can use a mid-wife ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well if its the "Deliverance" Ned Beatty got in the movie... count me out
Second come of Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem. Imam Mahdi will emerge in Madina city of Saudi Arabia. Mahdi will go to see Jesus and praying together when Christians see that they unite together with the Muslims and build up the front of right, which dominates the world.
In a Friday of Ramadan, there will be a Sound from the sky it is the voice of Gabriel. That sounds is what will happen in Jerusalem during Christ's return too. Sufyani with his army will move via Iraq to Saudi Arabia to kill Mahdi. However the earth between Mecca and Medina will swallow this army before it even reaches Imam Mahdi. |
All prophets have intercession. They shall save good believers only but not bad people. Prophet Muhamad said; Any woman who did five prayers daily, fast Ramadan, visited the House of God, gave money to the poor, obeyed her husband, and trust Ali after me, entered paradise through the intercession of my daughter Fatima What could Fatima be the intercessor of in light of these versus ? Surah 6: 70 Surah 7: 53 Surah 10: 3 Surah 19: 87 Surah 20: 109 Surah 26: 100+101 Surah 32: 4 God gives permission to ALL PROPHETS and some people like the four women of Paradise to save believers; {Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne, arranging the matter [of His creation]. There is no intercessor except after His PERMISSION. That is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him. Then will you not remember?} 10;3 {That Day, no intercession will benefit except [that of] one to whom the Most Merciful has given PERMISSION and has ACCEPTED HIS WORD.} 20;109. FOR DISBELIEVERS NO PROTECTOR. Also those who had ignored the guidance of the Book. God will drive the criminals to Hell and those who followed the criminals. {And leave those who take their religion as amusement and diversion and whom the worldly life has deluded. But remind with the Quran, lest a soul be given up to destruction for what it earned; it will have other than God no protector and no intercessor. And if it should offer every compensation, it would not be taken from it. Those are the ones who are given to destruction for what they have earned. For them will be a drink of scalding water and a painful punishment because they used to disbelieve.} 6;70 {Despite the clear details of Our guidance in the Book do they still wait for further interpretations? On the Day of Judgment when its interpretations will be revealed, those who had ignored its guidance will confess, saying; The Messengers of our Lord had certainly come to us with the Truth. Will anyone intercede for us or send us back (to life) so that we would be able to act in a different manner to that which we had done before?. These people have certainly lost their souls and their evil inventions (which they had used for false excuses) will vanish.} 7;53 {And will drive the criminals to Hell in thirst. None will have [power of] intercession except he who had taken from the Most Merciful a covenant.} 19;87 {And no one misguided us except the criminals. So now we have no intercessors. And not a devoted friend.} 26; 99-101 |
Second come of Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem. Imam Mahdi will emerge in Madina city of Saudi Arabia. Mahdi will go to see Jesus and praying together when Christians see that they unite together with the Muslims and build up the front of right, which dominates the world. In a Friday of Ramadan, there will be a Sound from the sky it is the voice of Gabriel. That sounds is what will happen in Jerusalem during Christ's return too. Sufyani with his army will move via Iraq to Saudi Arabia to kill Mahdi. However the earth between Mecca and Medina will swallow this army before it even reaches Imam Mahdi. This Is Another Hadith (Fable) And Is Not In The Quran Or The Bible *************************************************************************************************************************************** It's important to note that for as often the Quran mentions, 'the people of the Book', it's usually talking about the Bible. The reason being the Quran that was manifest after the Bible plainly mentions, 'This is a recitation confiming what which was written in The Book before it.' (Surah 5: 48) (Surah 6: 92) (Surah 10: 37) (Surah 46: 10+11) Hadiths are only the Apostacy that has been used as a way of abrogating and confussing what has been written in the Quran without its conjuction with the Bible. Satin is crafty ! |
