Topic: No such thing as being a Lady or a Gentleman?
TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 09:55 AM
Edited by TMommy on Tue 06/02/15 09:59 AM
Dats how its done on the 20 year team baby!:thumbsup: now how do you teach that to someone who has bought into psych babble BS that everything is accceptable and its all about whatever makes ya happy in this life and just pleasing yourself

no photo
Tue 06/02/15 09:56 AM
Men and women these days are like mass produced plastic furniture, ladies and gentlemen are like antique hand crafted furniture. Quantity has taken over quality, sex has taken over love.

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:00 AM

Men and women these days are like mass produced plastic furniture, ladies and gentlemen are like antique hand crafted furniture. Quantity has taken over quality, sex has taken over love.

Maybe in your world not mine..
Sex is wonderful but not the end all for my love life.

TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:01 AM
Oooo feeling my country coming out..better put my hat onlaugh

AmeliaKaeRyderz's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:08 AM
Well all I can say is that things are not how they were back in the good old days, there are some gentle men and lady like women today but now a days people now mistaken that for flirting love love love slaphead

Tue 06/02/15 10:09 AM

Estelle stated >>>
Men and women these days are like mass produced plastic furniture, ladies and gentlemen are like antique hand crafted furniture. Quantity has taken over quality, sex has taken over love.

SitkaRains stated >>>
Maybe in your world not mine..
Sex is wonderful but not the end all for my love life.

Love & Lust and all that 'GUSTO' is such an amazing ZEST to our youthful days...but the LUST doesn't last and the heart does grow fonder with the age of the relationship and the sex between to aging couples becomes something that they can recall and snuggle/snicker/giggle about!

But someone's health will make a change in the ability to ENGAGE and if that's all you have sustaining that relationship is the 'SEXUAL' side of it --- then it won't last! No matter how hard one of you WANTS to make it work. That's the TRUTH so it's better to build a relationship on something firm and lasting besides the Sexual aspect of life! IMHO

TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:15 AM
Edited by TMommy on Tue 06/02/15 10:17 AM
Oh but I liked the quality furniture analogy. oooh let me tell ya what I see around here. All these young ins jumping in back seat cars and all over each other right from get is almost like these young girls believe in order to get boyfriend you have to sleep with him right away and then of course end up.getting pregnant and before ya know it

two or three kids later they got all kinds issues going on and not even sure they ever loved each other

Tue 06/02/15 10:29 AM
Tmommy stated >>>
Oh but I liked the quality furniture analogy. oooh let me tell ya what I see around here. All these young ins jumping in back seat cars and all over each other right from get is almost like these young girls believe in order to get boyfriend you have to sleep with him right away

And as a mother of a 'SON'...there was nothing that SCARED the B--Geezers out of me more than those little cretins that were calling the house - dropping my our business - calling his phone all hours of the night --- when he was in the 8th grade! do mothers of sons warn them about the young girls that are only too willing/able to give them a 'free ride' when they've not felt any PRIDE/HONOR or VALUE about themselves and think that offering themselves to every boy that they seek is the way to get attention!

OMG --- I never want to re-live those days - EVER! I was shocked and scared; one of my son's classmates was already a DADDY by the end of his 8th grade year shocked Babies having Babies and young girls giving it away and all of them contracting STD's like it was 'THE IN THING TO DO!!!'

I don't know - we kept my son and his friends busy working - worn out and exhausted; kept an area in the mowing shed for their parties {supervised sans the beer} for dancing or games and it was a place that they could hang out and just be teenagers! We'd BBQ on Friday nights after all the commercial mowing jobs were done and most of those mowing boys would invite their parents over and we have a pot luck and we'd just talk & play cards and a few beers might be drank but no one got drunk! Not to say that I/we didn't have our issues with my sons grades and his lack of attention to detail --- but on the whole he grew up to be a good kid with a huge heart and for the most part his group of co-workers and friends have all gone onto be responsible good adults and parents.

TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:47 AM
Haahaa my oldest was in football which kept him pretty busy but those girls would fawn all over the football players..whew he would bring on around once in awhile for dinner at house and ask me later"ma whatcha think" dumb as box rock was my usual answer or typical smalltown gold digger trying to get her claws in my son

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:50 AM

Think that ideas of gender roles have definitely been much so that a guy doesn't know if holding door is gonna get him a thank you or a dirty look

I think that is so true. Sad but true.

