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Topic: i met the most interesting man today...
mom333's photo
Thu 07/23/15 03:22 AM
I will be back later...I don't like the bible I think peoples interpretations are dangerous and confusing. believing in a god is not what's wrong, its the books that people have written and still writing. if someone came to me and said im a Christian but I don't follow the book I just follow my heart then I could see myself on that sort of path but until then it looks like I follow my heart alone. :)

no photo
Thu 07/23/15 06:56 AM
oh well this rev was the typical white,buck teeth, glasses, skinny, rev you get over here in England lol. and he is very quietly spoken. plus he is a lovely man if I was going to be religious I would defiantly go to him for guidance. (not that I would, it would take this god himself to get me to go lol)

I think this train of thought could lead you down the wrong path. If you think this person is a nice man and has all the answers you are open to being misled. Charismatic speakers have been doing that for years. The truth is we are all sinners. You, me, the preacher and everybody on here. Nobody in the world can give you all the answers except the one who created it. At this point in time he chooses to give us only what we need to know. You are a smart woman. Why not try to figure out what the creator wants, rather than follow any man/woman.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/23/15 09:53 AM

he was a vicar, he came up to me today at the school gates and said I have lovely children, (they are friends with his children) we talked for a bit then he started with the do I go to church, I told him no because I don't believe in god he didn't seem fazed he just smiled and said why. I then said do you really want to know and he said of course. I laughed a little and told him but one of the things I said was how can I follow a god (if he exists) that would allow people to preach hate about people who are gay. again he didn't seem fazed he just looked at me and said god is infallible he would not and will never create a person in his own image and get it wrong. everyone has a reason for being here from the baby that lived for 20 mins to the gay man who lives with his husband to the old woman who has lived a hundred years or more. he made no mistakes with these people. he also said he made no mistake with me. at this I had a couple of tears and then he went on to say he does not and will never preach hate, because that is not what god is about. I asked him (I don't know why) should I go to church?, and this is what he said, no two people should be unequally yoked, and what I mean by that is god does not want someone without hate in their heart to be with someone who has hate in their heart its that simple. he was a very interesting man and he is now a friend of mine.

God doesn't hate homosexuals, he died so they could live ever more and everyone else as well. He detests that specific action, but for the person themselves God's already paid their debt if they accept his gift and turn away from their sinful ways. There is nothing sinful about wanting to be with someone, even the same gender. Not saying in a manner of "lusting" after them, but for the mere thought itself is not sinful per say. It's the physical action(s) done between the two that are sinful. And it's not even specifically the physical action between two of the same gender, it merely boils down to God only permits sex between two that are married. And God never sanctified marriage between two of the same gender. Regardless if some states in the USA and maybe across the world are recognizing same sex marriages either, God doesn't change. Nor did he instruct for such a change, so there is no proof that those marriages are even worth the paper they are written on.

would you attend a church bring and buy sale so they could afford a new roof lets say as an example?

I'm guessing you're asking "if the church was selling stuff in the church for a new roof, would I go and buy something"?

Absolutely not, the church is for worship. Not for money gain, even if that money is going to be used for the church itself.

God has even told us about this
Luke 19
45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought;

46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves

You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing(s) over and over and expecting a different result.
but the church the Christian church down the road has sales every summer to raise money to feed the homeless through the winter in their hot lunch scheme. they also have a stay and play that meets in the church and it costs 1 pound. they also have a Kaleigh dance (not sure how to spell it because its welsh. what im saying is things change and for good reason. gay people were persecuted and still are in some places now gay people can get married and so they should. and Christians are not well hopefully not beating slaves that are indebted to them or taking extremely young wives. some things change for good reason. now definition of insanity well that's what you do when you pray over and over again expecting different results isn't it ??? I myself am only having discussions with people like yourself.

Just because the "Christian" church down the road is doing it, doesn't make it right or any less of a sinful action. For God has warned us again such things.

And "Christians" don't persecute nobody, gay or otherwise. For our Christ has told us "Judge not, less ye be judged. For what judgment we pass on them, will be measured back on us". Not worded exactly like that, but if needed will look the verse up for you.
don't they oh well history must be wrong then.