Second come of Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem. Imam Mahdi will emerge in Madina city of Saudi Arabia. Mahdi will go to see Jesus and praying together when Christians see that they unite together with the Muslims and build up the front of right, which dominates the world. In a Friday of Ramadan, there will be a Sound from the sky it is the voice of Gabriel. That sounds is what will happen in Jerusalem during Christ's return too. Sufyani with his army will move via Iraq to Saudi Arabia to kill Mahdi. However the earth between Mecca and Medina will swallow this army before it even reaches Imam Mahdi. This Is Another Hadith (Fable) And Is Not In The Quran Or The Bible Hadiths are only the Apostacy that has been used as a way of abrogating and confussing what has been written in the Quran without its conjuction with the Bible. Hadith implies the narration of a saying, or of an act, or of an approval of the Prophet, irrespective of whether the matter is authenticated or still disputed. Sunnah means the way of life which the Prophet taught the people in theory and practice and for which, in his capacity as a teacher of (Islamic Law), he laid down ideal standards of leading a life which one should meet to earn God's approval through complete submission to His Commandments. The fact is that shia Muslims believe in Imamate (spiritual-political leadership after prophet), whereas Sunnis believe that Imamate is not part of Islam. Can a Muslim really follow non of these two positions? I think yes, and when he face a problem he can search and follow any answer that fit his situation whether the answer comes from Shia sect or from Sunnis. Both sects believe that we must follow the Quran and the Sunnah according to many verses; {O you who have believed, obey Allah and OBEY the MESSENGER and those in AUTHORITY among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.} 4;59 Shia believe that; [those in AUTHORITY among you] are the 12 disciples. Sunnis believe these are the local government members. {He who OBEYS the Messenger has obeyed Allah ; but those who turn away - We have not sent you over them as a guardian.} 4; 80 {It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His MESSENGER have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have ANY choice about their affair. And whoever DISOBEYS Allah and His MESSENGER has certainly strayed into clear ERROR.} 33; 36 Also verses; 3; 132, 4;13, 4;80, 8; 20, 24;54, 24;63, 33;21, 47;33, 59;7, 64;12, |
A Hadith is still a allegation, and a good many only serve to slander Mohammad and nullify the Quran.
Your assumption that the Quran has certified a volume of secular words and deeds of Mohammad is just that... 'An Assumption!' Absolutely nowhere in the Quran does it verify a legacy of separate writings from Mohammad. |
widely believed by some school of thought that christians don't need any other deliverance,owing to the fact they are born-again or saved. Because they don't ![]() Anyway it's up to you.What's your take on this? Because they have little or no Faith & Satan is whisperingto them casting doubt, lies & half truths ![]() |
Wasn't it the Apostle Paul who said he must run the race to the last.
I think running in a race requires resolve despite hardship. |
It's widely believed by some school of thought that christians don't need any other deliverance,owing to the fact they are born-again or saved. But how true is this? -----this is a blanket statement. It needs to be qualified properly. Whoever thinks this is as simple as it is just looking for the convenience of having a religion. ,just look into your life closely and that of others you know too well.Do you think every area or aspect of yours and theirs are great?. ------depends on what the perception of "great" is. Anyway it's up to you.What's your take on this? ------know God. Develop a relationship with Him. Not with religion. |
Second come of Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem. Imam Mahdi will emerge in Madina city of Saudi Arabia. Mahdi will go to see Jesus and praying together when Christians see that they unite together with the Muslims and build up the front of right, which dominates the world. In a Friday of Ramadan, there will be a Sound from the sky it is the voice of Gabriel. That sounds is what will happen in Jerusalem during Christ's return too. Sufyani with his army will move via Iraq to Saudi Arabia to kill Mahdi. However the earth between Mecca and Medina will swallow this army before it even reaches Imam Mahdi. Basically it will be a bigger gig then david guetta & calvin harris performing live |
Second come of Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem. Imam Mahdi will emerge in Madina city of Saudi Arabia. Mahdi will go to see Jesus and praying together when Christians see that they unite together with the Muslims and build up the front of right, which dominates the world. In a Friday of Ramadan, there will be a Sound from the sky it is the voice of Gabriel. That sounds is what will happen in Jerusalem during Christ's return too. Sufyani with his army will move via Iraq to Saudi Arabia to kill Mahdi. However the earth between Mecca and Medina will swallow this army before it even reaches Imam Mahdi. Basically it will be a bigger gig then david guetta & calvin harris performing live ![]() ![]() ![]() |
we need jesus everyday