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Topic: Just wondering
SitkaRains's photo
Sat 06/13/15 03:17 PM

He approach me first. So, i decided to walk in his life without second thought and never ask myself how i feel for him.

For the life of my I can't wrap my head around why anyone would do this.
Just because someone approaches you, shows a bit of interest, you decide to walk into his life. Did he ask you to?

Because, all i think is maybe he like me. When i notice that later on, he doesnt care about my presence.

I am sorry this just doesn't make sense to me, all you can think about it "maybe" he likes you? Why not take time to find out. When you notice he doesn't seem to want you around that is a pretty good clue that he has changed his mind.

Now, i wonder if i like him.

Does it really matter now that he has shown you he doesn't really want to be around you? He might have liked you and the more he saw, he changed his mind and realized you weren't what he was looking for. So it really doesn't matter if you like him or not That ship has sailed and is gone.

no photo
Sat 06/13/15 03:53 PM
He approach me first. So, i decided to walk in his life without second thought and never ask myself how i feel for him. Because, all i think is maybe he like me. When i notice that later on, he doesnt care about my presence. Now, i wonder if i like him.

That's kind of how it's supposed to work, biologically, and has worked for a few thousand years.

This is just part of the biological process of love.

Guys break through that "get them to reciprocate my communication if they like me, hormones influencing my behavior and communication" stage and arrive at the "am I here for more than just an attraction and want to actually pair bond" question before women.

Because men start the process from the moment they see the woman.

Women start from the moment the guy proves he's not an immediate waste of time.

They go through the same thing. Just not at the same time.

There really is nothing unique to what you are going through or dealing with.

Everyone does with every romantic relationship.

Now, though, instead of 90% hormones driving you while you rationalize that you are in control, you actually are in control.

Although, really, your personality determines what you do next.

The most common things people do once they reach this stage are:
1. Start playing push me pull you chase me chase you and power games to try and manipulate better communication.

2. Try to be the first one to reject the other, once both people start indirectly communicating that they don't really want to be there.

3. Start living inside their own head wondering "what's going on? What are they doing? What do they want?" which means both people start entrenching themselves, communicating even less, and just grow farther apart until one person just stops calling, or starts saying "I'm just too busy at work."

4. Put some "space" between you and later try to go back to the first stage of the process and try for a different result.

5. Go along to get along until something better comes by.

Maximus_Max's photo
Sat 06/13/15 05:31 PM
Ask yourself the right questions
"Why you are confident"
What is attractive and sexy about you? How does it feel to be a laid-back attractive woman who all the mans desire?

Goofball73's photo
Sat 06/13/15 07:05 PM
I can tell you right now that you only liked him because you were lonely. It goes like this: You were lonely...then guy shows interest....you are excited and just go for it creating this thought that you like him....then he turns out to be a douche or just a guy that figured out that he didn't want you (nothing wrong with this because...hey...at least he figured out that you weren't what he wanted)....now you are questioning your sanity. It's a common story. Move along.

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