Not saying people don't do as mentioned. But a "Christian" would not. As again our "Christ" has told us to judge not. Please don't confuse people's actions with God's instructions, not always the same thing even if they claim it to be so.
but in the bible it is so, it says (not going to give exact scripture readings here) but it says basically don't trust or do business with Jews. and a lot of other stuff. people took this and followed what it says and mistreated the Jewish people over many many years because the book told them to.

I can guarantee the scriptures don't say such a thing. And if it says a similar instance, it's being taken out of context. As Jews are God's chosen people.

Eternal life was first given to the jews, the entire old testament/covenant is for the jews. Again, the only thing that has to do with Christians specifically is found in the new testament/covenant as that is where our "Christ" came into the picture.
it does actually...they follow not god but something else, they have rejected the messiah. I could go on and on but it does say that.

And our God is so entirely loving, forgiving, and generous to still offer the paradise/eternal life to the jews first even after what they did to him.

Romans 2:10

10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

Doesn't mean Jews are necessarily right in the faith they have or lack thereof, but salvation and or God's love isn't "earned". It's a gift given to us all through the sacrifice God did for us all.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/23/15 09:59 AM

I will be back later...I don't like the bible I think peoples interpretations are dangerous and confusing. believing in a god is not what's wrong, its the books that people have written and still writing. if someone came to me and said im a Christian but I don't follow the book I just follow my heart then I could see myself on that sort of path but until then it looks like I follow my heart alone. :)

How can one follow our Christ and obey what he has told us, if they don't read up on it? That's what it means to be a "Christian" faithfully obeying and loving our Christ, Jesus.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 07/23/15 11:26 AM

I will be back later...I don't like the bible I think peoples interpretations are dangerous and confusing. believing in a god is not what's wrong, its the books that people have written and still writing. if someone came to me and said im a Christian but I don't follow the book I just follow my heart then I could see myself on that sort of path but until then it looks like I follow my heart alone. :)

How can one follow our Christ and obey what he has told us, if they don't read up on it? That's what it means to be a "Christian" faithfully obeying and loving our Christ, Jesus.

This is very interesting for you to say.. I agree totally Yahshua is our example. so we obey what he told us.

Yet see that the OT is not Christian. those are old. Yet did not Yahshua lead by example?

What made Yahshua perfect?

Was it not that OT the Law which is the only thing in existence at the time?

I see so many pick and choose what they want from the OT. its what seperates what all the different churches believe. Their is nothing in the NT that is not from the old. Yahshua one thing is not recorded he did and that was animal sacrificing. He did not need to he was perfect yet it is explained in Hebrews very deeply why we don't now. Yahshua was perfect because he kept the law. Period. That's why his sacrifice was enough yet in the Psalms Yahweh even says he did not desire sacrifice.

What I am saying is I agree and how I look at the Bible is if Yahshua did it then I should do it. That's what following an example is.

So why do you say the OT is not relevant? Why do you pick and choose as most people do what u want to believe and do and what you do not from the OT? All churches will say the Tithe is a law / needed yet you will not find the Tithe in the NT

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/23/15 02:21 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 07/23/15 02:23 PM

I will be back later...I don't like the bible I think peoples interpretations are dangerous and confusing. believing in a god is not what's wrong, its the books that people have written and still writing. if someone came to me and said im a Christian but I don't follow the book I just follow my heart then I could see myself on that sort of path but until then it looks like I follow my heart alone. :)

How can one follow our Christ and obey what he has told us, if they don't read up on it? That's what it means to be a "Christian" faithfully obeying and loving our Christ, Jesus.

This is very interesting for you to say.. I agree totally Yahshua is our example. so we obey what he told us.

Yet see that the OT is not Christian. those are old. Yet did not Yahshua lead by example?

What made Yahshua perfect?

Was it not that OT the Law which is the only thing in existence at the time?

