Topic: May 8, 2015 Obama's G-7 News Conference
LTme's photo
Mon 06/08/15 07:01 AM
President Obama is scheduled to give a G-7 summit related news conference in the 10 o'clock hour.

Any thoughts, before, during, or after?

InvictusV's photo
Mon 06/08/15 03:40 PM
nothing new...

no photo
Mon 06/08/15 03:48 PM
No, like Dodo, I prefer the real world.ohwell

LTme's photo
Mon 06/08/15 04:02 PM
There's a difference from having contempt for the leader,
and acknowledging his power.

Know it or not
believe it or not
like it or not
admit it or not
President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama sits at the head table at such summit meetings.

It is not the negro that clawed his way to the top.
It is the centuries of devotion that elected him there.

He represents U.S.

We (re)elected him.
Disparage him all you like.
Who would have done better?
McCain? Romney? The U.S. electorate didn't think so.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 06/08/15 04:44 PM

There's a difference from having contempt for the leader,
and acknowledging his power.

Know it or not
believe it or not
like it or not
admit it or not
President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama sits at the head table at such summit meetings.

It is not the negro that clawed his way to the top.
It is the centuries of devotion that elected him there.

He represents U.S.

We (re)elected him.
Disparage him all you like.
Who would have done better?
McCain? Romney? The U.S. electorate didn't think so.