Sadly some of the men that hold doors open do not do it from good manners but for and opening to charge forward to get beyond a simple obligation to say thank you. They ultimately fall on their own sword.

Granted good manners do act as a catalyst to inspire a lady to interact but it is not a given. What is a given is when a man distinguishes himself as a gentleman that reputation proceeds him and that definitely does help his odds.

Example. Yesterday while shopping in one of my favorite neighborhoods. A younger driver stopped and allowed me to pass rather than letting a long line of traffic keep me stranded at an unlighted intersection. I hurried across. Waved a thank you (in sign language) and went into my favorite sandwich shop. He went down further to the drive way and followed me in standing a comfortable distance and remarked how nice it was to be thanked. Asking did I hear the traffic. And I said oh yes college friends taught me to sign on a limited basis. He said he know some from a deaf family member. Then a very cute clerk commented her sister uses sign. When I left they were having a nice conversation and if I was a betting woman I would say he quite likely exchanged cell numbers. Good Karma lol

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:53 AM

What do you mean fell out? She fell off bus?

No as she stepped off the bus she had a seizure right there in the street. Instead of resting in the hot bus and paying attention to her high risk condition being pregnant she was pushing her luck and paid dearly for it.

TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 10:57 AM
Good manners are most definitely a way to get foot in door so to speak but it depends on lady and if she is observant or receptive

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:01 AM

RF my grandparents on both sides made it til death do us part but for some reason when the 70's came along most my aunts/uncles and my parents got divorced..must of been the 'in' thingspock

Well years ago everyone had big family's. Certainly here in the UK anyway.
It was a common joke amongst people that the reason for the huge family's was because there was no TV back then.
Could the emergence of TV,s have anything to do with it.

A long shot I know, but then so was an apple falling on Newtons head. ohwell

Well one of the most common "prescriptions" I gave in counseling was to take the TV out of the bedroom and to Turn it off during meal time. Surprising how communication and affection take and up-ticket.

regularfeller's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:10 AM
:laughing: People are just mad at everything in their lives and just try and take it out on an easy target...and who better than a KIND person to make the victim of your wrath?

Another angry, bitter, ogre might fight you!

And I think what Estelle meant by the sex vs love remark is that people have replaced love with sex as the main priority of their relationships.

She is correct. It has become vogue to be the most promiscuous, scantily clad, most sought after for the purpose of copulation, individual you can while simultaneously being seen as the biggest, hard azz, jerky, "B" there is.

It ain't just the women this applies to either.

Neither gender cares anything about a lady or a gentleman. What's a "ho" gonna do with a gentleman? What's a "dawg" gonna do with a lady?

TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:15 AM
I would tend to agree and it seems to be a contest on who can out do each other in being that way

regularfeller's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:30 AM
You may not know this about me but I smile a lot AND I look people in the eye as I pass by them and say "hi". Many people scowl at me and ask, "are you high or something", yep, that rude...I just snort a laugh and reply, "nope, just happy". But there are those gems that undergo an immediate change in countenance from the simple fact that they have been noticed or acknowledged.

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy way down deep inside to know that, no matter how grotesque or misshapen I am, I can lighten someone's "heart", even for just a moment, with a simple pleasantry.

no1phD's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:37 AM
.. I am totally a gentleman... . seriously I am..
.. I open doors.. I let little old ladies cut in front of me in the q...ok.. And the hot ones as well..:wink: ..
.... I have great table manners..
..... I never burp or pass gas in
.... and I'm always saying to my date..
Noo.. I insist you go first......
Ok.. more like you come first...
. in everything...:wink: .....ok.. I DID SAY IN MY OFF-LINE WORLD..YES..LLL

TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:42 AM
I'm just gonna throw this in here as an aside since its my thread: when I was preggers with number one son I gained 60 pounds. doc asked what I was eating I said whoppers and brownies of course. Hubs gained 100 pounds. thru course of our marriage we both struggled with our weight and eating habits. He was over 400 pounds at his heaviest once upon time. physical attraction was there in beginning when we met in college but took hell of lot more than that for us to stick it out for so long

TMommy's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:44 AM
RF I think that's a wonderful thing to do to brighten someone's day and my good doctor..I suspected as much about youhappy

regularfeller's photo
Tue 06/02/15 11:47 AM
Edited by regularfeller on Tue 06/02/15 11:48 AM
bigsmile I had an "attractive" physique years ago!

Maybe if I wear all black and you squint we can trick your mind!

Still need those elevator shoes though! Bummer!