I see so many pick and choose what they want from the OT. its what seperates what all the different churches believe. Their is nothing in the NT that is not from the old. Yahshua one thing is not recorded he did and that was animal sacrificing. He did not need to he was perfect yet it is explained in Hebrews very deeply why we don't now. Yahshua was perfect because he kept the law. Period. That's why his sacrifice was enough yet in the Psalms Yahweh even says he did not desire sacrifice.

What I am saying is I agree and how I look at the Bible is if Yahshua did it then I should do it. That's what following an example is.

So why do you say the OT is not relevant? Why do you pick and choose as most people do what u want to believe and do and what you do not from the OT? All churches will say the Tithe is a law / needed yet you will not find the Tithe in the NT

I don't pick and choose what I follow or what is relevant from the OT. There is absolutely nothing directly from the OT that we are still under.. The old testament is only information on "history". It puts things into context for understanding.

Matthew 5:17

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Then he says -

John 19:30

30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Yahshua one thing is not recorded he did and that was animal sacrificing.

"Yahshua" or "Jesus" didn't sacrifice an animal because for the simple fact, who would he sacrifice the animal to? When someone sacrificed an animal, they sacrificed it to Jesus "Lord God" whom created us and everything else, whom was and is today our God. Was he suppose to sacrifice something to himself? And why would he have the need to sacrifice anything in the first place? He never sinned, so he had no forgiveness to find/seek.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 07/23/15 02:44 PM

I will be back later...I don't like the bible I think peoples interpretations are dangerous and confusing. believing in a god is not what's wrong, its the books that people have written and still writing. if someone came to me and said im a Christian but I don't follow the book I just follow my heart then I could see myself on that sort of path but until then it looks like I follow my heart alone. :)

How can one follow our Christ and obey what he has told us, if they don't read up on it? That's what it means to be a "Christian" faithfully obeying and loving our Christ, Jesus.

This is very interesting for you to say.. I agree totally Yahshua is our example. so we obey what he told us.

Yet see that the OT is not Christian. those are old. Yet did not Yahshua lead by example?

What made Yahshua perfect?

Was it not that OT the Law which is the only thing in existence at the time?

I see so many pick and choose what they want from the OT. its what seperates what all the different churches believe. Their is nothing in the NT that is not from the old. Yahshua one thing is not recorded he did and that was animal sacrificing. He did not need to he was perfect yet it is explained in Hebrews very deeply why we don't now. Yahshua was perfect because he kept the law. Period. That's why his sacrifice was enough yet in the Psalms Yahweh even says he did not desire sacrifice.

What I am saying is I agree and how I look at the Bible is if Yahshua did it then I should do it. That's what following an example is.

So why do you say the OT is not relevant? Why do you pick and choose as most people do what u want to believe and do and what you do not from the OT? All churches will say the Tithe is a law / needed yet you will not find the Tithe in the NT

I don't pick and choose what I follow or what is relevant from the OT. There is absolutely nothing directly from the OT that we are still under.. The old testament is only information on "history". It puts things into context for understanding.

Matthew 5:17

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Then he says -

John 19:30

30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Yahshua one thing is not recorded he did and that was animal sacrificing.

"Yahshua" or "Jesus" didn't sacrifice an animal because for the simple fact, who would he sacrifice the animal to? When someone sacrificed an animal, they sacrificed it to Jesus "Lord God" whom created us and everything else, whom was and is today our God. Was he suppose to sacrifice something to himself? And why would he have the need to sacrifice anything in the first place? He never sinned, so he had no forgiveness to find/seek.

you pick and choose. the OT is not just history then the 10 commandments are just history also. read the rest of math. it goes deeper not no its no good and just history. or about till heaven and earth passes away. Yahshua did not speak to himself and he also said none was good but his father in heaven. but that's ok. Rev 11, zech 4, 5 9 isa, ect. all speak of the real meaning of scripture is before Yahshua comes back. remember he only gave 1 sign of his return. the true evangel will be preached and those 2 will be hated by the world. so will we recongonize it or will tradition be in place more than the word of Yahweh like it was the 1st time. but u r in the majority of thinking I believe

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/23/15 02:53 PM

I will be back later...I don't like the bible I think peoples interpretations are dangerous and confusing. believing in a god is not what's wrong, its the books that people have written and still writing. if someone came to me and said im a Christian but I don't follow the book I just follow my heart then I could see myself on that sort of path but until then it looks like I follow my heart alone. :)

How can one follow our Christ and obey what he has told us, if they don't read up on it? That's what it means to be a "Christian" faithfully obeying and loving our Christ, Jesus.

