Topic: under sharing?
2ndshiftdc's photo
Thu 06/04/15 10:17 AM
I feel if I put lots of info or to little in my profile it doesn't seem to matter. I happy to take advise on my profile

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 06/04/15 12:23 PM
Ok. I am going to preface this with for some reason I get a really good vibe off you and I do NOT want you to get too discouraged by what I say because if I was a betting woman I would bet you are actually one of the Good guys.

But Darlin it is a good thing you are a field engineer, whatever that is (would not hurt to elaborate), because you would STARVE to death as a SALESMAN. It is unclear if you are actually in or out of the military. In fine. Out Hey even better to be re-employed. High 5! But did you have some burning need to shoot yourself in the head telling that you work second shift? OK OK second shifter's I have no problem with you hours just be real it is tougher to suggest you have a social life even when you do and you might want to work at getting the first date before you tell the advatages.

And not because you are bad on the eyes well what I can see around the sunglasses (ditch those in other photos which you desperately need) but if it wasn't for the cute Swizzler character your lead shot would not exactly scream Calvin Klein material. Pulleeze knobby knees guys; the camp shorts do nothing for your lower half. Back in the day I would have had a blast with you pulling you up on the bar and stapling your baggy drawers to show off your uh shall we say southern assets for the gals to hoot and holler and stuff your pockets with dollar bills and phone numbers to get a chance to run their fingers through your hair but for a young guy with a pretty good body you should give these britches back to dear old grand dad.

You might have a kid graduating HS (Whoot whoot Dad)but you should brag not moan about it. I might have thought you were young at what 20 having a kid but you are not talking 14! Give me a break. You did kind of skip over how many puppies in the litter so being military you are kind of suggesting the five they pay for if you don't say otherwise. Kids I guarantee are not terminal if you date ladies with kids. Good for you. If you are a part time custodial Dad that is not terminal either. Luckily you did not make the rookie mistake asking someone to be the "nanny" during visitations.

Ok so that brings us to the whole WHY insult your host and immediately try to jump off line for an in person memory building? That is way to open to interpretation as come over after I get off work at 11 and have a booty call. Or worse I am a scammer. Especially when it could mean I am new to DC and would love to take you to lunch eventually at one of the local sites.

Last but not least the mission statement should be good but also a upbeat wrap up/invite "Your in luck you have just found someone to share life's next adventure." Not "wish you luck" with {the next profile}; I know I totally am bombing this profile thing. You will not have to live on line if you tell them meet me in one of the forums you like to post often. Keep in mind that is probably not going to be anything too heavy or boobalicious but if you have coffee or lunch over your computer if they are interested they will find you on line. Generally if you get someone talking in forums with you the odds they will respond to a later note go WAY up.

Sooooh the fix is taking the things you can share about yourself and putting them in a positive light. Never lie , don't exaggerate, but don't be pitiful or whiney. NOT NECESSARY. You actually have a lot going for you. Young, healthy, employed, active, sober, even possible marriage material.

But You are not writing and EER so re arrange the I statements or reporting to command vibe and just talk to the lady that you want to impress. You put a few vague clues about interests but if you like someone who is say not into loud crowed places this is a good place to say something like I like a lady who enjoys quieter open places like the water park, PeeWee football, a nice country/rock/jazz(your favorite)mini concert on the roof. If your Christian other is a particular faith/spirituality you might want to mention that.

Oh yea being military is cool but you might want to avoid saying 13 years service because the unlucky thirteen thingy but if you can show you opted out for school, work, or were laid off even though exemplary service record, which by the way thousands were, it is ok to give yourself a plug. A little shameless bragging in profiles is allowed. PS> putting up your Baby GI photos may seem sappy but they are conversation starters as are photos of places you traveled. If someone sees current ones of you as civilian they get that you have moved on.

OR too much that suggests you are maybe still a little overly sensitive to certain environments. Anybody with half a brain is going to figure out some situations may be tough for any service member. And will be very glad to be supportive, but unless you have a serious PTSD condition that absolutely prohibits you from coping in certain situations past or present I would not over play that suggestion. Sadly people do try to read between the lines so you can scare people off by what you don't say.

HOWEVER ANY Vet, NOT saying this one because I don't know him from God, who does have PTSD I would NOT suggest that it is going to be a show stopper because many people are your peers and know what it is about and will NOT run the other way. Sometimes it is just personal experience but luckily it is people are way more educated. Thank God I have been working on the topic for 40+years.

ANYWAY Good Luck. Welcome to Mingle. Thanks for being brave and asking. Shows you want to succeed. As I hope/think you will.

no photo
Thu 06/04/15 01:14 PM
pacific star as gave you really good advice. flowerforyou

2ndshiftdc's photo
Thu 06/04/15 08:56 PM
Thank you very much I will rework it

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 06/04/15 09:44 PM
Great pics now. Don't leave too much text on the editing floor. But definite headway.