This is very interesting for you to say.. I agree totally Yahshua is our example. so we obey what he told us.

Yet see that the OT is not Christian. those are old. Yet did not Yahshua lead by example?

What made Yahshua perfect?

Was it not that OT the Law which is the only thing in existence at the time?

I see so many pick and choose what they want from the OT. its what seperates what all the different churches believe. Their is nothing in the NT that is not from the old. Yahshua one thing is not recorded he did and that was animal sacrificing. He did not need to he was perfect yet it is explained in Hebrews very deeply why we don't now. Yahshua was perfect because he kept the law. Period. That's why his sacrifice was enough yet in the Psalms Yahweh even says he did not desire sacrifice.

What I am saying is I agree and how I look at the Bible is if Yahshua did it then I should do it. That's what following an example is.

So why do you say the OT is not relevant? Why do you pick and choose as most people do what u want to believe and do and what you do not from the OT? All churches will say the Tithe is a law / needed yet you will not find the Tithe in the NT

I don't pick and choose what I follow or what is relevant from the OT. There is absolutely nothing directly from the OT that we are still under.. The old testament is only information on "history". It puts things into context for understanding.

Matthew 5:17

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Then he says -

John 19:30

30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Yahshua one thing is not recorded he did and that was animal sacrificing.

"Yahshua" or "Jesus" didn't sacrifice an animal because for the simple fact, who would he sacrifice the animal to? When someone sacrificed an animal, they sacrificed it to Jesus "Lord God" whom created us and everything else, whom was and is today our God. Was he suppose to sacrifice something to himself? And why would he have the need to sacrifice anything in the first place? He never sinned, so he had no forgiveness to find/seek.

you pick and choose. the OT is not just history then the 10 commandments are just history also. read the rest of math. it goes deeper not no its no good and just history. or about till heaven and earth passes away. Yahshua did not speak to himself and he also said none was good but his father in heaven. but that's ok. Rev 11, zech 4, 5 9 isa, ect. all speak of the real meaning of scripture is before Yahshua comes back. remember he only gave 1 sign of his return. the true evangel will be preached and those 2 will be hated by the world. so will we recongonize it or will tradition be in place more than the word of Yahweh like it was the 1st time. but u r in the majority of thinking I believe

No, I don't pick and choose thank you very much lol. The OT is just history, and everyone of the 10 commandments were repeated in the NT.

Mainly the only thing that is different from the OT to the NT is forgiveness and or how it is received. The OT was built around "works", the NT is built around "faith".

Rev is not before Jesus returns my friend, rev 11 is speaking of during the tribulation, after he returns.

Nobody knows when Jesus is going to come back, not even an inclination of a possibility.

2 Peter 3:10

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Singlegrl68's photo
Thu 07/23/15 03:19 PM
For the record Coyboy is right. Old testament is history and back when Jesus was before he was born. Also Christrian and non marriage i have seen never worked out cause they believe so differently from what we Christrians believe and some i have seen the marriage crumple and recently because the used the Christrian didnt have a enough faith that our God can beat it. He was dealing with Cancer and Althohol problems. His cancer was generic cancer his family had before and most died from. He stoped believing and gave the attitude Oh well i am gunna die anyways either from the Althohl or the Cancer. My point Non Christrans believe alot Differently than we do and some stop believe because of Lack of fath.

no photo
Thu 07/23/15 07:43 PM
The old testament is just as important as the New, if you ever hope to understand prophesy.

The old testament is just as important as the new if you ever hope to understand the Holy Days, and God's plan for mankind.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 07/24/15 12:22 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Fri 07/24/15 12:24 PM

The old testament is just as important as the New, if you ever hope to understand prophesy.

The old testament is just as important as the new if you ever hope to understand the Holy Days, and God's plan for mankind.

You are right Yahweh's Holy Days are important.. now they say the are old yet man made his own holy days. Zech 14 even speaks of the feast and everyone will have to come or have no rain. Yahweh said he is 1 and changes not. That is a true Elohim who knows the beginning from the end. We pick and choose and make things as we want. That's what the High priest was doing that's why he had to have Yahshua killed. He questioned his authority. But the scriptures prophesy what we r seeing would happen. tradition is more important then the word of Yahweh making of no effect.

Matt 15:3-9

3 He answered and said to them, "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? 4 For God commanded, saying, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.' 5 But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother, "Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God" — 6 then he need not honor his father or mother.' Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition. 7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:

8 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
9 And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"

this was not talking about eating as so many believe/preach

Matt 15:10-11

10 When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, "Hear and understand: 11 Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man."

then he tells his disciples about who loves tradition their fate

Matt 15:12-14

12 Then His disciples came and said to Him, "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?"

13 But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. 14 Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.

this is why we study to show our selves approved. when the Holy Spirit came to all who desired then their studying the Spirit of Yahweh will show them all things. I can not change a mind.. not even my job. just do and obey. that's a song isn't it

mich11111's photo
Tue 08/25/15 04:32 AM

he was a vicar, he came up to me today at the school gates and said I have lovely children, (they are friends with his children) we talked for a bit then he started with the do I go to church, I told him no because I don't believe in god he didn't seem fazed he just smiled and said why. I then said do you really want to know and he said of course. I laughed a little and told him but one of the things I said was how can I follow a god (if he exists) that would allow people to preach hate about people who are gay. again he didn't seem fazed he just looked at me and said god is infallible he would not and will never create a person in his own image and get it wrong. everyone has a reason for being here from the baby that lived for 20 mins to the gay man who lives with his husband to the old woman who has lived a hundred years or more. he made no mistakes with these people. he also said he made no mistake with me. at this I had a couple of tears and then he went on to say he does not and will never preach hate, because that is not what god is about. I asked him (I don't know why) should I go to church?, and this is what he said, no two people should be unequally yoked, and what I mean by that is god does not want someone without hate in their heart to be with someone who has hate in their heart its that simple. he was a very interesting man and he is now a friend of mine.
. Heey!! Wake up!!! You was talking with the devil self. God create everything,idem him. His demon is in the gays body and he must come with a half truth and lie. He use the same tactic like he has done with eve.

no photo
Thu 09/17/15 03:31 AM

he was a vicar, he came up to me today at the school gates and said I have lovely children, (they are friends with his children) we talked for a bit then he started with the do I go to church, I told him no because I don't believe in god he didn't seem fazed he just smiled and said why. I then said do you really want to know and he said of course. I laughed a little and told him but one of the things I said was how can I follow a god (if he exists) that would allow people to preach hate about people who are gay. again he didn't seem fazed he just looked at me and said god is infallible he would not and will never create a person in his own image and get it wrong. everyone has a reason for being here from the baby that lived for 20 mins to the gay man who lives with his husband to the old woman who has lived a hundred years or more. he made no mistakes with these people. he also said he made no mistake with me. at this I had a couple of tears and then he went on to say he does not and will never preach hate, because that is not what god is about. I asked him (I don't know why) should I go to church?, and this is what he said, no two people should be unequally yoked, and what I mean by that is god does not want someone without hate in their heart to be with someone who has hate in their heart its that simple. he was a very interesting man and he is now a friend of mine.

I enjoyed reading this, ty darling for sharing it with us minglers. It is nice isn't it when we cross our lives with such individuals

Jesusmyall's photo
Thu 09/17/15 04:50 AM

The old testament is just as important as the New, if you ever hope to understand prophesy.

The old testament is just as important as the new if you ever hope to understand the Holy Days, and God's plan for mankind.

Yes...ALL scripture is inspired by God (both old and new testament).

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